


DM 850 Self-Study (6) A directed individual study whereby the student may do advanced reading or re­ search into an area of special interest A proposal must be prepared according to guidelines available in the D.Min. Office and approved by the D.Min. director.

DM 824 The Pastor's Spiritual and Emotional Health (6) A course designed to examined the haz­ ards of the ministry as they pertain to the mental and spiritual health of the pastor. The pastor assisted in identifying the area of potential personal weakness and given re­ sources for dealing with these problems. Attention given to aspects of the minister's role conflicts in his personal life, family life and ministry. Problem areas such as anger, depression, assertiveness, leadership and relationships will be explored. Techniques for self-modifying behavior to grow spiritu­ ally and emotionally presented. DM 825 Small Groups; An Expression of the Body ofChrist (6) A course focusing on birth, care and de­ velopment of biblical small groups as they function in the life of the local church. Philosophy of small group ministry ex­ plored with strategies for beginning groups and maintaining them in the local church. Participants will learn how to train lay lead­ ers, how small groups function effectively and will be able to set up a small group pro­ gram in their ministry. DM 826Dynamics a/Church Growth (6) A course designed to understand scien­ tific principles developed to date in the field of church growth, to cover relevant contem­ porary literature on the subject and to ac­ quire the basic skills necessary for diagnos­ ing the health of the local church and de­ signing programs for the future growth. Course is designed to provide laboratory field experience in studying church growth. Involves direct research into growing churches in Southern California. (Additional work will be expected outside of class hours during the course.) DM 827 Integration a/Theology and Psychology in a Counseling Ministry (6) An in-depth examination of various lead­ ers and models of counseling in vogue today. Evaluation of their success in inte­ grating psychology and theology in counsel­ ing. Course is designed to assist the church leader to establish a lifestyle of inte­ gration as well as a philosophy of integra­ tion that will have practical expression in a counseling ministry in the local church. (Required for all persons in Marriage and Family Ministries.)

DM 828 Pastoral Care and Counseling Skills (6) A course designed to help the pastor sharpen skills in pastoral care and counsel­ ing. The student will learn and practice a model of helping which incorporates tech­ niques and approaches of the behavioral sciences as well as biblical principles. The student will be exposed to live counseling sessions, extensive counseling practice and professionals in practice. (Additional work will be expected outside of class hours dur­ ing the course.)

DM899 Dissertation (0)

Prescribed for D.Min. students.

DM 829 The Pastor as a Crisis Counselor (6)

Student will develop skills to help indi­ viduals confronting typical crises such as the birth of a child, illness, the loss of a job, marital conflict, career adjustment, bereave­ ment, pre-marital pregnancy, retirement and terminal disease. Attention given to prevention of stress in predictable develop­ mental.crises as well as recovery manage­ ment following a crisis. A combination of clinical exposure, case study and student experience used in this seminar. DM 830 Administrative Leadership in the Local Church (6) A course designed to lead student through a biblical, organizational and psy­ chological understanding of leadership, moti­ vation, planning, managing conflicts, worker training, evaluation, change principles and organizational development Participants have the opportunity to examine their leader­ ship style and to develop styles through group experiences and case studies that will make them more effective leaders. DM 833 Discipleship in the Local Church (6) An in-depth examination of the biblical principles, history and methodology of disci­ pleship. The course will emphasize the prac­ tical concern of how to develop an ongoing discipleship program in the local ministry. DM 834 Advanced Church Growth (6) An in-depth look at cross-cultural issues facing churches in the U.SA Emphasis will be placed on understanding the mosaic of culture both within the typical anglo churches and ethnic groups, as well as in­ troducing the potential for church planting. Prerequisite: DM 826.

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