

Speech/Drama The courses in drama are intended to (1) provide opportunities for all students to participate in drama in order to develop com­ munication skills and gain confidence and stage presence and (2) equip students desir­ ing to use drama in Christian ministry, ele­ mentary or secondary education, missions, or other careers. Those considering a career in drama should plan on additional experience. Obtaining a degree with this concentra­ tion requires 36 units, 24 of which must be upper division. Must include: 261, 280, 362, 458, 467, 468, and 478. The remaining units should be selected with faculty advise­ ment from the following: 220, 270, 282, 352. 353,356,357,358,359,360,361,382,385, 452, 461 , and English 460 (Drama.) MINOR A Communication minor is offered with completion of a minimum of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper division. Must include 457 and 458. Contact the Communication Department regarding specific courses. COURSES Note: In all concentrations the total number of units for major area credit from practicum, internship and directed research courses may not exceed nine units.

170 Small Group Communication (3) This course focuses on the individual's communication in a group setting: leader­ ship in groups; group communication norms and processes with emphasis on problem solving and conflict management techniques. 181 lntroduction to Argumentation and Debate (3) Effective oral communication: invention, analysis, evidence, methods of attack and defense and arrangement of ideas. 202 Introduction to Mass Media (3) A survey of mass media, including history, regulation, current scope, support systems, effects and ethics of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, records and books. 220 Voice and Articulation (3) Voice improvement through study of anatomical and physiological bases of the normal voice. Training in articulation, pro­ nunciation and related oral skills. 223 Beginning Sign Language (2) Introduction and practice in the funda­ mental skills of signs and fingerspelling for communication with the deaf. Provides a basic understanding of the psychological and social implication of deafness. Does not meet the foreign language requirement. 224 Intermediate Sign Language (2) Designed for those who possess the basic skills of manual communication . Further instruction in the development of sign vocabulary, fingerspelling, fluency, re­ ceptive and expressive skills. Prerequisite: 223 or permission. Does not meet the for­ eign language requirement. 230 Introduction to Writing Application (3) This course presents basic principles of writing and how these principles are used in various applications especially in writing for the mass media. 245 Photography (3) Experience in fundamentals of black and white photography covering both creative and technical aspects. Fee: $30. (See also Art 221.) 251 Sound Workshop (3) An introduction to the sound medium asap­ plied to radio, television and film. Lab fee: $25.

261 Beginning Acting (3) Lectures, demonstrations and laboratory experience in acting. Content includes con­ centrations, observation, control and effec­ tive use of the body, pantomime, improvisa­ tion, stage techniques, the actor's resources and methods of character development. 270 Interpersonal Communication (3) This course focuses on developing com­ munication skills in the dyadic setting in­ cluding emphasis on essential precondi­ tions, conflict management, interpersonal relationships, non-verbal behavior and cre­ ative supportive climates. 280 Oral Interpretation (3) Learning to read types of literature aloud in a manner that enhances and enriches the audience's understanding and appreciation of that literature. 282, 382 Intercollegiate Forensics (2-2) Practical speech experience in debate, readers theatre and individual speaking events. Each section may be repeated once for a total of eight units. 312 Phonetics (3) The science of the articulate sounds of human speech; classification, reproduction and proper recording of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. (See also Intercultural Studies 413.) 321 Introduction to Communication Disorders (3) Survey of the various types and classifi­ cations of speech/language disorders and the role of the speech pathologist in medi­ cal and educational settings. 324 Anatomy and Physiology ofSpeech (3) Anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms. The normal pro­ cesses of respiration , phonation, articula­ tion, resonance , and hearing are covered. 326 Language Development (3) Normal development of speech and lan­ guage in children in terms of syntax, se­ mantics, phonology and pragmatics. Motor and cognitive developmen t surveyed. 327 Childhood Language Disorders (3) Study of delayed language development and childhood language disorders. Includes theories concerning etiology, clas­ sification, evaluation and therapy. Prerequisite: 321, 326 or permission.

100 Introduction to Public Communication (3)

Development of communication skills in public speaking. The course will include at­ tention to audience analysis, speech, re­ search, organization , and critical thinking. 140 Resident Assistant Practicum (3) Provides students with the opportunity to learn, exercise and refine skills which will fa­ cilitate personal growth and increase their abil­ ity to solve problems as member of the Residence Life Staff. Student should be en­ abled to reach higher levels of self-understand­ ing and deeper insights into dynamics which enhance and hinder interpersonal relation­ ships. Cannot be counted toward the major. 160 Introduction to Drama (3) Appreciation of drama through an und er­ standing of its historical development, forms and styles, and production techniques. Lab Fee: $45.

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