

ELECTIVES In addition to those listed above, the follow­ ing courses would be appropriate for electives: ISTE 560 Strategies for TESOL 2 ISTE 580 English: Past, Present, and Future 2 ISTE 581-582 Topics in TESOL 1-2 ISTE 652 Teaching ESL in U.S. Public Schools 2 ISTE 679 Classroom-oriented Research in Language Teaching 3 ISTE 682 Supervising and Training ESL/EFL Teachers 3 ISAL 511 Applied Linguistics 3 ISAL 574 Practicum: Second Language and Culture Learning 3 (or ISCL 511) ISAL 584 Articulatory Phonetics 2 (or INLT 413) ISAL 585-586 Topics in Applied Linguistics 1-2 ISAL 646 Sociolinguistics 3 (or ISCL 621) ISAL 648 Discourse Analysis 3 ISST 575 Multicultural Education 3 ISST 721 Crosscultural Education 3 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 300-level courses do not carry credit for any of the graduate programs in TESOL and Applied Linguistics. TESOL !STE 500 Academic Writing ( 1) Practical instruction in composition skills needed to meet the demands of aca­ demic writing both in university programs and in future careers. !STE 509 Structure ofEnglish (3) Study of the syntax of English in prepa­ ration for teaching non-native speakers. Theoretical insights taken from several ap­ proaches to grammar. !STE 521 Foundations in TESOL (2) Examination of the basic concepts, prin­ ciples, and goals of TESOL. A variety of modern methods for TESOL will be dis­ cussed and demonstrated. !STE 523 Techniques in TESOL I (2) Demonstration, discussion, and practice in techniques for teaching English language skills in listening, speaking, and pronunciation.

!STE 524 Techniques in TESOL II (2) Techniques for teaching English lan­ guage skills in reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary will be demonstrated, dis­ cussed, and practiced. !STE 527 Materials Evaluation and Preparation (2) Principles of ESOL materials design to enable teachers to (a) evaluate and adapt published materials and (b) prepare their own materials. Prerequisite: ISTE 521. !STE 541 Intercultural Communication for Teachers (2) Study of cultural values, nonverbal behav­ ior, language and culture relationships, and patterns of reasoning, with the goal of increas­ ing intercultural awareness and teaching effec­ tiveness while decreasing culture-based mis­ understandings in and out of the classroom. !STE 560 Strategies for TESOL (2) Consideration of ways in which TESOL may be used to promote cross-cultural un- derstanding through the communication of different worldviews and values. !STE 570 Developments in TESOL (1-3) Readings on recent developments in major areas of the discipline; also may in­ clude new technical skills. Designed to offer an update for students with significant but not current background in the discipline. Required in some programs to validate stud­ ies taken more than four years ago. Does not apply toward minimum requirements for degree and certificate programs, since cred­ it is awarded for the earlier studies being up­ dated. Prerequisite: Significant background in the subject, and consent of instructor. !STE 580 English: Past, Present, and Future (2) Historical and social survey of the devel­ opment of the English language from a small tribal language to the international language. Possible future trends also discussed. !STE 581-582 Topics in TESOL (1-2) Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Titles offered include: A. Materials Design for Voluntary Agencies B. Diagnosing and Treating Pronunciation Problems C. Reading in the ESL/EFL Context D. Writing in the ESL/EFL Context E. TESOL and the Teaching of Literature

!STE 632 Language Testing and Assessment (3) Examination of theory and practical techniques in language testing for the ESOL classroom. !STE 641 Issues and Trends in TESOL (3) Current theoretical and methodological trends and the 'state of the art' in the disci­ pline, focusing on major issues in both re­ search and application. Actual topics may vary depending on student interest. !STE 652 Teaching ESL in U.S. Public Schools (2) Examination of bilingual and ESL in­ struction in public schools, to prepare stu­ dents to teach in such settings and/or take the California Language Development Specialist exam. Combines readings, dis­ cussions, and field assignments. !STE 664 English for Specific Purposes (3) Exploration of issues involved in teach­ ing English to specific groups of students, especially those in scientific, technical, and vocational fields. !STE 665 Course Design in TESOL (3) Examination of the communicative ap­ proach to teaching English in relation to syl­ labus design, curriculum development, and program management. !STE 679 Classroom-oriented Research in Language Teaching (3) An overview of research studies on sec­ ond language classrooms. Methods for gathering, analyzing, and describing class­ room data will be examined. !STE 682 Supervising and Training ESL/EFL Teachers (3) Development of techniques for evaluat­ ing instruction, conducting in-service train­ ing, and providing supervision to ESL/EFL teachers, whether native English speakers or not. Students will have opportunities to gain supervisory experience through men­ toring one or more teacher trainees. !STE 692 Practicum in TESOL II (3) Extensive independent teaching in an ESL classroom under the general supervi­ sion of a master teacher, plus weekly group discussion of issues in language pedagogy.

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