

440 Topics in Advanced Biology (2-3) One section offered each year upon suf­ ficient demand. Course may be repeated with diffe rent content (section title). ENDOCRINOLOGY Discusses molecular mechanisms of hor­ mone synthesis, release and action on target cells, with emphasis on mammalian neurose­ cretory and endocrine systems, which coordi­ nate specialized body function and influence behavior. Prerequisites: 111,281 and 312. MARINE ECOLOGY Observation and field experimentation with marine organisms. Collection and analysis of ecological data using underwa­ ter techniques. Prerequisites: 352 and Scuba certification. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Lab fee: $35. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGY Historical and philosophical developments leading to establishment of biology as a mod­ ern science. Biologists, scientific method, theories of origins and evolution, bio-politics investigated. Prerequisites: 111 or consent. IMMUNOLOGY A study of the structures and functions of the immune system, humoral and cell mediated immunity and analysis of medical­ ly significant disorders of the immune sys­ tem. Prerequisites: 282 or 312. MICROSCOPY 1neory and application of bright field, dark field, phase contrast, polarizing, scanning and transmission microscopes. Preparation tech­ niques of biological materials for, and obser­ vation with electron microscopes emphasized. Prerequisites: 111 or 312. Lab fee: $35. ORNITHOLOGY Systematics, distribution, physiology, be­ havior and ecology of birds. Field identifi­ cation emphasized. Prerequisite: 100, 110 or 111. Transportation fee: $35. 450 Directed Research {1-3) Literature and laboratory or field re­ search of a specific subject or technique in biology; advanced students gain experience in experimental design, laboratory investiga­ tion and technical writing. Requires a writ­ ten report. Prerequisite: junior or senior bi­ ological science major standing and consent one semester in advance. Lab fee: $30.

460 Practicum ( 1)

352 Marine Biology (4) Introduction to oceanography, marine plant and animal diversity, and ecological relationships. Research technology empha­ sized through field trip observation and group experimentation . Three hours lec­ ture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 110 or 111. Lab fee : $20. 401 General Ecology (4) An introduction to the general concepts of the ecology of populations, communities and ecosystems, including physiological ecology, speciation and evolutionary theory. Laboratory includes computer simulations, fieldwork and a research project. Prerequisite: 211 or 222. Lab fee: $20. 402 Parasitology (4) Taxonomy, life history, physiology, ecology, and morphology of animal parasites with em­ phasis on those affecting man. lhree hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 111, 211. Alternate years. Lab fee: $20. 411 Biochemistry I (3) Structures and properties of biomolecu­ lar components of cells: including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides, nucleic acids, vitamins and coenzymes, kinetics and mechanism and regulation of enzymes ac­ tion in biological systems. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302. Alternate years. 412 Biochemistry II (3) Mathematical treatment of bioenergetics emphasizing major concepts and problem solving; principles of metabolic processes. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302 (Chemistry 402 recommended). Alternate years. 422 Laboratory in Biochemistry (2) An integrated laboratory course to accom­ pany 411,412. Modern techniques in molecu­ lar genetics, metabolic processes, bioenerget­ ics and enzyme mechanism. Six hours labora­ tory: one hour discussion /quiz. Prerequisite: Chemistry 301 and Biology 411. Offered upon sufficient demand. Lab fee: $40. 431 Developmental Biology (4) Analyzes the molecular, genetic and cellular mechanisms which control development of body form and specialized cell types from a sin­ gle fertilized egg, and which maintain stable differentiated states in the adult. Laboratory emphasizes gametogenesis, vertebrate embry­ ology, histology and directed experimental ma­ nipulation of embryos. Prerequisite: 312. Alternate years. Lab fee: $20.

Pre-Medical Practicum Pre-Dental Practicum Pre-Medical Technology Pre-Veterinary Practicum

PRACTICUM Professionally supervised observation, demonstration and study in a local medical, dental or laboratory facility. Introduction to health care philosophies, hospital and patient routines, personnel, instrumentation and specific treatment practices (phlebotomy credential with medical technology section) . Case study and research paper required. Thirty hours of observation. Prerequisite: junior standing and petition filed with pre­ Medical Advisory Committee one semester prior to enrollment. Insurance fee: $20. 470 Seminar in Advanced Biology (1) Literature research followed by oral pre­ sentation, group discussion and evaluation; independent thought and study stressed. May be repeated for maximum of two units of credit. Prerequisite: junior or senior bio­ logical science major standing.

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