Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty: Michael J. Wilkins, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Curtis, Dirks, Finley, Hollo man, Kurtanek, Moreland , Pierce, Rigsby, Saucy, Wi lkins Associate Professors: Anthony, Arnold, Bechtle, Dollar, Flory, Gomes, Hutchison,Johnson, Luter, McI ntosh, Mohline, Rae, Russell , Stevens Assistant Professors: Arnold, Boersma, Cunningham, Garland, Leyda, Ten Elshof Instructor: Stratton Administrative Associate: Dennis Gaines OBJECTIVES The purpose of Biola University, in a broad perspective, is to educate Christian men and women in order to produce graduates who are: I) compe tent in their fie ld of study; 2) knowl edgeable in biblical studies; 3) earnest Christians equipped to serve the Chris tian commun ity and society at large. Both the nature and the purpose of Talbot School of Theology are elabo rated more specifically in the following paragraph s, and further expanded at various places throughout the catalog as noted under each heading. Theologically Talbot School ofTheology is inter denominational by nature and is thor oughly committed to the proclamation of the great historic doctrines of the Christian church. It defini tely and posi tively affirms historic orthodoxy in the framework of an evangelical and pre millennial theology wh ich is derived from a grammatico-historical interpre tation of the Bible, it earnestly endeav ors to make these great doctrinal truths a vital reality in the spiritual life of this present generation. The seminary aims to train students who believe and prop agate the great doctrines of the faith as they are summarized in our Statement of Doctrine and teaching position. Spiritually It is the purpose of Talbot LO develop in the lives of its students a spiritual life which is in harmony 1vith the great doctrines taught, in order that they may grow in the grace as well as in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Specifically, the goal is to educa te and graduate stu dents characterized by practical Chris-
tian service, missionary and evangelis tic zeal and an adequate knowledge of the Scrip tures. To accomplish these obj ec ti ves the seminary conducts a chapel program and gives attention to its students ' service opportunities. Academically It is the purpose of the seminary to provide its students with the best in theo logical education in order that they may be equipped intelligently to preach and teach the Word of God and present it zealously to the world. In keeping with this goal, every department is geared to emphasize the clear and accurate exposi tion of the Scriptures. The biblical lan guages are utilized to expose the inner meaning of the inspired text, Bible expo sition, whether by syn tl1 esis or analysis, presents a connected and related inter pretation of the infallible Book. Sy.;tem atic theology moves toward a well orga nized and structured arrangement ofbii). lical truth. Histori cal theology engages itself to acquaint the student with the progress of the inerrant Word among the household of faith tl1roughout the Christ ian era. Philosophy of religion furnish es the elements whereby the servant of Christ may give a well-marshalled reason for the faith that iswithin. Missions, prac tical tl1eology, and Cluistian education strive to perfect in tl1e student a skillful and winsome presentation of the truth , privatelyand publicly. Talbot stands for one faith, one integrated cuniculurn, one eternal Word of God ana its effective proclamation to a modem generation witl1 its multiplicity of needs. Practically It is the purpose of the seminary to prepare for the Gospel ministry those who believe, live and preach the great historic doctrines of faith which have been commiued LO the church . To realize these broad objectives, the semi nary offers eight degree programs , each with its own distinctive purpose. DEGREES OFFERED Talbot School of Theology offers the following degree programs: ■ Master ofDivini ty ■ Master of Arts in Ministry ■ Master of Arts in Bible Exposition , New Testament, Old Testarnen l, Theology, Pastoral Care and Coun seling, Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, Specialized Ministries, Women's Ministries, Youth Min istries and Biblical and Theological Studies/ Diversified emphases
Force or Navy, with eight weeks of active duty training optional during the summer vacation. A course in chaplaincy orientation is offered by the department of practical theology.
■ Master of Arts in Christian Education
■ Master of Theology ■ Doctor of Ministry ■ Doctor of Education
Candidates for degrees mu st demonstrate an exemplary Christian character, a commitment to commu nicate the truth of the Word of God and manifest promise of usefulness in Christian service. Additional educational options/ programs offered through Talbot are
III. The Veterans Administration. fV. The United States Depart ment ofJustice, Immigration and Nat uralization Service. Chapel The purpose of chapel is to pro- vi de opportunities for worship, l.!1.
instruction and exposure to current issues, ministries, missions and gifted individuals. Chapel is an important part of a student's educational experi- ence , contributing significantly to individual spiritual formation and the uni ty of the seminary community. Chape l services are conducted each Tuesday in Calvary Chapel audi torium. Additional special chapels are held as announced. Special chapel series, such as the Lyman Stewart Lec tures and the Faculty Series (Fall and Spring) , are held Tuesday through Thursday. Joint university-wide chapel services are held several times a year. Students are required to attend Tues day chapel services if they have classes either immediately before or after the chapel hour. This requirement also applies to each day of th e specia l chapel series. Participation in the chapel services of the university com munity are highly encouraged. Prayer Groups Voluntary small praye r groups are formed each school year, and meet at a time determined by the group. Each group is led by a faculty member. Student Christian Service The seminary recognizes the neces sity of active service in Christian work whil e students are pursuing their courses of study. From the time of enrollmen t students are asked LO engage in some type of approved weekly mini stry. The high population density of Southern California creates extensive service opportunities of many types. Field Education Field education is that part of the student's academic program in which there is active participation in a super vised experience within a church set ting. A full-time M.Div. student must register for fi eld educat ion eac h semester. (A part-time M.Div. student must register for field education once within every 16 units completed.) For
highlighted below: Talbot After Hours
Late afternoon, evening and Sat urday classes are regularly offered at tl1e La Mirada campus. This arrange mcnt provid es an opportuni ty to obtain a course or two each semester, when other responsibilities prevent enrollment as a full-time student. Courses offered are identical in con tent to those provided in the daytime schedule and are app li cable toward the degree programs of the seminary. Holy Land Studies Talbot School of Theology will transfer up to 12 units of elective credit for graduate level courses taken al the Institute of Holy Land Studies, Jerusa lem, Israe l. Study tours for credit are also offered. DISTINCTIVES Accreditation Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Talbot, as a school of Biola University, is included within Biola Uni versity's accreditation by the Accredit ing Commission for Senior Coll eges and Universities of the Western Associa tion of Schools and Colleges. Association ofTheological Schools. Talbot is a member of the Association of Theological Schools in the Un ited States and Canada, the internationally recognized accrediting body of semi naries and schools of divinity. Recognition Agencies of the United States Gov ernment which recognize the training given at Talbot include: I. The United States Depart ment of Health Education and Wel fare , Office ofEducation. II. The Chaplaincy Branches of the Army, Navy and Air Force. Full-time seminary students are eligible to apply for commissions as second li eutenants or ensigns in the chaplaincy branches of the Army, Air
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