


Master ofArts Program in Ministry

The following chart presents the cur­ riculum sequence for students who will be "full-time" in the program. Students who will be enrolled on a "half-time" basis should plan to complete eight units each semester, normally taking courses indicated as "first year" before those in the "second year" group. Hermeneutics/Bible Study Methods ... ............ .. ... ............ ...3 BE519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi .....3 HM555 Introduction to World Missions ............................ .......3 PT510 Evangelism and Follow-up......3 TH501 Theology of the Christian Life ............................................3 SS510 Theological Research Methodologies ......................... l 16 SECOND SEMESfER BE 520 Survey of Matthew- Revelation .................................3 TH 502 Theology I ... .. .... .......... ...... ... ... .3 Emphasis or electives ............... .. ....... .. .. . -.1.Q 16 Second Year FIRST SEMESfER TH 603 Theology !1 ............................... 3 CE 601 Educational Ministry in the Church ......................................3 PT 703 Church and Society .............. ...3 Emphasis or electives ........................ ........ z 16 SECOND SEMESIBR TH 604 Theology III ............................. 3 HT 714 Historical Theology Survey....3 Emphasis or electives .............................. l.Q 16 First Year FIRST SEMESIBR BE 517 EMPHASES Each student must select a ministry em­ phasis and complete the requirement of that emphasis during the program. Four emphases are currently offered:

will be determined by the Master of Arts Guidance Committee, which will interview each applicant and evaluate all credentials. 2. Each approved applicant will be en­ rolled tentatively in the Master ofArts in Ministry program until 32 units have been completed, ofwhich 24 must be in core courses as described below. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily complete 64 semester units as outlined in the curriculum. B. Qualify for candidacy status at the con­ clusion of 32 units. At the completion of 32 units, an evaluation will be made re­ garding admission to candidacy status in the Master of Arts in Ministry program. Students with a grade point average of at least 2.50 will receive candidacy status. Students with a grade point average be­ tween 2.00 and 2.50 will be allowed to complete an additional 8 units (for a total of 40) to be credited toward a certificate in ministry. C. At least 24 units must be taken at this seminary. D. Obtain a 2.50 grade point average with no grade below "C-" in all courses to be credited toward graduation. E. Complete the entire program in no more than six years. F. Prior to candidacy status, students with a grade point average below 2.0 are placed on probation and remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumula­ tive grade point average remains below 2.0. After candidacy status is granted, the minimum grade point average is ad­ justed upward to 2.50, with probation cal­ culated accordingly. Students on proba­ tion are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level for continuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation. CURRICULUM The Master of Arts in Ministry curricu­ lum includes courses in four categories: 1) core curriculum, 37 units; and 2) ministry emphasis, 27 units. The total requirement is 64 units. The courses specifically identified by de­ partment and number in the chart below are required in the core curriculum. In addition, each student must complete the require­ ments of one emphasis during the program.

OBJECTIVES The Master of Arts in Ministry is de­ signed for individuals who have been in ministry for a significant number of years and have not had the opportunity to earn a baccalaureate degree. Graduate level train­ ing is provided in several essential aspects of professional ministry in order to enhance significantly the effectiveness of participat­ ing ministers. In establishing this program, the seminary is endeavoring to address spe­ cific needs of the Church as it functions in the major ethnic communities within the Southern California area. The two primary foci of the program are biblical and practical studies. The biblical emphasis provides an increased breadth in knowledge of the content of the Word of God, including its background and sound principles of literary interpretation. Practical studies concentrate on the en­ hancement of ministry and communication skills. The goal of both emphases is im­ proved expertise in a ministry of the Word as it relates to the daily lives of people and their eternal destiny.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Students who are unable to meet the aca­ demic requirements for 3:dmission listed below are encouraged to consider the M.A.

in Ministry Prerequisite Track. A. Personal Qualifications

1. Completion of five years in ministry and presently on a church staff in an official capacity. 2. Participation in the Master of Arts pro­ gram in Ministry presumes a signifi­ cant level of ministry experience and personal maturation. For this reason, applicants must be at least 30 years of age, and the degree is rarely granted to persons less than 35 years of age. 3. Applicants usually will not have the B.A. or equivalent degree. Talbot of­ fers other programs for applicants who have the baccalaureate degree. 4. Three references are required: church or denominational endorse­ ment; personal friend; and ministry colleague (or employer if currently employed outside the church). B. Academic Qualifications 1. Equivalency of two years of collegiate level studies. 2. Proficiency in English language. C. Admission Procedure 1. The applicant's potential to compete successfully in a graduate program


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