Certificate In Biblical Studies
Master ofArts
•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••
li eu of a th esi s will have a total
Missions Emphasis
requirement of 66 units.
Urban Research and
ST 560
The Certificate in Biblical Studies program is designed with two specific needs in mind. The fi rst is for persons who seek a year of study in preparation
The Mas ter of Arts degree, with emphases in Bibl e Exposition, New Testament, Old Tes tament, Theology, Phil osophy of Reli gion and Ethi cs,
C. At le as t 24 units mu st be
Ministry .. ... .. ..
.. ..3
ST 661
Principles of Church
taken at this semin ary.
Growth ..
.. ..............3
D. Obtain a 3.0 average with no
HM546 The Histori cal Developgrade belowa "C-"
in all courses to be
for a lay service with an overseas misPas toral Care and Coun se ling, Spe
ment of th e World Christ- ian Movement.. .. .... ........ .3 Applied Anthropology for Christian Workers .. ...3
credited toward graduation.
sion agency, or fo r more effec tive lay involvement in the life of their local congregation. IL also se rves as a "trial year in seminary" for persons who wish to tes t their gifts and skills with a view toward poss ible further preparation fo r
ciali zed Mini stri es, Women's MinE. Complete th e entire program
is tries, Youth Mini str ies and Biblical and Theol ogica l Studi es-Diversifi ed (non-l anguage) , has been developed for th ose whose calling to Chri sti an service is to positions of leadership fo r which th e Master of Divini ty or other professional degrees are not normally required. It is structured to provide:
in no more than fi ve years.
Students are placed on academic probation if th eir grade point ave rage fo r any semes ter fall s below 3.0 and will remain on probati on as long as the single semes ter or cumul ative grade point ave rage remai ns below 3.0. Probation students are granted
HM75 1 Theology of Mission........3 Biblical or Theological electives .. . .... .4
CL, HM, ST elec tives..
.. ...... .6
full-time Christian minisuy.
Certifi cate course work may later be applied toward a Master of Divin ity
Christian Education Emphasis
or Master of Arts degree .
CE512 PT 706
Education Adminis1ration. 3 Personal Foundations of
I. An un de rstanding of Sc ripone semes ter in which to bring their tures for studems anticipating Christacadem ic wo rk up to th e required
.. .. .. .. 2
ian mini stri es th at wo uld includ e App li ca nts must possess a baclevel (3.0) for continuance in the sem calaureate degree from an accredi ted church admini strators, parachurch in ary. A student cann ot gradua te
PT 707
Foundations of Pas toral Care and Counseling .... .. 2
organi za tion leadershi p, coun se lors, "ten t-making" occupati ons in oth er
college with a minimum grade point
while on probation.
Biblical or Theological electives .. .... .4 Christi an Education electives .. .. .. 10
ave rage of3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) .
All appli cants must submi t a wri tcultures , lay leaders in the loca l
Elec ti ves
ten statement outlinin g their vocachurch and others.
Program Structure
tional objec ti ves and how the certifi2. A bibli cal backgro und fo r
Marriage and Family Ministries
The academic programs leading to th e deg ree Mas ter of Arts with emphases in Bible Expositi on, New Testament, Old Testament, Theology, Phil osophy of Reli gion and Ethi cs , Pastoral Care and Coun se ling, Spe is tries , Youth Ministri es and Biblical and Theological Studi es-Dive rsifi ed are comprised of 64-66 uni ts st ruc
cate relates to those objecti ves.
those who are preparing for teaching
in non-theological fie lds.
CE 552
Li fe Span Development in Ministry .. .. .... .. .......... .. .3
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Sa ti sfacto ril y compl ete all courses fo r a to tal of 32 semester uni ts as outlined in the curriculum below. B. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade be low a "C-" in all courses to be
3. An academic background for th ose who find th e Maste r of Arts degree ample fo r a teaching position either at home or in a fore ign coun try.
