TESOL and Applied Linguistics
SST 802 Spiritual Conflicts and Counseling (3)
SEM 815 Seminar in Intercultural Communication (3)
A study of the conflict between the king dom of darkness and the kingdom of light with an emphasis on the authority, power, protection as well and the vulnerability of the believer. The techniques of counseling the spiritually afflicted are also considered. SST 850 Crosscultural Implications in Theology (3) The applications of crosscultural commu nication principles to the study of theology, critique and evaluation of such theologies and the design and implementation of cul ture specific theologies for various cultures. SST863 Area Strategies in Evangelism (3) Intensive case study analysis, by socio geographic areas; of evangelistic and church planting strategies. May be repeat ed with different course content. SST 871 Theological Education by Extension (3) The concept of theological education by extension, including its history, objectives, methodology and the writing of programmed instruction with particular emphasis on mis sionary application. Elective for Th.M. stu dents, others by department permission. SEMINARS** SEM 590 Seminar in Practical Mission Training (1-9) (does not apply to a degree program)
SEM 820 Seminar in Linguistics (3)
Chair: Herbert C. Purnell, PhD.
SEM 830 Seminar in Sociolinguistics (3) Fee: $125.
FACULTY Professor: Purnell Associate Professors: Chastain, Purgason
SEM 840 Seminar in Ethnotheology (3)
SEM 850 Seminar in Theology of Mission (3)
OBJECTIVES TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers ofOther Languages) English has become the most widely used language in the world today, particu larly in the areas of science, commerce, and education. Tens of thousands of students in developing countries are required to learn English in school. Thousands more study English in order to pursue careers or educa tional programs demanding English lan guage skills. Refugees and immigrants to the United States desire English both to survive and to establish themselves in their new homeland. There is thus a considerable demand for qualified teachers of English both here and abroad. To help meet the need for trained teach ers of English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL), the Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics offers two regular programs in TESOL: a Certificate in TESOL and an M.A. in TESOL. The programs are academically rigorous, yet focus on the practical aspects of teaching in a variety of settings. The de partment also seeks to serve teachers desir ing to continue their professional advance ment or upgrade their qualifications, and non-degree students interested in gaining basic teaching or tutoring skills, by offering a variety of separate courses, from introduc tory to advanced. The Certificate in TESOL is a one-year full-time program designed to enable post baccalaureate students to develop both a solid academic foundation in second lan guage pedagogy and practical skills in teach ing English in cross-cultural situations. Part time students also may enroll in the pro gram, taking up to three years to complete it. The MA in TESOL, which takes up to two years for completion of the course work, encompasses the goal of the Certificate pro gram plus the additional goals of broader academic training and an individually de signed project leading to the writing either of
SEM 855 Seminar in History of Missions (3)
SEM 865 Seminar in Mission Strategy {1-3) Selected topics and issues in missions: Women in Islam: The theoretical and practical concerns of Arab Women. Women in Missions: The theoretical and practical concerns of women today in the world of missions. Short Term Missions Preparation: Orientation for short term missions program.
SEM 870 Seminar in Bible Translation (3)
SDS 880 D.Miss. Dissertation Field Research (1-6)
SDS 881 D.Miss. Dissertation {1-6)
SDS 882 D.Miss. Continuation Research (0) Fee: $100.
SPR 690 Practicum {1-6)
SDS 890 Ed.D. Dissertation Field Research (1-6)
SEM 760 Seminar in Evangelism (3)
SPR 791-792 Field Internship (2, 2) A program designed to give experience in various phases of intercultural ministry. Field involvement 100 hours each semester, and regular meeting for reporting and dis cussion. Prerequisite: 48 units of class work. Prescribed for and limited to M.Div. students majoring in missions. SIS 793-794 Independent Study (1-4, 1-4) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the faculty using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment by advisor's approval..
SDS 891 Ed.D. Dissertation {1-6)
SDS 892 Ed.D. Continuation Research (0) Fee:$100.
SEM895 D.Miss. Research Seminar {1-3)
SEM 896 Ed.D. Research Seminar {1-3)
SEM 897, 898 Research Seminar Supervised research into some problem of special interest to the student approved by the professor. May be taken for one semester or continued throughout the year with the same problem under consideration. Elective for Th.M. students, other by permission. *"These seminars consist of supervised research, in the respective fields, into some problem of special interest.
STH 796 Thesis (0) Prescribed for Master of Arts in Missions.
SEM 810 Seminar in Anthropology (3)
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