CLINTON E. ARNOLD Director ofTh.M. Program, Associate Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, 1987 B.A. , Biola University; M.Div.,Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. MICHAEL BECHTLE Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1990 B.A., Arizona College of the Bible; M.A., Talbot Theological Seminary. B.S., California State University, Long Beach; M.BA, Pepperdine University; D.BA, United State International University, San Diego. MICHAEL BOERSMA Director of Field Education and Placement. Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, 1986 MICHAEL BLACK Associate Professor of Business, 1990
CHERYL CALTABIANO Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1983 B.S.N., M.S.N., California State University, Long Beach.
ROBERT F. CRAWFORD Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1967 BA, California State Polytechnic University; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University. MICHELE CUNNINGHAM Assistant Director of Life Long Learning, Instructor of Christian Education, 1989 BA Wheaton College; M.A. , Talbot School of Theology. EDWARD M. CURTIS Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1978 B.S., Baylor University; M.A. , Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D. , University of Pennsylvania. DAVID DICKSON Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, 1982 BA, University of California, Los Angeles; MA, Ph.D., University of Southern California. DENNIS H. DIRKS Associate Dean, Talbot School of Theology, Professor of Christian Education, 1976 BA, California State University, Fresno; M.A. , Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School. VIRGINIA M. DOLAND Dean of Academic Development and Director of Foundation Grants, Professor of English, 1963 B.S., Bob Jones University; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., University of Southern California. HAROLD DOLLAR Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1983 B.B.E., Columbia Bible College; M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary; D.Miss., Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. DONALD E. DOUGLAS Dean, School of Intercultural Studies, Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1989 A.B., Wayne State University; M.A. , Ph.D., University of Michigan. DAVID DUNBAR Associate Professor of Foreign Language, 1989 B.A. , San Jose State University; M.A. , University of Oregon; Ph.D., University of Arizona.
MARYE. CHASTAIN Associate Professor of TESOL, 1991
BA, Wheaton College; LVN, Biola School of Missionary Medicine; MA, University of Colorado-Boulder EDWIN T. CHILDS Professor of Music, 1978 B.M., Wheaton College; Ph.D., Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, N.Y.
CHARLES CHURCH Public Services-Serial Librarian, Associate Professor, 1989 B.S. , Southern Oregon State; M.S., University of Oregon.
C. WAYNE CHUTE University Registrar, Instructor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1979 B.A. , University of California, Los Angeles; M.Div. , Th.M., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. DAVID CIOCCHI Associate Professor of Philosophy, 1974 BA, Biola College; M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. JOHN COE Instructor of Philosophy of Religion, 1989 BA, Biola University; MA, Western Kentucky University. LAURIE CONNOLLY Assistant Professor of English, 1987 BA, Biola University ; M.A. , University of Southern California.
B.A., California State Long Beach; M.Div. ,Talbot Theological Seminary.
PAUL BUCHANAN Special Instructor of English, 1989 B.A. , Biola University; M.A. , University of California, Riverside.
PAUL W. BUEGLER Associate Professor of Business Administration, 1978
B.S.B.A. , University of North Dakota; M.B.A., University of Washington; JD. , William Mitchell College of Law. Member of California, Minnesota and United States Supreme Court Bars.
DIETRICH BUSS Professor of History, 1966
B.A. , Biola College; M.A. , California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School. REINHARD J. BUSS Professor of German and Folklore, Director, Biola Abroad, 1964 B.A. , University of Maryland; M.A. , Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles. DANIEL M. CALLIS Assistant Professor of Art, 1987 B.A. , California State University, Fullerton; M.F.A. , Claremont Graduate School.
CLYDE COOK President, 1982
Professor Intercultural Studies, 1982; Director and Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1967-79. Athletic Director, 1957-60 BA, Biola College; M.Div., Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; D.Miss., Fuller theo logical Seminary. DANIEL CORNELL Associate Professor of English, 1984 B.S., Arizona State University; Ph.D., Washington State University.
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