

427 Internship in Studio Art (3) Apprenticeship program designed to give students first-hand exposure to profes­ sional artists studio experiences. Internships individually tailored to meet the needs of the student. 430 Art Therapy Fieldwork (3) Tutorial offering students clinical experi­ ence in mental health setting supervised by a licensed art therapist. Observation and participation included. 435 Senior Portfolio Presentation (0) Approximately 12 graphic design or illus­ tration pieces based on an integrated theme presented in a professional portfolio format. Full statement of intent must be presented along with visual samples of ideas at the be­ ginning of the semester approved and signed by committee. Culmination of pro­ ject includes final portfolio review by at least three outside professional graphic de­ signers. Fee: $100. 460 Senior Art Exhibit (0) Approximately 12 art pieces based on in­ tegrated theme. Full statement of intent must be presented along with visual sam­ ples of ideas at the beginning of the semester, approved and signed by commit­ tee. Culmination of project includes profes­ sionally presented show in the University Art Gallery. Required of all majors with the exception of pre-art therapy majors. Fee: $100.

418 Ceramics IV (3) Experimental ceramics. Advanced indi­ vidual development of style and aesthetics. Prerequisite: 411. Majors only. Fee: $35. 419 Graphic Design II (3) A consideration of psychological, techni­ cal and aesthetic concerns relating to vari­ ous types of advertising art including mail­ ers, folders, brochures, and package de­ sign. Includes beginning production processes covering one- and two-color pre-­ separation art. Fee: $25. 420 Graphic Design III (3) A consideration of advanced design con­ cepts and production skills on four color process reproduction. Preparation for start­ ing a professional career in graphic design including promotional pieces, portfolio de­ velopment and employment opportunities. Fee: $25. 421 Printmaking IV (3) Exploration of the translation of photo­ graphic images into the printmaking medi­ ums. A variety of methods available through printmaking, photography and drawing will be used separately or in combination to real­ ize the desired image. Fee: $35. 424 Computer Graphics I (3) An introduction to the use of computer graphics programs for graphic design and illustration. Development of design and computer skills to allow the student to use the computer as a primary design vehicle. Fee: $25. 425 Computer Graphics II (3) Advanced methods and design consider­ ations as they relate to computer-driven graphic design and illustration. Linotronic output for most projects. Fee: $25. 426 Introduction to Art Therapy (3) An introduction to the principles, meth­ ods, and the application of art therapy tech­ niques to the field of mental health. The client/therapist relationship, media and methods, case studies, working with groups and individuals, aesthetic considerations as related to therapy, art as an aid in diagnosis, and methods of defining therapeutic goals through art will be addressed. Fee: $35.

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