




Chair: George M. Nishida, Ph .D. FACULTY Professor: Nishida Assistant Professor: Flory OBJECTIVES The sociology major is designed to acquaint the student with the prin­ cipal problems and issues in sociology; to teach appli cation of knowledge to occupations and professions and to prepare for further graduate study. Upon completion of the major in sociology, the student should be able to identify the foremost individuals, their work and major ideas of any given period of the development of social thought; use in a meaningful way the terminology of sociology and other social sciences so as to evaluate the content of learned periodicals and converse with others in the related fields; feel a deep personal concern for human need ·due to a sys­ tematic exposure to the pressing social dilemmas that face us daily; appreciate the relevance of sociological insight to the Christian who would be aware, car­ ing, progressive and productive; clarify the basic tensions between sociology and theology (both actual and imagined); defend the study of sociology as a desir­ able Christian liberal arts major and as a necessary prerequisite for awide range of professional fields; develop a rather well­ defined personal theoretical orientation in terms of past as well as existing social theory; participate with social and reli­ gious agencies on a paraprofessional level through direct involvement in social work, correctional work, rehabilitation, hotline service or counsel ing; formulate sound critical judgment of current social research; conduct independent study or research and produce scholarly results; and proceed to graduate school with a competitive undergraduate background of prepara ti on for both professional Christian ministries and work in govern­ ment agencies dealing with probation , welfare, police protection and other pub­ lic services in sociology and related fields. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelnr ofArts degreein Sociowgy is offered upon completion of the univer­ sity baccalaureate and major require­ ment. The socio logy major requires the completion of 30 units, 24 of which must be upper division, including 220, 441, 442, 443 and 444. In add iti on, Psychology 210 is required as a sup­ porting course.

344 Sociology of Education (3) Education as a social process and social institution ; the relationship between education and other social institutions, between education and soc iology; analysis of the social functions of edu­ cation and the socialization process, the school and the commun ity, the school as a social institution. 346 Urban Sociology (3) The urban communi ty and urban iza­ tion; its growth , institutions, values and problems; scientific study of pop­ ul ation from the spatial pattern ing and mobility viewpo int ; effect of urbanization upon institutions; social relations and national economy. 348 Social Change and Development (3) Sources and consequences of change in society: classical and contemporary theo­ ries of social change and interpretation of social trends; historical, economic, political and soc ial factors shaping national and international development; the dynamics of planned and unplanned change and the effect on politics, eco­ nomics, religion, culture and society. 351 Collective Behavior (3) An analysis of the nature , elements, and theories of collective behavior: crowd behavior, mass contagion, civil disorder and collective violence, disas­ ter behavior and panic, diffuse coll ec­ tives, behavior in publi c places and

402 Sociology of Religion (3) Analysis of religious practices that affect society and social factors that affect re ligious practices; Christian and non-Christian beliefs and institutions. 441 Development of Social Thought (3) Ou tstanding social thinkers to th e 19th century; ideas of men compared and contrasted within the various soci­ eties as background to the deve lop­ ment of con temporary soc iological theory. Prerequisites: Psychology 210 442 Contemporary Sociological Theory (3) Survey of sociological theory with emphasis on 20th century contribu­ tions; status of sociological inquiry and theOI)'; relationship of sociology to such allied fields as anthropology, psychol­ ogy, economics, education and political science. Prerequisites: Sociology 441. 443 Methods of Sociological Research I (3) Survey and evaluation of methods of planning, coll ecting, classifying and analyzing social res earch data. Detailed study of the scientific method of inquiry, introduction to the use of experimental designs in sociological research. Prerequisites: Psychology 2 IO; I 8 units of sociology. 444 Methods of Sociological Research II (3) A continua ti on of the Methods of Sociological Research I course where the student wi ll be involved in plan­ ning and cond ucting a minor research project. Prerequisites: Psy­ chology 210 ; 18 units of sociology,

A Sociolngy Minor is offered wi th the completion of 18 units of sociology of which 15 must be upper division courses. COURSES 220 Sociology (3) Sociological concep ts with emphasis on group li fe, culture , socializa ti on, social institutions, social processes and change. Theoretical as we ll as practi­ cal application of interaction and its

effect on individuals in groups. 320 Marriage and the Family (3)

Prepa rat ion for marriage through proper mate selection process; bene­ fits, challenges and problems of the marital dyad; economic, legal, physical, sexual, social, psychological and spiri­ tua l areas of analysis of American courtship and marriage patterns; Chris­ tian and non-Christian perspectives. 330 Juvenile Delinquency (3) Character, extent and cause of juve­ nile delinquency; both personal and environmental. Past and current the­ ories of youth crime; modern meth­ ods of inca rce ration , control and treatmen t. Changing response of the laws, police, courts and the public. 333 Criminology (3) Social and psychological factors in criminal behavior; criminal law and criminal justice; prevention and con­ trol; trends in theory and correctional procedures, probation, parole. 335 Deviant Behavior (3) Theoretical orientations to social as we ll as personal disorganization that result from the ro le confli ct, social confli ct, norml essness or alienation ; individual and social deviance that relates to group processes and struc­ tures will be presented and discussed. 340 Political Sociology (3) Analysis of the social processes of poli­ tics and government; including democ­ racy, totalitarianism, socialism, fascism , Marxism, communism, conservatism and liberalism. Power authority and voting behavior of social groups, issues and influences on political processes in the Uni ted States 1vill be stressed. 342 Ethnic and Minority Groups (3) Analysis of ethnic, racial and cultural minorities in the U.S. and se lected world cultures and societies through use of basic concepts of race, racism, prejudice, discrimination , stereotypes; theoretical as well as practical applica­ tion of concepts and effects on selected minority-majority relat ionships and racial , ethnic and cultural groups.

selected social movements. 355 Medical Sociology (3)

Sociological description and analysis of the health and medical institutions; cul­ tural factors in conceptions of disease, health and the heal ing profession. Social structure and the role of personnel in medical facilities; relation of illness to income, housing, occupation, place of res­ idence and other socio-economic factors. 362 Social Problems (3) Major problems of soc ial maladjust­ ment from th e viewpo int of the underlying processes of indi vidua l and soc ial disorganization ; deviant behavior, such as mental disorders, crime and delinquency, suicide, drug and alcohol addiction; social disorga­ nization , such as popu lation prob­ lems, family, poverty and war. 367 Field Instruction (3) Opportunity to integrate classroom learn­ ing with actual on-thejob training in a social work agency. Variety of available age ncy settings with placement based upon interest and academic background.

including Sociology 443. 460 Topics in Sociology (3)

Variable offering to include a critical analysis of selected topics such as Women , the Church and Society; Soci­ ology of Culture: Modernity, Morality and Society; The Church, Community and Society. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Issues in the contemporary world addressed from an in terdisciplinary social science and biblical perspective. Prerequisite: Sen ior standing. 470 Independent Study (1 -3) Prerequisite: senior status with sociol­ ogy major and pri or to registration , consent of a professor to act as sponsor. The student must have the ability to assume responsibility for independent work and to prepare written and oral reports. Project selected in conference with faculty sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly.

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