Social Science
470 Current Topics in Psychology (3) Reading, research and discussion of selected topics in the field of psychol ogy. Prerequisite: consent. 480 Research in Psychology (1-3) Research activity consisting of assisting doctoral leve l research und er the supervision of the primary researcher or self-directed research under the supervision of the professor of record. Prerequisites: 210 and consent. Either semester. Note: The following graduate level courses may be taken iJy senior psychology majors with consent. of the departnumlal chair. for course description see Rosemead section of catalog. 502 Advanced Statistics (3) 515 Personality and Psychopathology I (3) 530 History and Systems of Psychology (3)
social changes, identity fonnation, behav ior and moral development Discussion will include timelyissues of personal rele vance to the college student's own deve~ opment as an emerging young adu lt. Fall semester, alternating years. 405 Social Psychology (3) Analysis of social behavior, including social cognition, attitude fonnation and change, conformity, prejudice, group processes , etc. Both theory and research findings will be examined. Prerequisite: 305. Spring semester. 410 Motivation (3) Physiological , psychological and social bases of motivation. Topics include dr ives, obesi ty, sexual motivation, need for achievement and aggression. 411 Theories of Personality (3) An overview of personality theories including the primary representatives of the major schools: analytic or dynamic, humanistic-existential and behavioral. 412 Physiological Psychology (3) A study of the physiological bases of behavior including neural, sensory, motor and chemical aspects with an emphasis on appli cation to human rather than animal process. (Biology 311 Neurobiology may be taken as an al ternative to this course.) Prerequisite: Biology 100 or 111. Fall semester. 414 Readings in Psychology (1-3) Reading and bi-weekly discussion with professor of record in a topic of the stu dent's choosing. The student is expected to work out, with the profes sor's supervision , a detailed course pro posal and bibliographyand submit with a Leaming Contract fonn available from the deparunental office. Prerequi si te: upper division status. Either semester. 418 Seminar in Therapeutic Techniques (3) Emphasis on co re faci li tat ion skill s. Supportive, re-educat ive and recon structive therapi es considered. Per sonal growth activities incorporated. Prerequisite: consent. 426 Seminar in Group Process (3) Techniques for forming groups, ana lyzing processes, leadership fac ilita tors , measurement of behavior and methods of stabilizing gains over time. Prerequisite: consent. 450 Directed Field Work In Psychology (1-3) Supervised expe ri ence in men tal hea lth, educational, co rrectional or related facili ty. Open only to upper division students. Prerequisites: 306, 309 and consent. Either semester.
Chair: Dietrich Buss, Ph.D. OBJECTIVES
History, Political Science, or Sociology, three units of which must be the disci pline's research course (H istory 480, Politi cal Science 470, or Sociology 443). In addition to the concenm1tion, Political Science 200 and another three unit upper division Poli tical Science course are required. The appropriate research course to be determined in consultation 111th the academic ad11sor. Public Sector Employment Preparation Sn,dents imerested in public service at the municipal, county, state or fed- eral level are advised to take a concen- tration in political science. The I5-unit concentration should include Political Science 200, and Public Administration 301, 306, 470, and 488. Internship in Public Administration should be taken In the public sector. For advisement see the Poli tical Science Deparunent. Social Science California Secondary Teaching Credential The History Department in coop eration with the Education Depart ment provides a seconda11• teaching program in Social Science. The cur rent program expires on January I, 1995, and a new program will be sub mitted for approval. See the History Department for specific detai ls. •
The social science major is an inter departmental program offered by the departments of history, political science and sociology. Upon completion of the social science major, it is intended that the student wi ll have a wider perspeccive on the nature of man ; recognize that his present perspective is based on the expe riences of history; be aware that value sys tems have definite implications for soci ety as a whole; be able to think analyti cally and develop an understanding of, and a commitment to, Ch1istian values; have an aw·,1reness of his own social and political responsibilities; have an appreci ation for the worth of a free society, and be prepared for graduate study or career opportunities in education, law, the ser vice professions, research, business, gov ernment or Christian service. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Sci ence is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requ ireme nts. The socia l science major requires completion of 31 units, 24 of which must be upper division. Wi thi n the major, the student must choose a concentration of 18 units in
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