CE 618
Psychopathology and
Assessment.. .. . ...... .. .... 3
Group Counseling
CE 629
Leadership.. .... .. .... . .. .... 3 Family Li fe Education ....3 Practicum in Min istry I .... . I Practicum in Ministry II . .. I
4. A program of stu dy fo r mi scialized Mini st ri es , Women 's Min
CE 675 CE 691 CE 692
sionari es who have only a brief fur lough time in which to pursue fo rmal
credi ted toward graduation.
C. At leas t 24 uni ts must be
studyof th e Scriptures.
taken at this semina1y.
tured in common to in clude I)
RSTP 721 Nature and Scope of
5. Sustainabl e skill s in specific mini stries furth er deve lop in g yo ur ab iliti es and spi ritual gifts, and strengthening your areas of weakness.
D. Complete th e entire program
In tegration..
.. .... .3
cal and th eo logical found ati ons, 2) academi c speciali za tion in one of fo ur di sciplines requiring biblical language sllldi es , or general studi es in whi ch biblical languages are no t required ,
in no more than fi ve years.
Personal Foundations of
PT 706
Students are placed on academic probation if their grade point average for anysemester fall s below 3.0 and will
... ..2
Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ..2 Marital Counseling.. .. ..3
remain on probation as long as the sinand 3) add itio nal elec ti ve courses gle semester or cumulative grade poim Appli cant s mus t possess a bac
PT 628
(Selec t a three elec ti ve unit from
determined by the student in consul
calaureate degree. Each should be a graduate from a recognized or accred ited co ll ege with a minimum grade poin t average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) .
average remains below 3.0.
the fo llowing)
tation 1vith the advi sor.
Probation students are granted one
CE 512 CE 562
Education Administration
Program Reduction Based on Prior
Personal and Interpersemester in wh ich to bring their academic
work up Lo the required level (3.0) for continuance in the seminary. Astudent cannot graduate while on probation.
Academic Study
sonal Deve lopment
Al l applicants must submi t a writAppli cants who have taken under ten statement outl ining their vocagraduate courses in bibli cal or theo
Premari tal Preparation
CE 620
and Counseling
Philosophy of Ministry Bibl ical Foundations of
CE 622 CE 673
tional objec ti ves and how the degree
logical studies may request a program reducti on based on co ll egiate work. An evaluation will be made by th e reg istrar 's offi ce fo ll owin g estab li shed guidelines to determine competency I ) undergraduate biblical studi es whi ch are parall el in content with required courses and 2) undergradu ate biblical studies which mayjusti fy a
might relate to those objectives.
Hermeneuti cs/ Bible
Study Methods..
Ministry to Single Adul ts Counseling Troubled
CE 716 PT 725
BE5 19 BE 520
Surveyof Genesis-Malachi 3
A. Sati sfac torily complete 64-66
Survey of Matthew-
Famili es
semes ter units as outlined in the curwi thin th e followin g parameters :
Revelation .......... .. .. ... ......3
riculum char ts below.
TH 50 1 Theology of the Christian *Applicants must have 12 underB. Submit an acceptable th esis,
Life .... ..
graduate semester uni ts of psychology which include educa tional psychology and abnormal psychology plus eight uni ts of Bible and/ or doctrine courses. If these units we re not part of the stu dent's undergraduate program th ey must be taken prior to completion of 36
chosen in consul ta tion with th e major advisor, or at th e option of th e major
Theology I....
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..3
TH 502 TH 603 TH 604 ss 510
Theology II .. .. ............ .. .... .3
advisor and in lieu of the th esis, comreduction in elec tive units. To quali fy
Theology Ill .
.. ..3
plete four additional units of elec tives. Students who wri te a th esis wi ll have a total requirement of 64 units and those who take two additional uni ts in
fo r such reductions the student must have ea rned a "B" grade in specifi c course(s) and be able to demonstrate competency in the subj ect mauer.
Theological Research Me thodologies ..
.. .... I
Electives in BE, NT, OT, TH , PH ......6
........ .. ....4
uni ts toward the degree.
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