

List the major school, community and church activities (music, athletics, work) to which you have devoted much time and effort. If you have received spe­ cial recognition in any of these activities, please describe. If necessary, continue listing on a separate page.


Positions held and/or honors won

Length of participation


Do you regularly attend church?

□ Yes

□ No

How often do you attend?____________________________________________

Name and address_______________________________________________ of your church (include phone nu_mber) -------------------------------------------- St,ett and num~r City State Zit, Which was the most significant factor influencing your choice to attend Biola University? Check one square only. □ Pastor's referral D Biola faculty contact D Biola counselor visited school/college D Alumni D University Day D Biola Hour D Relative attending □ Magazine advertisement:___________ D Present Biola student/friend·~__________________

Additional comments _____________________________________________

Are you applying to other colleges or universities? If so, please list _____________________________

How do you plan to meet University expenses? ____________________________________

Do you consider yourself to be a born-again Christian?

□ Yes

□ No

When did you personally accept Christ as your Savior? __________________________________

Explain in your own words the scriptural basis for your salvation and hope of eternal life (give references if you wish) .

Why do all people need Christ today?______________________________________

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