

J. Roland Fleck, Ed.D. University of Georgia: Individual Didactic Therapy Ivan Nagy, M.D. University of Budapest: Contextual Family Therapy

professional community in its academic and clinical programs. Whether as part-time fac­ ulty or as consultants, this roster is multidis­ ciplinary and enables Rosemead to enrich its training programs. Academic and clinical consultants po not serve as advisors to Rosemead students or chair-persons of dis­ sertation committees but they do participate in all other academic activities. The following professional persons are either currently or have been recently involved in some aspect of Rosemead's academic or clinical programs:

different data and methodologies, their over­ lapping content, goals and principles pro­ vides a rich resource for interdisciplinary study. Issues growing out of these overlap­ ping concerns cover a range of topics relat­ ing to research, theory and clinical practice. By encouraging this study Rosemead is at­ tempting to train psychologists with a broad view of human nature that includes a sensi­ tivity to the religious dimension of life. Through its interaction with members of the Christian community, Rosemead is also committed to demonstrating to the church the potentially significant contributions and understanding of the data and methods of psychology can make to the Church's role of ministering to the whole person. Psy.D. students desiring to focus their pro­ fessional practice on children, couples or fam­ ilies may take an emphasis in Family-Child Psychology. This emphasis requires comple­ tion of the following elective courses in addi­ tion to the regular doctoral requirements: ADVANCED ASSESSMENT OF CHILD (INSl'EAD OF MEASUREMENT AND As.5ESSMENT III: PROJECTIVES) FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY I AND II PSYCHOTHERAPY WlTH CHILDREN PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH THE ADOLESCENT BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION W1111 CHIIDREN AND PAREl'HS Students emphasizing in Family-Child Psychology also write their dissertations or doctoral research papers in a family-child area, spend their year-long outpatient practicum in a setting where at least one­ half of their work is with children, couples or families, and complete an internship in a setting where at least one third of their work is with a family-child population. They may also elect other family related courses such as Development of Religious Understanding in Children and Adolescents, Human Sexuality and Community Mental Health: Psychoeducational and Preventive Models. Professional Growth and Training At the heart of an effective training pro­ gram in professional psychology is the op­ portunity to develop the personal insights and skills necessary for emphatic and effec­ tive interaction in a wide range of settings. In order to meet this need, Rosemead has developed a sequence of experiences de­ signed to promote personal growth and competency in interpersonal relationships as well as specific clinical skills. Beginning in their first year of study, stu­ dents participate in a variety of activities de­ signed to promote professional awareness and

Avedis Panajian, Ph.D. United States International University ABPP: Early Object Relationships, Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Arthur L. Prescott, Ph.D. University of Southern California School Psychology: Clinical Supervision Pamela Scavio, Ph.D. California School of Professional Psychology: Therapy

David Bock, Ph.D. Fuller School of Psychology: Therapy David Carson, Ph.D. Texas Tech University: Cross-Cultural Psychology John Carter, Ph.D. New School of Social Research: Private Practice Terri Clark, M.D. University of Southern California: Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology Christal Daehnert, Ph.D. Rosemead School of Psychology: Clinical Supervision James Daehnert, Ph.D. Rosemead School of Psychology: Group Therapy

Nancy Smith, Psy.D. Rosemead School of Psychology: Group Therapy Randy Sorenson, Ph .D. Fuller School of Psychology: Supervision Cherry Steinmeier, Psy.D. Rosemead School of Psychology: Supervision Marcia Stroup, Ph.D. Brigham Young University: Multigenerational Family Therapy S. Philip Sutherland, Ph.D. University of Southern California: Individual Didactic Psychotherapy

William L. Edkins, Psy.D. Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology: Private Practice Leland Eliason, Ph.D. Boston University, School of Theology: Married Couples Group Therapy

DISTINCTIVES Rosemead's major educational distinctives are its strong professional training orientation and its goal of relating the data and concepts of psychology to those of Christian theology. Since both psychology and theology address the human condition, Rosemead's faculty be­ lieves there is a great deal to be gained by an interdisciplinary study of the nature of per­ sons. Consequently, all students take a series of theology courses and seminars designed to study the relationship of psychological and theological conceptions of human functioning. This series of courses lengthens Rosemead's doctoral program by approximately one year beyond most four year clinical programs. While recognizing that the disciplines of psychology and theology have some very

Philip Erdberg, Ph.D. University of Alabama: Rorschach

John Gartner, Ph.D. University of Massachussetts: Treatment of Borderline Personalities

Earl Henslin, Psy.D. Rosemead School of Psychology:

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Ruth Ann Graybill, M.S.W. Rutgers University: Family Systems Therapy and Supervision

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