Specialized Ministry Emphasis This emphasis serves a dual purpose: 1. To provide curricular opportunities for students with particular giftedness; 2. To provide specialized ministry prepara tion in areas not addressed by estab lished curricula. The elements of this emphasis are: 1. A biblical/theological core of 25 units (the same core as the other MA emphases); 2. The balance of the program is custom designed by the student in consultation with his or her advisor. Guidelines: 1. Applicant submits a statement of min istry/vocational objectices as part of the admi ssion process. 2. Upon acceptance into this program em phasis, the student is assigned an advi sor and submits a proposed curriculum in writing to that advisor. The advisor and student then refine this proposed curriculum together. a. In this proposal, the rationale for each course chosen is to be given so that each course chosen clearly relates min istry/vocational objectives. Amaximum of 18 units in other schools of Biola University will be accepted. Indepen dent study will be limited to 6 units. Internship will be limited to 3 units. b. Request for transfer credits from other institutions (if applicable) with rationale related to objectives must be included at this time. Limit of transfer credits is 12 units. c. The proposed curriculum must be approved by: (1) the student's advisor (2) the Talbot Curriculum Committee d. Subsequent changes in this curriculum must be requested in writing and ap proved in writing by the advisor and the Talbot Curriculum Committee. Theology Emphasis (Select one of the following groups of courses) ... ... ..... .. .. ... ............................. ...7 NT 501 Beginning Greek NT 502 Beginning Greek NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis OR BE 530 Elementary Principles of the Biblical Language Christian Thought electives HT 722 Cults of America ... .... ............ ...2 PH 602 Apologetics.... ..... ........... .. ..... ....3 TH 709 Contemporary Theology ........2
Christian Thought electives* ........ .......8-12 Bible Exposition or Christian Thought electives............... ...... ......... .... ... ..................6 *If the Greek option is chosen, only 8 Christian Thought elective units in this cat egory are required.
Hermeneutics/Bible Study Methods .... .... ..... ...... ... .. ... ..... ...3 Survey of Genesis-Malachi ... ..3 Survey of Matthew- Revelation ..... .... .. ... .... .... .. ... ..... .3 Theology of the Christian Life ......... .. ............. ... ........... ......3
BE 517
BE 519 BE 520
TH 501
TH502 Theology I .. ......... .... .... .. .. ...... ...3 TH603 Theology 11 .. .. ..... ... .. ........ .... ... .. 3 TH604 Theology III ............. .. ............ .. 3 ss 510 Theological Research Methodologies ....... .. ... ..... ...... .. 1 Electives in BE, NT, OT, TH, PH..... ...... .. 6 Electives ....... .. ... ............... ..... ... ......... ....... .. .4
Women's Ministries Emphasis CE 512
Education Administration .......3 Women and Men in Ministry....2 Lifespan Development ............3 Counseling Ministry in the Church ... .. .... .... ................ ..3 Marriage and Family Counseling ... .......... ....... .. ..... ... . 3 Counseling Troubled Families .. .... .. .... .. .. ... .. ... ..... .. .....3 Practicum in Ministry I... .. ...... 1 Practicum in Ministry II ... .. . 1,1 Interpersonal & Intercultural Adjustment ........3
CE 514 CE 552 CE 603
CE 628
CE 722
CE691 CE692 CL520
Specialization .... ....... ... .... ... .... .................. .10 Electives ..... .... ................. ....... .... ..............7 Biblical and Theological Studies/Diversified Emphasis BE 530 Elementary Principles of the Biblical Languages ..................3 (Select one of the following) .. .... ............2-3
HT 722 Cults of America HM 556 World Religions PH 602 Apologetics
PT 510
Evangelism and Follow-up .. ............ ... .......... ...... . 3 Church and Society ........... ......3 Educational Ministry in the Church .. .... .. ... .. .........................3
PT 703 CE 601
BE, CE, HT, NT, OT, PH, PT, TH electives (a maximum of 6 units in PT and CE) ...14 Certificate in Biblical Studies This 32-unit program is designed with two specific needs in mind. It is for persons who seek a year of study in preparation for lay service with an overseas mission agen cy, or for more effective lay involvement in the life of their local congregation. It also serves as a "trial year in seminary" for per sons who wish to test their gifts and skills with a view toward possible further prepara tion for full-time Christian ministry. Admission and grade point average re quirements for the Master of Arts program are applicable to the certificate program. Certificate course work may later be ap plied toward a Master of Divinity or Master of Arts degree.
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