450 New Testament Theology (3) Introduction to the history of New Testament theology; a consideration of the basic themes developed in the New Testament from the standpoint of biblical the ology. An in-depth study of a writer, writers or kind of literature in the New Testament may form a portion of the course. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. TP. GENERAL BIBLE 100 Faith, Learning, And Living (2) How to interpret the Scripture, plus integrate one's faith and Bible knowledge with other areas of academic learning and practical living. 120 Guided Study (1-3) For those needing odd units to complete their Bible requirement Reading with written reports on biblical and/or theological sub jects. Prerequisite: consent of the dean. TP. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3) Inductive study applied to biblical narra tive and epistolary literature. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. TX. 460 Integration Seminar (2) A capstone seminar integrating biblical principles into one's personal life and academic discipline. Involves a major project/paper fo cused on a topic of special interest chosen in consultation with the instructor. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. May be repeated for a maximum of four units with different content 470 Biblical Seminar (3) Small group studies utilizing techniques of problem solving, research, formal writing and communication of results. Prerequisite: consent. TP. 480 Biblical Research (1-3) Traditional and contemporary problems in biblical areas. Prerequisite: consent. TP.
202 God's Provision and Humanity's Need (3)
Upon completion of 12 units of Greek, it is intended that the student's proficiency in the Greek language will enable him/her to read and translate a Greek text with accura cy using a standard lexicon and grammar; to explain the significance of tenses, cases and important grammatical structures; to exegete a biblical text accurately; and to un dertake individual research in biblical and extra-biblical Greek. The courses Greek 101, 102, 201, and 202 will fulfill the general education foreign language requirement.
A consideration of humanity's condition as created in the image of God, yet now in a fallen sinful state and thus in need of the saving work of God through Christ. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. 203 God's People and Kingdom Program (3) A consideration of the believer's responsi bility to the Church, Christ's body, as well as to the world at large as an agent of reconciliation in God's broader kingdom program in the end times. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. 450 Advanced Studies in Theology (3) In-depth studies in specific areas of theolo gy, such as bibliology, angelology and soteriol ogy. May be repeated for a maximum of six units with different content Consent required. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. TP. 468 Theology ofMissions (3) The biblical basis of missions and the posi tion of missions in the life of the Church. TP. 480 Theological Research (1-3) Research in the solution of specific doc trinal problems. Sections offered in areas such as biblical authority, contemporary problems, missions, prophetic problems and doctrinal bibliography. Consent required. Upper division NewTestament credit can be given for taking Advanced NewTestament Textual Criticism (405). Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. TP. Biblical La,nguages FACULTY Professor: Arnold Associate Professors: Russell, Wilkins GREEK The purpose of these courses is to intro duce students to the Greek language in order to enhance their personal understand ing of the New Testament and to prepare those who desire to pursue graduate bibli cal studies. The plan is to provide students with tools which will enable them to utilize the Greek text in future study, interpreta tion, and exposition of the Word of God.
101, 102 Elementary Greek Grammar (3,3)
An introductory study of the basic elements of NewTestament Greek, emphasizing syntax and development ofvocabulary. Translation of selected portions of the NewTestament, with extensive translation of a selected New Testament book in the second semester. 201,202 Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis (3,3) A comprehensive survey of New Testament Greek grammar and vocabulary which builds upon the first year of study. Introduction to textual criticism and exeget ical methodology which will aid students in interpreting the New Testament. Reading in selected portions of the New Testament. Prerequisite: 102 or equivalent. 304, 305 Studies in Biblical Greek (1-4, 1-4) Exegesis of biblical Greek texts for ad vanced students, with attention to transla tion, grammar, backgrounds, interpretation, and problems of analysis. Study may include one or more portions of New Testament lit erature. Prerequisite: 202 and/or consent. May be repeated with different content. 403 Hellenistic Greek (3) Readings from the Jewish, patristic and pagan writers of the Hellenistic period, in cluding the Septuagint, with attention to lit erary analysis and comparison with relevant biblical authors. Opportunity may be given to use the GRAMCORD and Ibycus comput er projects. Prerequisite: 202 or equivalent. 405 Advanced New Testament Textual Criticism (3) A survey of the materials, history and theories of New Testament textual criti cism. Prerequisites: BBST 201 and two years of Greek.
THEOLOGY 201 God's Per-son and Word (3)
A consideration of God's Person, exist ing as one God, yet manifested in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and God's inerrant Word, authoritative for faith and practice. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100.
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