


CE 629 Group Counseling and Therapy (3) Training in the principles of counseling and therapy in a group setting. The class itself used as a laboratory experience with the student par­ ticipating both in the role of therapist and client Required ofM.A (M.F.M.), M.A Min. (M.F.M.) students.

CE 691 Practicum in Ministry I (1) Structured field experience in a C.E. ministry field site with an approved supervi­ sor focusing on the development of stu­ dents' spiritual gifts and personal skills ap­ plied to teaching the Bible. Required of the M.AC.E. and M.A Min. CE 692 Practicum in Ministry II ( 1) Structured experiences in a C.E. min­ istry field site with an approved supervisor focusing on leadership development includ­ ing assessing needs, setting goals, planning strategy, implementing programs and evalu­ ating programs. Course may be repeated. Required of the M.AC.E. and M.A Min. CE 696 Marriage and Family Internship (1) Directed experience in preparation, en­ richment, equipping and remedial ministries in selected churches. Required ofMA (M.F.M.) majors in their first spring semester.

CE 673 Biblical Foundations of the Family (3)

Relating biblical teachings about marriage, family and human relationships to the nuclear and extended families, early marriage and parenting skills. Required of MAC.E., MA, M.F.M. and MA Min. students. CE 675 Family Life Education in the Local Church (3) Objectives, organization and administration of a program of family life education in the local church. Includes an analysis of current trends in family life education. Required of MA (M.F.M.), MA Min. (M.F.M.) students. CE 716 Ministry to Single Adults (2) Investigation of single adult ministries in the context of the local church. Emphasis in the development of an effective single adult ministry. Various proven and experimental models of single adult ministries will be exam­ ined. Elective. Offered spring, even years. CE 722 Counseling Troubled Families (3) A comparison of positive and negative family systems in Scripture, in theory and in church life. The development of a team ap­ proach to intervention, enrichment and equip­ ping for ministry to families. Prerequisite: CE 603, 628 and 675 or their equivalents. Required ofMA (M.F.M.) students. Elective. INDEPENDENT PROGRAMMING CE 570 Special Studies in Christian Education (2) Designed for students who desire a spe­ cific course content not covered in any of the regularly offered classes. Content se­ lected on the basis of need and will differ from semester to semester. Admissions to the course and the content of the course will be by advisor's approval. May be taken twice with different emphasis. CE 636-637 Independent Study (1-2, 1-2) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian education de­ partment using standard research proce­ dures. Topic selection and course enroll­ ment is by advisor's approval. Elective.

CE 697 Marriage and Family Internship (1)

Directed experience in preparation, en­ richment, equipping and remedial min­ istries in selected churches. Required of M.A (M.F.M.) majors in their last fall semester. The prerequisite is CE 696. CE 698 Advanced Marriage and Family Internship (2) Directed experience in preparation, en­ richment, equipping and remedial min­ istries in selected churches. Required of M.A (M.F.M.) majors in their last spring semester. The prerequisites are CE 696 and 697. CE 791-792 Educational Practicum (2, 2) Directed experiences in educational min­ istries conducted through a local church. Praxis in leadership for major educational functions for various age levels. A mini­ mum of 100 hours field involvement per semester. Prerequisite: 48 units of class work. Required of, and limited to, M.Div. students majoring in C.E.

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