Thesis There are two consecutive thesis semi nars for those electing to write a thesis (Thesis First Draft and Thesis Final Draft). These seminars are taken during the student's last year. During the third semester before graduation, the student must, with the approval of his major advisor, select a thesis subject, do research, and de velop an outline and bibliography. During the final year, the thesis can be written in conjunction with these two courses. See the Talbot student handbook and library handbook for dates, deadlines and requirements. HE 793 Thesis First Draft/M.A. (0) Required for M.A. (B.E., N.T., O.T. , T.H., and BITS) students. Fee: $100. HE 794 Thesis Final Draft/M.A. (0) Required for M.A. (B.E., N.T., O.T., T.H., and BITS) students. Fee: $100. HE 795 Thesis First Draft/M.A. C.E. (2) Required for M.A.C.E. students. This course will be taken at the completion of 32 units. Neither this course nor HE 796 is ap plicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. HE 796 Thesis Final Draft/M.A. C.E. (2) Required for M.A.C.E. students. This course will be taken at the completion of 48 units. Neither this course nor HE 795 is ap plicable toward graduation unless both have been completed. HE 797 Thesis First Draft/M.DIV. (2) Required for M.Div. students electing to write a thesis. This course will be taken after the completion of 64 units. Neither this course nor HE 798 is applicable toward grad uation unless both have been completed. HE 798 Thesis Final Draft/M.DIV. (2) Required for M.Div. students electing to write a thesis. This course will be taken at the completion of 80 units. Neither this course nor HE 797 is applicable toward grad uation unless both have been completed. HE 799 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) Students who need extra time to work on first or final draft of the thesis are re quired to register for this course to main tain degree status. Fee: $100.
HE 891 Thesis First Draft/TH.M. (2) Required for all Th.M. students. HE 892 Thesis Final Draft/TH.M. (2) Required for all Th.M. students. HE 899 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) Students who need extra time to work on first or final draft of the thesis are re quired to register for this course to main tain degree status. Fee: $100.
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