


F. Research Seminar All Th.M. students are required to take the 890 level Research Seminar. The semi­ nar is designed to introduce the student to research methodology employed in the vari­ ous fields of biblical research. The seminar also serves as the catalyst for creation of a research idea for the student's Th.M. thesis. The seminar is led by faculty representatives from each of the departments in Biblical and theological studies. The seminar is a founda­ tional part of the Th.M. program and is re­ served for the Th.M. students only. Students majoring in Missions and Intercultural stud­ ies will be required to take SEM 897 Research Seminar, SCL 879 Research Design, or one of the 890 Biblical research seminars in consultation with their advisor. G. Concurrent Enrollment Option Senior Talbot M.Div. students who have completed 80 or more units and are accept­ ed in the Th.M. program are permitted to take a maximum of four units per semester ofTh.M. courses (with faculty permission), for application to Th.M. program require­ ments. Such course work must meet all normal Th.M. standards and cannot be credited toward M.Div. program require­ ments. This option allows students who ac­ celerate their M.Div. studies by taking courses in Interterm and Summer Session to obtain both the M.Div. and Th.M. de­ grees in four years or less. H. Comprehensive Examinations All candidates for the Th.M. degree must pass a written comprehensive examination over the major field of study. These exami­ nations serve as a major means of evaluating the student's academic competency in the major area. Comprehensive examinations may be taken any time after completion of 18 units ofTh.M. course work. Only two re­ takes of the examination are permitted. I. Thesis An acceptable thesis evidencing a high degree of scholarly competence in the stu­ dent's major field must be submitted by all Th.M. candidates. Information regarding thesis form and submission deadlines is provided in the Th.M. Program Handbook and the 'Thesis Information" section of the Talbot graduate student handbook The original and two copies are to be presented to the library for binding. Students who complete the thesis regis­ tration sequence (i.e. Thesis First Draft and Thesis Final Draft) without finishing the

thesis, must register for HE 899 Thesis Continuation Registration each semester until the thesis is complete in order to main­ tain degree status. Only one year following the completion of course work is normally allowed for completion of a thesis. A stu­ dent may go beyond this one year period only by advance permission of the Graduate Committee. Such permission is usually granted only in extreme circumstances.

• Missions and Intercultural Studies: For stu­ dents who want to emphasize the biblical the­ ology of missions in their thesis and indepen­ dent research while doing advanced course­ work in Missions and Intercultural Studies. • Christian Thought (emphasis in Theology): For students who want to take advanced coursework in Christian Thought with an em­ phasis in theology. Students will write a the­ sis on some aspect of Christian doctrine. TI-I 709 Contemporary Theology is required. • Christian Thought (emphasis in Historical Theology): For students who want to take advanced coursework in Christian Thought with some emphasis on the historical development of doctrine. Students will do independent research and write a thesis in Historical Theology. TI-I 709 Contemporary Theology is required. • Christian Thought (emphasis in Philosophy of Religion): For students who want to take advanced coursework in Christian Thought with some emphasis on Philosophy of Religion. Students will do in­ dependent research and write a thesis in Philosophy of Religion. TI-I 709 Contemporary Theology is required. E. Course Work The Th.M. program requires the com­ pletion of 30 semester hours of course work distributed as follows: 10 units in the major department, six units in the major depart­ ment or closely related areas approved by the major adviser, 10 units in any area (two of which must be CE 724) and four units in Thesis First and Final Draft. Students are required to take a minimum of 14 units in Th.M. courses numbered in the 800 series, with the remainder at the 600 and 700 lev­ els. The Th.M. Research Seminar (891) and CE 724 are required of all students, re­ gardless of major. At the discretion of the adviser, a maxi­ mum of four units in any department at any level may be credited toward the course re­ quirements. ATh.M. student must carry nine (9) or more units to be considered a full-time student. Those carrying less than nine units are considered part-time stu­ dents. A maximum of six (6) units may be taken by Th.M. students in "independent study'' courses. It is recommended that this be done in the middle or latter portion of the program, and in any case the advance approval of the major departmental advisor and faculty member concerned is required.

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