

Though there may be many fillings of the Holy Spirit, there is only one baptism which occurs at the time of regen­ eration. Cod gives His gifts to His people in His sovereignty and not on demand. The charismatic manifestations (e.g., tongues and healing) had special sign ificance during the rev­ elatory period of the New Testament apostolic era and are not at all a necessary special work of the HolySpirit today. The Bible is clear in its teaching on the sanctity of human life. Life begins at conception. We abhor the destruction of innocent life through abortion-on-demand. Confession before men is viewed as tangible fruit of salva­ tion and not as a qualifying condition for salvation. Biola University does not necessarily deny employment to persons merely for lack of firm personal convictions on any teaching position in these explanatory notes. However, Biola Un iversity does weigh carefully the understanding and per­ sonal convictions of employment applicants on these points as we ll as the nature of their prospective work assignments, in determining their suitabi li ty for employment. TEACHING BIBLICAL STUDIES Academic study of the sacred Scripture differs from other disciplines in a university setting in that the primary text is God's Word, which underscores the importance of making instruction relevant to faith, learning and living. At Biola every effort is made to be academically credible, theologically orthodox and practically relevant. Whether engaged in a critical discussion of the text, or a theological debate about a particular doctrine, the discussion must finally come to the meaning for life today. Though faculty members in this department share a commit­ ment to the convictions reflected in the University doctrinal state­ ment, they reflect a healthy diversity regarding other contempo­ rary issues and interpretation of specific passages. Whether a divergent view is held byothers on campus or not, care is taken to represent opposing positions fairly, so that students can decide for themselves in a genuine educational environment. In practice, the task of teaching biblical studies is not lim­ ited to those within that department. Rather, the integration of Christian thought into all fields of inquiry is the goal of the entire teaching faculty. In this sense it is desired that every course contribute to the development of a Christian worldviewfor the Biola graduate. THE COMMUNITY OF LA MIRADA The city of La Mirada is in Los Angeles County, 22 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles, and is surrounded by such cities as Whittier, Norwalk, Buena Park, La Habra and Fullerton. La Mirada is a suburban residential communi ty with a population of 40,000. Included within the vicinity are several major shopping areas in addi tion to manyother business establishments. La Mirada is situated near many of the outstanding attrac­ tions of Southern California. Downtown Los Angeles is a half­ hour's drive from the campus. Disneyland is 12 miles to the southeast and famed Knott 's Berry Farm is six miles away. Within an hour 's drive are such popular beach cities as Long Beach, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. Recreational facilities are easily accessible. An 18-hole golf course lies a mile east of the campus and other parks in

the area offer opportunity for activities and relaxation. An hour's drive will take one into the nearby mountains where winter sports are available. Cultural and research opportunities abound in the area. Several major universities and libraries are within easy dri- 1~ng distance of La Mirada including the University of Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles.; the University of Southern California; the University of California, Irvine; and several other state and private institutions. THE BIOLA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS The campus is bounded on the west by Biola Avenue and on the east by La Mirada Boulevard. It is located between the large east-west thoroughfares of Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway. Approximately three mi les to the south­ west is the Santa Ana Freeway (Freeway 1-5). Students coming to the campus by automobile should follow these directions: coming from the northwest, leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Rosecrans and travel east to Biola Avenue; coming from the southeast, leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Va lley View and travel north to Rosecrans, then turn right to Biola Avenue; coming from the east via San Bernardino Freeway (I 0) turn south on the Orange Freeway (57) to Imperial Highway and travel west on Imperial High­ way lo Biola Avenue. The campus consists of 95 acres with 700,000 square feet of building space in 30 major buildings. Just under half of the space is dedicated to seven student residence complexes, housing nearly 1,500 students in a fine variety of living quarters. The rest of the buildings house classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, offices and students services. Highlights of the buildings include Soubirou Hall , containing speciali zed classrooms for nursing instruction, along with nursing department faculty offices; Lan&­ ing Auditorium, a 450-seat concert hall with a fine pipe organ and excellent acoustics; the Rose of Sharon Chapel, a small chapel exclusively reserved for silent prayer and meditation; and a gym­ nasium-swimming complex with a short-<:ourse Olympic pool. On the eastern side of the campus lie the athletic fi elds. Included are a crushed-brick, quarter-mi le track; an excel­ lent baseball diamond; a soccer field ; and lighted tennis courts. Additional recreation facilities are located in the 105- acre La Mirada Regional Park, just across La Mirada Boule­ vard from the Biola campus. The Southwest corner of the campus consists of a 20-acre, former intermediate school recently purchased by Biola. This has added 58,000 square feet of classroom and office space, as well as over 10 acres of athletic fields ava il able for Biola 's ex tensive intramural programand for informal recreation. During the 1989/ 90 school year, several additions to the cam­ pus were completed. Athree-building residential complex serves as undergraduate housing in a residence hall and graduate and married housing in apartment-style living. The Student Union Building has been expanded, and the Bookstore has been replaced by a new, larger building. Anew energy-efficient Cen­ tral Plant for heating, cooling, and cogeneration is now complete. The plant provides a cost efficient means of air conditioning our older classrooms and residential buildings.

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