The Reduced Program
The Parachurch Ministries progran1 designs matching various positions within Ch1istian agencies such as Ch rist ian schools, publishing houses, youth agencies, group homes and others. Specializations of the departmelll are: Adminislralion Counseling and FamilyMinistries Educational Psychology and Age-Level Specializations Principles ofEducation and Methodology Single Adult Minist1ies
liberal arts co lleges may request exemption from certain required courses. Requests for exemption may be considered from two perspectives: I) Program reductions are possi ble up to a maximum of I2 units from the normal MACE requirement. Eval uations for reduction are considered for undergraduate courses with sa tis factory parallel content, provided that the co ll egiate courses are approxi mately double the unit value of the certain seminary courses. To qualify for such reductions the student must have earned at least a "B" grade in the specific course(s) and be able to demonstrate competency in the sub ject matter. In the event the student takes a course which had been previ ously waived, that previous reduction would then be nullified. 2) The substitution of electives in lieu of required courses may be arranged in certain circumstances. In some cases where one of the above crite ria may preclude a program reduction, the student may nevertheless be able to demonstrate a satisfactory level of com petency in a given subject. In this even~ electives may be substituted for the course in question. Interested students would con tact the appropriate depart ment chairman regarding course substi tutions. This alternative is also available for those who qualify for the maximum program reduction indicated above. Request for program reduction should be submilled lo the Admissions and Regis trar's Offices before studies begin al Talbot, because reductions for a specific course cannot be considered after registration for that course. The substitution ofelectives in lieu of required courses may be requested anytime during the student 'sfirs/ year. The Standard Program The program leading to the Mas ter of Arts degree in Christian Educa tion includes a minimum of 68 units (or 66 units ifa thesis is written). The student who is able to enro ll in 17 units each semester can complete the degree in two years. The student who enro ll s for less than 17 units will require additional time to complete the degree program, in which case the program must be completed within five calendar yea rs from the first enrollment. A thesis or thesis project may be required of candidates. The thesis project is reserved for students doing excep tional work. Require ments for these are listed in the appropriate section of the Talbot graduate student handbook.
Student enterin g thi s program
First Year First Semester BE 517
must have the following:
I) An undergraduate degree inChris tian Education with a 3.0 grade point aver age in courses taken in the major. 2) A total of at least 30 hours in Bible/ theology. 3) An overall GPA of2.6 Graduation requirements may be satisfied in 48 semester units (or 46 uni ts if a thesis is written ). Bible/ Theology ......... 12 Un its (including BE517, TH 717, TH 718) Ch ri stian education .................. 29 units (including CE 512,620,622,633,673, 691, 692 , 724; PT 703, 706, 707; Select one of SCL 520, 622; SST 680 , 721.) SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies .............. .. .I Thesis* or electives ........ 4-6 units Total 46-48 units *Thesis alternatives are : I) four units in thesis courses as indicated in the curriculum chart; or 2) six units of Christian Education electives in lieu of the thesis. Thesis First Draft 11~1I be taken at the compl etion of 31 units and Thesis Final Draft at the comple tion of 49 units. Neither of the two is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. With counse l from the depart ment, the student designs the balance of the program in light of personal strengths, previous experience and vocational goals. The major areas of speciali zation are presented below along with the major vocational posi tions to which they relate. In addition to the required courses from the special ization, the electives are then chosen to complement strengths or to overcome weaknesses in light of the particular vocational goal. Therefore, the structure of a student's program is gen uinely tailor-made and may be noticeably different from another's program having the same specialization or vocational goal . Vocations or positions for which the program prepares the student are:
Hermeneutics/ Bible Study Methods .. ..............3 Psychological Founda- tions of Ministry ..............3 Educational Ministry in the Church Principles of Research......2 .... .3 Biblical Foundations of Family Ministry ...... . ....3
CE 600
I T-11
CE 633 CE 673
ss 510
Theological Research Methodologies................. I Bible/ Theology Electives .............. ... .3 18 Second Semester BE 520 Survey of Matthew - Revelation .................... ...3 TH 502 Theology I .....3 CE 552 Life Span Development in Ministry .............. ..........3 CE562 Personal and Interper sonal Development ........ .3 PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry.... .. ..............2 Choose one: SCL 520, 622; SST 680, 721............ ......3 17 Second Year First Semester BE 5I9 Survey of Genesis - Malachi......... .. ........3 TH 50 1 Theology of Christian Life ..................3 TH 603 Theology II.. .. .. . 3 CE691 Practicum in Ministry I...... I PT 703 Church and Society .... .....3 Electives .........................................2 Thesis First Draft* or Elective ............2 17 Second Semester TH 604 Theology III..... ... .3 CE512 Education Administration .. .. .....3 CE622 Philosophyof Ministry ....3 CE 724 Advanced Methods of Educational Instruction ...2 CE 692 Practicum in Ministry n...... I Thesis Final Draft* or Vocational Elective ..................... 2-4 14-16
Minis/er of Christian Education Director· ofChildren s Ministries Minister of Youth Minister ofAdults Director ofSingle Adult Ministries Church Business Administrator Counseling and Family Ministries Christian uzmp Administration
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