

Computer Science

202 Assembly Language Programming (3) Basic concepts of computer systems and computer architecture. Assembly language programming. Micros, program segmenta­ tion and linkages. Prerequisite: 102. Fee: $25. Spring. 206 Fourth Generation Languages (3) An introduction to fourth generation lan­ guages. Procedural and nonprocedural lan­ guages. Database, graphical, hypertext, and spread sheet systems. Projects as­ signed in each area. Prerequisite: 102 or consent. Fee: $25. Spring. 230 Programming Languages (3) Organization and structure of program­ ming languages. Run-time behavior and re­ quirements of programs. Introduction to programming language specifications and analysis. Study of various alternative lan­ guages to include Ada and C. Prerequisite: 102. Fee: $25. Fall. 300 Data Structures (3) Linear lists, strings, arrays and orthogonal lists; graphs, trees, binary trees, multilinked structures, searching and sorting techniques, dynamic storage allocation; applications. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $25. 302 Computer Organization (3) Organization and structuring of the major hardware components of computers. Mechanics of information transfer and con­ trol within a digital computer system. Fundamentals of logic design. Communications systems. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $25. 311 Operating Systems (3) Computer operating systems; topics in­ clude time sharing, process communica­ tion, memory management, storage alloca­ tion, interrelationships between the operat­ ing system and the architecture of computer systems. Prerequisites: 202 or 206. Fee: $25. 325 Management Science (3) Application of quantitative techniques in business organizations, linear program­ ming, queueing, and inventory models, net­ work analysis and dynamic programming and production scheduling and control. Cross listed with Math 333. Prerequisites: 101 and Math 103 or Business 223 or Math 105. Fee: $25. Fall, Spring.

Computer Science (53 units) This emphasis must complete: 101, 102, 202,230,300,302,311,325,400,415,440and one upper division elective. Math 105, 106, 112, 291 and one upper division elective. Information Systems (54 units) This emphasis must complete: 101, 102, 201, 206, 300, 311, 325, 402, 425 and one upper division elective. Business 202, 211, 212, 370,415. