

General Studies

School of Continuing Studies

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OBJECTIVES GNRC 300 Writing Competency Requirement (0) To provide students the opportuBefore graduation eve ry student is nity LO learn, exercise and refine ski lls required to fulfill the Writing Compe­ LO enhance their chances for a successtency Requirement. This requirement ful col lege experience. To stimulate measures a swdent 's ability to write personal awareness and responsibility clear and correct English prose; it also in the learning experience enhancing tests whether a student ca n write each student 's ownership of his/ her according to the conventions of his or education. Specifically, the courses will her field of study. facil itate student growth in: I) broadly Each deparrrnent offers its own vari­ educating in the ans and sciences; 2) ant of the requirement, and students providing fundamental skills neceSSaI)' must fulfill the requirement given in for competence in a major; 3) increastheir majors. Usua ll y, a department ing kn owledge in bibl ical sLUdies by offers its Writing Competency Require­ integrating fa ith and learning.

Dean: Edward H. Norman , Ed.D.

A supplementary publication pro­ vides more detail ed in format ion on this program. For more in formation,

DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM The School of Continuing Studies offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership (BOLD) designed for the working adult who

contact the BOLD Office.


A Rachel.or of Science degree in Orga­ plans Lo complete his or her undergradunizational Leadership is offered upon ate degree. BOLD is an acronym for the completion of the university bac­ Biola Organizational Leadership Degree. ca laureate requirements and the The degree in Organizational LeaderOrganizational Leadership major. ship is an interdisciplinary major includADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ing the fields of Business, Communica­ tion, Psychology and Biblical Studies. An applicant to the Organizational Leadership program must be at least 25 DEPARTMENT OF INTERNA· years of age and have 60 semester hours TIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION of 1ransferable college credit from accred­ The Department of International ited institutions before beginning the Student Education (OISE) under the BOLD Program. These units can include Schoolof Continuing Studies offers College Level Examinations Program programs related to ed ucati on of (CLEP) and Advanced Placement (AP) international students. For this purunits. An application form must be com­ pose , OISE presently provides the pleted and the application fee paid. The English Language Studies Program completion of references and official (ELSP) and the International Student


ment as part of one or more of its upper­ division courses. Students should consult 111th their advisors about the specifi cs of the requirement in their majors. pleted in the junior year. It is advis­ able to discuss the requirement with one's advisor prior LO thejunior year. Afte r a student has fulfilled the


GNLA 001 College Study Skills (0) Instruction in effective study techThe requirement should be com­ niques and reading skills. Emphasis

on the incorporation of skills with cur­

rent academicwork.

GNUL 100 University Life (1)

requirement, credit will be registered An introduction to basic issues conon the student's rranscript. Astudent fronting first time university students. who does not complete the requ ire­ Topics include: rransition s1rategies, skills ment must re-attempt to fu lfill it dur­ necessary for academic and personal sucing a subsequent semester. After twice cess, and exposure to communi ty service failing to fulfill the Writing Compe­ and career exploration activities. Instructency Requirement in the major, the tion by academic advisors. Required of student will be required to complete all first time students during the first English 210 (Writing fo r Competency) semester at Biola. Not counted toward before graduation. Successfully com­ total number of uni ts to graduate. pleting English 210 will be considered GNUL 101 Introduction to Career a fu lfillment of the Writing Compe­ Planning (1-2) tency Requirement for graduation.

transcripts from each institution previ­ ously attended must be sent lo theSchool of ContinuingStudies, Biola University.

Exchange Program (!SEP).



The English Language Studies Pro­

Graduation with the Bachelor of

gram at!Iaets Christian students from all countries of the world. The English LanScience (B.S.) degree from Biola Uni­ versity with a major in Organizational guage Studies is an intensive English pro­ gram designed to develop students' proLeadersh ip is dependent upon satis­ factory completion of the following: ficiency in the English language and to A. A minimum of 120 semester help themachieve their degree at Biola. units of credit for graduation. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT B. The completion of the Biola EXCHANGE PROGRAM Organizational Leadership (BOLD) program at Biola University. The Internatio nal Stud ent C. A "C" average (or a 2.00 Exchange Program (ISEP) is designed G.P.A.) or above is required on all to provide Biola Students with the work taken at Biola University and opportunity Lo study al a Chri stian within the major field. university overseas. See Special Stud­ D. The completion of the general ies section of the catalog. education requirements including: Writing Competency. met by com­ DEGREE COMPLETION pletion of the written version of the PROGRAM Sen ior Project; Director: Don Wi llett, M.A.; M.Div. Communicat ion.. Compl etion of competency in oral presentation/ com­ OBJECTIVES munication as evidenced by course or Credit for Prior Leaming (CPL); Bi ola Uni ve rsity, through the School of Continuing Studies, offers a Composi tion Competency. in th e English language as evidenced by six major in Organizational Leadershi p units of course work and/ or CPL.

Understanding of the world of work and an individual 's place in it. Emphasis on a biblical perspective of work, under­ standing of self as it relates to career opportunities and how to successfully pursue them. Not counted toward total number of units to graduate.

to adul t students who are returning LO complete their undergraduate degree. The BOLD major offers students

Two of the requirements in the fol­

lowing three areas maybe met by courses upper-division course work designed espein th e BOLD program. The three ciallyfor adults who wish to earn a degree required areas may also be met bycourse while working full time. Course work is work at other institutionsand/ or CPL: aimed at development of skills in human ■ Philosophy- 3 units relations and management LOwork more ■ Behavioral Science - 3 units effectively as managers and in other roles. ■ Math/ Science - 3 of 8 units

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