Doctor ofEducation Program
Students are required to take a minimum of 14 units in Th.M. courses numbered in the 800 series, with the remainder at the 600 and 700 levels. Up to two courses from a different department may be taken in the major area with the approval of the student's program adviser. ATh.M. student must carry nine (9) or more units to be considered a full-time student. Those carrying less than nine units are considered part time students. Amaximum of six (6) units may be taken by Th.M. students in "independent study" courses. It is recommended that this be done in the middle or latter portion of the program, and in any case the advance approval of the major departmental adviser and faculty member con cerned is required. G. Research Seminar All Th.M. students are required to take the 890 level Research Seminar. The seminar is designed to introduce the student to research methodology employed in the various biblical and theological disciplines. The seminar is led by faculty representatives from each of the departments in Biblical and theological studies. The seminar is a foundational part of the Th.M. program and is reserved for the Th.M. students only. Students majoring in Missions and lntercultural studies 1vill be required to take SCL 897 Research Seminar, SCL 879 Research Design, or one of the 891 Biblical research semi nars in consultation with their advisor. H. Concurrent Enrollment Option Senior Talbot M.Div. students who have completed 80 or more units and are accepted in the Th.M. pro gram are permitted to take up to four units of Th.M. coursework in the last semester of the Master of Divinity pro gram (additional Th.M. courses may be taken in Interterm or Summer Ses sion). These courses may not be cred ited toward the M.Div. degree and must meet all normal Th.M. stan dards. This option allows students who have only one or two courses remaining in their M.Div. program to get started on their Th.M. program while finishing their M.Div. I. Comprehensive Examinations All candidates for the Th.M. degree must pass a written compre hensive examination over the major field of study. These examinations serve as a major means of evaluating
the student's academic competency in the major area. Comprehensive examinations may be taken any time after completion of 18 units of Th.M. course work. Only two retakes of the examination are permitted. J. Thesis Option Students who opt to write a thesis must produce an acceptable piece of research evidencing a high degree of scholarly competence in the student's major. Information regarding thesis form and submission deadlines is pro vided in the Th.M. Program Hand book and the "Thesis Information" section of the Talbot graduate student handbook. The or igina l and two cop ies are to be presented to the library for binding. Students who complete the thesis registration sequence (i. e. Thesis First Draft and Thesis Final Draft) without finishing the thesis, must register for HE 899 Thesis Continuous Registra tion each semester until the thesis is complete in order to maintain degree status. Only one year fo llowing the completion of course work is normally allowed for completion of a thesis. A student may go beyond this one year period only by advance permission of the Graduate Committee. Such per mission is usually granted only in extreme circumstances.
Director: Daniel C. Stevens, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Dirks Associate Professors: Anthony, Issler. Stevens
The structure of the Ed.D . cur riculum encourages the design of cre ative personalized programs of study for a 11~de range of educational objec tives. Every Ed.D. student develops, in conference with a faculty mentor, a unique specialization composed of graduate level courses offered in the university in accord with personal development and vocational goals. The Department of Christian Edu- I T-13
Assistant Professor: Carland PROGRAM DESCRIPTION
The Doctor of Education degree is offered within the Christian Education Department of the Talbot School of The ology at Biola University. A parallel pro gram is offered in the School of Intercul tural Studies. The Ed.D. program is a course of study designed to prepare men and women for significant educational leadership roles in local churches, educa tional instirutions, and ministry organiza tions throughout the world. The Doctor of Education program is a rigorous research-oriented grad u ate program offered within the con text of a Christian university. Conse quently, all subjects are taught from a distinctively biblical perspective. Of primary importance is the ability of Ed.D. students to "handle accurately the word of truth," evaluating systems of thought and designing educational methods on the basis of Cod's Word . Doctor of Education students and graduates have avariety of ministry goals: ■ Local church educational admin istration ■ Higher education teaching and administration ■ Higher education Christian education instruction ■ International ministry and organizational leadership ■ Christian organization management and leadership ■ Campus ministry A distinct intercultural character is maintained within the Doctor of Education program. The ethnic diver sity of Southern California and the impact of the Hispanic and Asian pop ulations of the Greater Los Ange les area is reflected in the student body of Biola in general and the Doctor of Education program in particular. To foster the development of a dynamic international perspective, a close rela tionship is maintained between the Department of Ch ristian Education and the School of Intercultural Stud ies. Professors are sensitive to the needs and concerns of international students, and intercultural studies courses are both required and avai l able as specialization electives.
cation offers speciali zations in four significant aspects of educational min- istry and can support emphases in a variety of age level , special group, and coun se ling ministri es . Unique pro- grams of study can be created by in corporating courses from the School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Intercultural Studies, Rose- mead School of Psychology, and Tal- bot School of Theology. On occasion, when the various schools of Biola Uni- versity cannot support aspects of a spe cialization, courses at other colleges and universities are utilized. With the except ion of Ed.D . programs comp leted in the School of lntercultural Studies, the disserta tion portion of the program special ization must be completed under the supervis ion of the Department of Christian Education. Students are normally requested to include SST 721 Cross-cultural Edu cation in their degree specialization. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Appli cations for admission must normally be completed byFebruary 15 for fall semester enuy and by October 1 for spring semester entry. Students accepted for fall and spring entry may begin studies during the immediately preceding summer sessions and Janu ary interterm respectively. Consideration for program admis sion is initiated only upon completion of all application requir eme nts. Exceptions to admission requirements are granted only through petition to the Ed.D. committee. ( I) The Doctor of Education application form must be completed in full. (2) Applicants must hold a mas ter 's degree from an accredited col lege or university. Aminimum CPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale in all graduate work is required.
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