

NT 503

Introduction to

Second Year Fall Semester

Third Year Fa II Semester

Pastoral and General Ministries




TH 501

Theology of the

Provides preparation for a variety of professional ministries including pasto;, associate pastor, youth pastor, women s

HM 555

Iniroduction to World Missions

OT 705

Exegesis in Genesis

Christian Life.. .. .... .... .. ....3


and Selected Passages .....3 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ......2

PT 591

Introduction to Field

Elements of Hebrew 1.... ...3 Sermon Preparation .. .....3 Theology II ......... .. ...... .... 3 Field Education .... .. .....0


PT 707

Education ...................... .1 Theological Research Methodologies ................. !

minisiries, college and seminary teachPT 609 ing, and other leadership roles. (StuTH 603 dents anticipating a graduate or underPT 691 PT 730 Biblical Leadership

ss 510

and Management . ..........3 Field Imernsh ip .. .............2 .........................................3

graduate teaching career will need to pursue advanced studies beyond the



.... 4

PT 791

Spring Semester



Master of Divini ty program).

BE 520

Survey of Matthew -

Spring Semester

Thesis First Draft or Elective ...........2-4

Revelation .

.. .... ....3

First Year

NT 605

Exegesis in the Epistl es and Acts .........................3 Elements of Hebrew II ...... 3 Pastoral Ministry ..............3 Personal Foundations of

HT 506

Reformation and Modern Theology ..


Fall Semester


OT604 PT 602 PT 706 TH 604 PT 692 Elective

Spring Semester

BE 517

Hermeneuti cs/ Bible

NT604 TH 502 PT706

Exegesis in the Gospels.....3 Theology I .. .. ........ .. .. .......3 Personal Foundations of Ministry .................. ...... ....2 Field Education ...............0 Elective ...........................2

BE 726

Expositional Methodology in Daniel , Revelation ...... ..3 Apologetics ......................3 Church and Society .........3 Field lnternship ...............2 .... .. ........ ........................... 2

StudyMethods ................3

BE 519

Survey of Genesis -



PH 602 PT 703 PT 792 Electives

Malachi ............................3

Theology 111....................3

HT 505

Patristic/ Medieval

PT 592

Field Education

......0 ......2

Theology ... .. .... ....... .. ... .....3

NT 503

Introduction to


Exegesis* ..........................3


Thesis Final Draft or Electives ............2

Second Year Fall Semester

TH 50 I

Theology of the

Third Year Fall Semester


Christian Life ...................3

*NT 501and NT 502 are required for students 11~thout prior Greek study.

PT 591

Introduction to Field

CE 600

Educational Minisuy in

HT 505

Pairistic/ Medieval

Education ... ........ .. ......... 1

the Church ..

.. .. .. 3




Theological Research

Interpersonal and lmer- cultural Adjustment .. ......3 Elements of Hebrew 1.....3 Sermon Preparation .......3 Theology 11 ......................3 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ......2

CL 520

Christian Education Emphasis

OT 705

Exegesis in Genesis

Methodologies .............. ~

Provides preparation for a variety of

and Selected Passages ....3 Foundations of Pastoral

OT603 PT 609 TH 603 PT 707


professional ministries in which responPT 707

sibilities and skills in Christian EducaCare and Counseling ......2

Spring Semester

BE 520

Survey of Matthew -

tion are prominent including pastor, associate pastor, youtl1 pastor, women's ministries, and other leadership roles.

CE 79 I

Field Internship


Revelation ........ .. ..............3

CE Elec tive ....................... .. .......... .. . .4 Thesis First Draft or Electives** ............2

HT 506

Reformation and

Field Education..

.. .. .0

PT 691

Modern Theology ...........3 Exegesis in the Gospels .....3


First Year


NT 604 PT 510

Spring Semester

Evangelism and

Spring Semester

Fall Semester

BE 726

Expositional Methodology in Daniel , Revelation .......3

Follow-up .........................3 Theology I .................. .. ...3 Field Education .... .. ........ .0

NT 605

Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts ................ .. .. .. .... .3 Elements of Hebrew 11 ....3

BE 517

Hermeneutics/ Bible

TH 502 PT 592

Study Methods ................3

HT 506

Reformation and

OT604 TH 604 PT604

BE 519

Survey of Genesis -

Modern Theology ...........3 Apologetics ......................3 Church and Society.........3 Field lnternship ...............2

Theology Ill

..... 3


Malachi ...... ................... .. 3

PH 602 PT 703 CE 792

Pastoral Care and Chaplain cy .... .. .

CE 600

Educational Min isuy

Second Year Fall Semester


in the Church ...... ...... .....3

PT628 PT692

Marital Counseling..........3 Field Education .. .. .. .... .. .. .0

Thesis Final Draft or Elective** ...........2-4

NT 503

lniroduction to

CE 600

Educational Ministry in the Church .......... ............3 Iniroduction to World Missions ...........................3 Elements of Hebrew I .. ...3 Sermon Preparation .. .. .. .3 Theology II .. .......... .. .... .... 3 Field Education .. ........ .... .0 .. .... .... .. .......... .. ..............2

Exegesis* ......................... 3



TH 50 I

Theology of the

HM 555

*NT 50 I and NT 502 are required for students without prior Greek study. **Students who do not write a thesis

Third Year Fall Semester

Christian Life .... .... .. .... .....3

PT 591

Iniroduction to Field

OT603 PT609 TH603 PT691 Elective

Education .... .. .... ...... .. ...... 1

OT 705

Exegesis in Genesis

are required

LO take CE 622 toward

SS 510

Theological Research

and Selected Passages .....3

elective requirements.

Methodologies ................ 1

RSTP 721 Nature and Scope of

Pastoral Care and Counseling Provides preparation for ministry to individuals , coup le s, fami li es and

Integration.... .. . Advanced Pastoral

.. .. ..3


PT 708


Spring Semester

Counseling.. .... .. .... .. . .... .. .3

Spring Semester


Survey of Matthew -


groups focusi ng on renewal, preparaPT 725

NT 605

Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts ...........................3 Elements of Hebrew II .... 3 Pastoral Ministry ...... ...... .. 3 Sermon Preparation ...... .3 Theology III.. .... ............... 3 Field Education ...............0 Personal Foundations of Ministry .......... ............... ~

Revelation ......................3

Families ............................3 Field lnternship.. .. .. .... .. ...2

tion, enrichment, and equipping.


CE 512

PT 791

OT604 PT602 PT610 TH 604 PT692 PT 706

First Year

Thesis First Draft or Elective ...............2

Adminisiration ................3 Exegesis in the Gospels .....3

Fall Semester

NT 604 PT 510


BE 517

Hermeneutics/ Bible

Evangelism and

Study Methods ................ .3

Spring Semester

Follow-up .........................3 Theology I ...... .................3 Field Education .... ...........0

BE 519

Survey of Genesis -

BE 726

Exposi tional Methodology in Daniel , Revelation ........ 3 Apologetics .............. ,.......3 Church and Society.........3

TH 502 PT592

Malachi ............................ 3

PH 602 PT703

HT 505

Pairistic/ Medieval



Theology .................. ..... ... 3

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