


Organizational Administration in Educational Leadership Advanced Seminar in Contemporary Management Advanced Seminar in Personnel and Programming Selected Topics in Educational Leadership Directed Research/Professional Internship in Educational Leadership Educational Theory and the Practice of Teaching Advanced Seminar in Educational Methods and Materials Advanced Seminar in the Educational Process Selected Topics in Educational Theory and Practice

CURRICULUM The curriculum of the Doctor of Education Program is organized in a three-level system that is designed to provide a common founda­ tion of doctoral study, flexible program per­ sonalization, and in-depth research experi­ ence. Courses and seminars at all three levels may be utilized to form a narrow specializa­ tion or a unique blend of emphases. Level One: Core Studies The first level of the Ed.D. curriculum is a core of five courses required of all Ed.D. stu­ dents (DE 801,803,804,808 and 888). These courses assume previous course work on the master's level, but are intended to provide both perspective and breadth in regard to sig­ nificant components of educational ministry. Though student research is required in these courses, faculty content delivery and class­ room activity are major course components. In order to encourage a dynamic internation­ al character within the Ed.D. program, core courses are often team-taught with faculty from the School of Intercultural Studies. Level Two: Advanced Seminars The second level of the Ed.D. curricu­ lum is composed of advanced seminars. Each core course is followed by two titled seminars, a selected topics course designa­ tion, and opportunity for directed research: Historical and Philosophical Thought in Education Advanced Seminar in the Philosophy of Education Advanced Seminar in the Integration of Faith and Learning Selected Topics in the History and Philosophy of Education Directed Research in the History and Philosophy of Education Perspectives in Human Development and Education Advanced Seminar in Moral and Faith Development Advanced Seminar in the Integration of Developmental Research Selected Topics in Human Development and Education

It is recommended that these examina­ tions be taken in the last semester of resi­ dence after 36 to 48 units have been com­ pleted. The examinations are administered during the third and fourth weeks of the fall and spring semesters, and may be arranged for selected summer terms. Dissertation Each candidate for the Ed.D. degree will conduct an original investigation of a perti­ nent problem related to Christian Education, and present the results in a dissertation within two years after completing the quali­ fying examinations. The dissertation should make a significant contribution to Christian education knowledge, show mastery of the literature on the topic, demonstrate familiari­ ty with relevant resources, and be applicable to the life of the Church. A wide range of experimental and non-ex­ perimental methodologies may be utilized in dissertation research. Methodologies may also be blended for appropriate approaches to educational subjects and problems. Dissertation research requiring statistical analysis is entirely supported on campus. The Biola University computer center main­ tains a linked network composed of two Digital VAX 3100 workstations, three HP 9000 workstations and a Digital DecStation 2100. The center also includes a microcom­ puter lab with IBM PC, PC-AT, and Macintosh hardware. SPSS-X and StatView 512+ statistical packages are used frequent­ ly. When necessary, access to specialized statistical programs is available through the Rosemead School of Psychology. Additional dissertation guidelines and requirements are published in the Ed.D. Handbook and in the Christian Education Ed.D. Dissertation Preparation Guide. Oral Defense ofDissertation The final Ed.D. graduation requirement is a successful oral defense of the disserta­ tion. However, the primary purpose of the dissertation defense is to give the student the opportunity to orally present his find­ ings to his committee. Interested visitors may also be present for the formal defense. Members of the committee may request that appropriate corrections be made. When the revisions are completed and the dissertation form is approved, the candidate is nominated for graduation.

Directed Research/Professional Intern­ ship in Educational Theory and Practice

Studies in Educational Research Advanced Research Seminar Dissertation

The character of these seminars is ex­ tensive student research with significant faculty guidance and in-class discussion. The selected topics seminars are often con­ ducted by recognized authorities in the field of Christian education-who serve as adjunct professors for the Ed.D. program. This level of the Ed.D. curriculum also includes opportunity for directed research - inde­ pendent investigation of an issue or specific aspects of educational ministry not covered in other courses and seminars. The option of electing directed research is also avail­ able when there is insufficient enrollment to support a scheduled advanced seminar. Program specializations are created with these advanced seminars and directed re­ search opportunities as well as with courses from other schools within Biola University. Level Three: Research The third level of the Ed.D. program in­ cludes two components. The first is an ad­ vanced research seminar (DE 890) that is designed to prepare the student for disser­ tation research. The second is the design, preparation, and defense of a doctoral dis­ sertation. This program component either completes the sequence of a narrow special­ ization or adds focus to a more general pro­ gram design.

Directed Research in Human Development and Education

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