

Christian Education A DIVISION OFTALBOTSCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Dean: W. Bingham Hunter, Ph.D. Associate Dean: Dennis H. Dirks,Ph.D. Chair: Michael J. Anthony, Ph.D.

110 Chemistry Topics (1-2) Various topics in introductory chemistry. Prerequisite: department approval. 301, 302 Organic Chemistry (5,5) Structure and reactivity of carbon-con­ taining compounds; emphasis given to mechanisms of organic reactions. Second semester includes structural biochemistry. Laboratory emphasizes analytical organic chemistry. Three hours lecture, six hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 106. Lab fee: $35. 350 Analytical Chemistry (5) A survey of classical chemical methods of analysis such as titrimetric and gravimet­ ric along with various instrumental meth­ ods including electrochemical, spectroscop­ ic and chromatographic. Three hours lec­ ture, six hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 301. Lab fee: $20. 402 Physical Chemistry I (3) The physical laws governing chemical reactivity are investigated. Subject include thermodynamics, kinetics, electrochem­ istry and macromolecular behavior. Prerequisite: 302, Physics and Calculus. 403 Physical Chemistry Lab (1) Laboratory experiments in chemical dy­ namics, kinetics, spectroscopy and quantum mechanics. Prerequisite: 402. 404 Physical Chemistry II (3) Quantum chemistry, molecular struc­ ture, spectroscopy, macromolecules and surface chemistry. Prerequisite: 402 411, 412 Biochemistry I, II (3,3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosynthesis and other chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: 302. 420 Special Topics in Chemistry (3) Short subjects in such areas as the chemical literature, various instrumental methods, poly­ mers, organometallics and industrial chemistry. Prerequisite: departmental approval. 422 Laboratory in Biochemistry (2) An integrated laboratory course to ac­ company 411. Modern techniques in molec­ ular genetics, metabolic processes, bioener­ getics and enzyme mechanisms. Six hours laboratory. One hour discussion/quiz. Prerequisite: Biology 312 and Chemistry

A series of seminar topics dealing with current research subjects, vocational oppor­ tunities, philosophy of science and faith. Every student presents one seminar on some area of research. Prerequisite: de­ partmental approval. 480 Special Project in Chemistry {1-3) Research or industrial internship. Requires a written report. Prerequisite: de­ partmental approval.

FACULTY Professor: Dirks

Associate Professors: Anthony, Stevens Assistant Professors: Bechtle, Garland, Johnson.Leyda Instructors: Cunningham, Ten Elshoff

OBJECTIVES The Christian education major is designed to prepare its graduates for professional min­ istries in church and parachurch agencies and to provide a foundation for graduate training. Therefore, at the completion of this major, the student will have: realized his iden­ tity in relation to his position in Christ and his spiritual gifts and abilities related to Christian ministries; demonstrated the essential knowlc edge and skills to study scriptures inductively and to communicate biblical truths effective­ ly; established a basic philosophy of Christian education which incorporates the biblical concepts of discipleship and leadership; demonstrated his ability to be sensitive to others as persons, understanding how people function in both individual and group learn­ ing experiences; developed and demon­ strates his ability to function successfully in teaching roles and/or in leadership roles. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN CHRIS1lAN EoucxnoN is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major require­ ments. The Christian education major re­ quires the completion of a core of 37 units, 24 ofwhich must be upper division and include: 150,251,252,260,261,371,380,382,415,423, 461, 462 and one of the following: 372, 373, 374. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. In addition to the 37-unit core, each stu­ dent is encouraged to select a specialization of 8 units to be taken outside of the Christian Education and Biblical Studies Departments to fulfill their elective require­ ments. There are eight specializations from which a student may choose that reflect a broad variety of ministry options in this field. The diversified specialization allows the student to design a program that best suits his/her vocational interests.

411. Alternate years. Lab fee: $40. 450 Seminar in Chemistry ( 1)

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