

221 Photography I (3) Experience in fundamentals of black and white photography covering both creative and technical aspects. Fee: $30. (See also Communication 245) 225 Contemporary Art Forms (3) Interdisciplinary studio exploration in con­ temporary model. Multi-image projection, general video technology, performance theo­ ry-practice, and installation theory practice. Fee: $25. 304 Ceramics II (3) Continued individual development in all areas of ceramics. Introducing vessel con­ struction from hand-built techniques, low fire glaze applications and introductions in firing the kilns. Fee: $35. 305 Sculpture II (3) Emphasises sculptural aesthetics and ap­ propriate technology. Students will be in­ volved with formulating a conceptual and technical basis for ongoing work. Fee: $35. 306 Elementary Art Workshop (3) Developing and preparing art projects suitable for elementary school pupils. For liberal studies majors. Fee: $35. 307 Intermediate Drawing (3) Exploration of the overlapping relation­ ships found in mixed media drawing. Experi­ mentation is encouraged, with emphasis being placed on finished works of art Fee: $25. 308 Painting II (3) Concentration on developing imaginative resources of the individual through the use of oils and acrylics. Color, shape, image, vi­ sual, ideas and techniques are covered. Prerequisite: 213 or consent. Fee: $25. 309 Figure Painting (3) An introduction to fundamentals of paint­ ing the human figure from gesture to finished work. Color theory and painting techniques to be explored. Interterm only. Fee: $25.

311 20th Century Art History (3) The history of painting, sculpture and ar­ chitecture from 1890 to 1970. Major aes­ thetic issues that shaped 20th century art will be examined . 312 Typography (2) An introduction to the symbolic and communicative aspects of typography. Emphasis on typography as a design ele­ ment. Pragmatic formulationof skills relat­ ed to layout, copyfitting, and typed specifica­ tion, as they relate to the graphic design process. Fee: $25. 313 Graphic Design I (3) Exploration of creative ideas and resources as related to graphic design. Use of tools, media, and terminology; includes develop­ ment of layout skill. Fee: $25. 315 Contemporary Art Trends (3) A study of art produced since 1970, fo­ cusing on current movements within the in­ ternational art community. Fee: $30. 318 Technical Drawing and Rendering (3) Introduction to drawing as a basic organiz­ er of thought progressing to the use of draw­ ing as a means of translating specific ideas. Rendering techniques and composition for­ mulation through the use of a broad range of media will be emphasized. Fee: $25. 319 Advanced Figure Drawing (3) Emphasis on long poses for serious thor­ ough investigation of the figure and the tra­ ditions of figure drawing. Fee: $25. 320 Illustration II (3) Continued exploration of illustration as a form of graphic communication. Develop­ ment of personal visual vocabulary with the addition of new media and advanced tech­ niques. Conceptual development of solu­ tions for both editorial and advertising illus­ tration. Fee: $25. 321 Historical Development ofGraphic Design (3) Investigation of issues and ideas in the history of graphic design and illustration from the icon to the logo. Individual de­ signers and periods explored. 322 Photography II (3) Further study in technique of black and white and introduction to color photography covering creative and technical aspects. Prerequisite: 221. Fee $30.

408 Advanced Drawing (3) Drawing with an emphasis on personal experimentation. Fee: $25. 409 Secondary Art Workshop (2) Units of study, motivational techniques, and instructional resources specific to the art program in secondary schools. Fee: $35. 410 Seminar in Art (1-6) Independent study in areas of concentration under faculty direction with emphasis in histo­ ry, studio and creative research. Prerequisite: Consent Seminars may be repeated. 411 Ceramics III (3) Advanced forming, including sculptural forms in clay, along with continued explo­ ration with glaze formulations. Fee: $35.

412 Internship in Graphic Communication (3)

Internship program with local art studios, graphic design firms, publishing companies and other related fields. 413 Painting III (3) Extensive experimentation in studio problems with emphasis on individual direc­ tion and expression. Fee: $25. 414 Painting IV (3) Exploration of specific problems in each student's area of concentration and interest. Fee: $25. 415 Sculpture III (3) Advanced sculptural concepts emphasiz­ ing individual development of style, aesthet­ ic stance, and continuation of media explo­ ration. Fee: $35. 416 Sculpture IV·(-3) Concentration on independent creativity covering a wide range of media and meth­ ods with an emphasis on the formulation of ideas of appropriate forms . Fee: $35. 417 Printmaking III (3) Exploration of personal imagery through the utilization of various technical approach­ es in the application of color to plates gener­ ated from intaglio, relief and collograph methods of printmaking. Single place appli­ cations of color and multiple plate printing will be taught. Fee: $35.

310 Printmaking II (Serigraphy/ Monoprints) (3)

An introduction to screenprinting tech­ niques and other mixed media alternative printmaking methods, including monoprint­ ing. Prerequisite: 212. Fee: $25.

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