Special emphasis is given to values in therapy and the therapist as values purveyor. Elective. SPY 625 CrossCultural Issues in Clinical Psychology (3) A consideration of the impact of social and cultural factors upon the utilization and dynamics of mental health services. Focuses on developing the student's sensi tivity to the cultural dynamics involved in the therapeutic process. Elective. SPY 630 Psychology ofWomen (3) A discussion of historical and contempor ary views of women and a look at research on biological and psychological differences between males and females. Also includes discussion of psychotherapeutic issues, the role of women in the church, and theological perspectives on women's issues. Elective.
SPY 610 Development ofReligious Understanding in Children and Adolescents (2) An assessment of the cognitive and effec tive meaning which children and adolescents attribute to religious concepts, practices and experiences, and their changes in meaning during the course of individual development. The biblical perspective of religious develop ment is also examined. Elective.
Consideration is also given to the contribution of the research process to the integration of psychology and theology. Prerequisite: SPY 502. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 602 Cognition and Affect (3) Survey of contemporary psychological theories as they relate to cognitive and af fective processes. Information processing models of cognitive functioning and the in teraction of cognition and affect are ex plored. Experimental and clinical approach es are utilized. Either this course or SPY 604 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 604 Learning and Motivation (3) A survey of the processes, theories and research in learning and motivation. Emphasis on the specific content may vary from year to year. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. Either this course or SPY 602 is re quired of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 605 Psychology ofReligion (2 or 3) A survey of the psychology of religion research emphasizing both content and methodological issues. Topics covered in clude religiosity and mental health, mea sures of religiosity, religious development, correlates of religiosity and psychological aspects of conversion and other religious experiences. Elective. (Same as STP 705) SPY 606 Developmental Psychology (3) Concepts and processes involved in the understanding of the psychological develop ment of the person from infancy through adolescence. Major theoretical systems rel evant to Developmental Psychology are ex amined with emphasis upon the study of cognitive, affective and psychomotor changes manifested in childhood and ado lescence. Required of MA., Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 607 Psychophysiological Processes (3) An introduction to biological/neuralologi cal mechanisms and their relationship to psy chological processes. Physiological process es underlying both healthy and pathological behavior are examined. Either this course or SPY 670 or 705 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 608 Social Psychology (3) Problems and theories of the person on the social context, including person percep tion, interpersonal relations, role formation and differentiation, attitude formation, maintenance and change. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. Either this course or SPY 702 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D.
SPY615 Personality and Psychopathology II (3)
The second in a two course sequence in personality theory and psychopathology. This course focuses on psychoanalytic per spectives including theorists such as Adler, Freud, Guntrip, Jung and Horney. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY618 Community Mental Health I· Community Systems and Resources (3) A study of systems theory with a focus on communities, schools, health agencies, governmental human service agencies, churches and families. Provides a conceptu al basis for understanding the interactions among individuals and systems. Practical applications include knowing how to enter systems and maximizing available resources for clients, particularly those who are disad vantaged or handicapped. Elective. SPY619 Community Mental Health II· Psychoeducational/Preventive Psychotherapy Models (3) The course focuses on the development of psychoeducational approaches aimed at prevention of emotional difficulties or early secondary intervention of difficulties. Interventions suitable at strategic develop mental phases or critical situations. The student will be asked to develop a seminar or workshop, deliver it to a suitable popula tion and evaluate its effectiveness. Elective. SPY 621 Community Mental Health IV: Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation Method (3) Theory and application of program eval uation methods. Students will be expected to cooperate in a group project in an actual needs assessment or program evaluation in a clinic, hospital, school, church or other agency setting. Elective. SPY 622 Attitudes, Values and Beliefs (2) The psychological nature of attitudes, values and belief as they relate to socialization, confor mity, beliefs systems and social influence.
SPY 631 Principles ofHealth Psychology (2-3)
This course provides an overview of theo ry, research and roles of psychologists in the dissemination of psychological knowledge into the health care system. Areas of focus include concerns of the family physician for which referral might be made, adjustment to physical disabilities, coping with chronic ill ness, stages of adjustment by individuals and their families to death and dying, preventive educative and motivational issues in medical treatment. Prerequisites: SPY 607 and / or SLB 605 recommended. Elective.
SPY 632 Research Problems in Psychotherapy (2)
Consideration of research approaches to studying the process and outcomes of psy chotherapy. Special emphasis is placed on measurement of process and outcomes, de sign and execution of research and status of psychotherapy research to date. Students are actively involved in reviewing and evalu ating psychotherapy research in selected areas. Prerequisite: SPY 601. Elective.
SPY 633 Advanced Seminar in Psychopathology (3)
Asurvey of the development, dynamics and classification of the psychological disorders from a psychoanalytic point of view. Special at tentions given to the neuroses and the opera tions of ego defense mechanisms. Elective. SPY641 Measurement and Assessment I Intellect (3) The first in a sequence of courses direct ed toward competence in administration,
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