101A Listening/Pronunciation (3) Understanding and fo llowing instruc tions, initiating and sustaining social conversations,recognizing formal and informal English patterns, and taking notes from simu lated academic lec tures. Specific pronunciation prob lems will be addressed. 101BReading/Writing (6) Continued practice using a monolin gual English dictionary and skills cov ered in ELS.J0IA. Summarizing, rec ognizing facts, inferences , conclu sions, deductions and paraphrasing will be introduced. Writing detailed paragraph composition: descrip tive , comparison / contrast , cause/ effec t and developing writing strategies. 101CGrammar/Oral (3) Review of structures in ELI IO0C and contrast of tenses 1vill be emphasized. 1010 Survival Skills (2) For non-native speake rs desiring to adjust to li fe in the United States. Topics are simi lar to !00D but 1vith a broader range of commun icatio n skills added. 101ETOEFL (2) For non-native speakers desiring prac tice to pass the TOEFL examination. 101 English Bible (2) For the advanced ELSP students as a preparatory course for Biblical stud ies. Since thirty units of Biblical stud ies must be included in the program of each Biola student, this course will be very helpful to international stu dents. It will cover Biblical vocabu lary, Biblical idi oms, and pronuncia tion of names and places of the Bible. Further practice in reading and oral commun ication. 102A Listening/Pronunciation (3) Practice in understanding and fo llow ing detailed oral instructions, ini tiat ing and sustaining social conversation, giving informati on, expressing opin ions and ideas accurately, and taking notes from academic lectures. Stress, rhythm and in tonation wi ll also be practiced. 1028 Reading/Writing (6) Continued practice of 101B and read in g and understanding academ ic material. Taking notes, paraphrasing, writ ing compositi ons and wri ting a short academic research paper. 102C Grammar/Oral (3) Review of all grammar structures in oral and written form.
units 1vill satisfy the foreign language requirement and an additional eight units can be counted as electives.
102D Effective Communication (2) For non-native speakers desiring to improve their communi cation skills . Activities include role plays of situa tions encountered on campus, acade mic and informal presentations, and discussion of aspects of culture that affect communication. 103 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Paragraph Development and Grammar Review (4) Intensive grammar review, note-taking ski ll s and paragraph deve lopment. Emphasis on pre-writing, outlining, unity, summarizing, and mechanics of composi tion. This course will be required for all sn1dents whose native language is other than English and whose English Place ment Test demonstrates need of th ese ski ll s. Must be taken during the first semester of residence, unless placed into another class. Fee: $25. 105 English For the Non-Native Speaker: Oral Skills (3) Emphasis on listening skills, pronunci ation , intonation, and conversational strategies. Weekly interviews and fi eld work will be required of all students whose native language is other than English and whose English Placement Test demonstrates need of these skills. Must be taken during the first semes ter of residence. Prerequisite: depart ment placement. 107 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Essay and Academic Writing (3) Studies in essay organ iza ti on and development and critical reading. This course will be required of all stu dents whose native language is other than English and whose English Place ment Test demonstrates need of these skill s. Must be taken du rin g the semester one is placed in the course. Prerequisite: English I03 or depart ment placement. A"passing" score on the Engli sh Department essay must be achieved before taking English 11 0A. English 110A must be taken in the semester immediately following suc cessful completion of 107. Fee: $25.
All non-native Engli sh speaking stu dents who pursue degrees at Biola must take the Biola English Placement Exam (BEPE). Based upon the result of the tes t, students will be placed into the appropriate English Language classes . Students whose test scores are in the lower levels will take English classes only in ELSP, but they may move to higher levels after achieving satisfactory competence in the English language. Students who are placed in middle or higher levels may take other degree courses along 1vi th the English courses with permission of the ELS program advisor. While working through the program, students can continue to pur sue Biola Un iversity degrees without taking the TOEFL exam. ACADEMIC PROGRESS The academic standard for making good progress in the ELS program is a 3.0 (B) in each class. Any sn1dent fal ling below that standard will receive a grade of NC and will have to repeat that class. Those students given permission to take coursework outside the ELS program wh ile taking ELSP classes, must meet the minimum academic standards for the coursework to count in the degree program. CURRICULUM The ELS program is taught at six levels beginni ng at the I00 level. Stu dents at the lowest level are expected to complete the basic language train ing in three semesters. However, this is not assured since students achi eve col lege-level proficiency at different rates of time. Exit criteria from one level to another 1vill depend on objectives met at that level and final exams. Students at the 100-102 levels must take all courses A-D concurrently. These are : Listening/ Pronunciation (3 units), Read ing/ Writing (6 units), Gram mar/ Oral (3 uni ts), and one or two electives such as Survival Ski lls (2 units) and TOEFL Preparation (2 units). In addition, English Bible (2 units) fo r the advanced student is offered as a preparatory course for Biblical Sn1dies. All non-native speakers of English will be able to count I2 units of ELSP instruction (from the 102 level and above) toward graduat ion. For stu dents pursuing the B.A. degree , the I2 units of ELSP will satisfy the for eign language requirement. For stu dents pursuing the B.S. degree, four
Anew, fully equipped language cen ter is available to ELSP students. The lab is supplied 1vith taped materials, audio equipment, and computer software to help students improve their listening skills and enhance their pronunciation. A trained supervisor teaches basic com puter literacy and word processing. CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS ELS students are encouraged to attend classes in the School of lntercul tural Studies and School ofTheology as "Educational Observers." As such, they wi ll not be enro ll ed as an audit or credit student and will not receive acad emic credit. Observation visits are to expose tl1e ELS students to acn1al class room con texts in order to assist them in developing essential academic sk ills such as active listening and note taking. HOUSING Biola 's on-campus housing offers a variety of living arrangements for international students. All students living on campus wi ll participate in a meal service plan. COURSES 1ODA Listening/Pronunciation (3) For non-native speakers 1vith no or very little proficiency in the English language. Focus is on understanding spoken Eng lish, producing the sounds of the English language and carrying on a simple con versation 1vith a native speaker. 1008 Reading/Writing (6) Practice in using a monolingual Eng lish dictionary, reading and fo llowing written directions, scanning and skim min g, recogn izing the main idea usin g con tex t clues to arrive at the meaning of unknown words and mak ing in ferences. Sentence and para graph development is emphasized. 100C Grammar/Speaking (3) Oral and written practice of grammat ical structures at the beginning level. 1ODD Survival Skills (2) Students part icipate in simul at ion s concern ing topics that will help tl1em ge t along in the United States such as building friendships, shopping, using the te lephone, go ing to the doctor, participating in social events, etc.
109 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Writing Workshop (3)
Individualized instruction in essay organ ization and coherence, wi th spe cial attention to pers iste nt errors. Credit for English 109 is con tingent on passing the English department essay test, which is administered at the end of each semester. Prerequisite: I07 or department placement. Fee: $25.
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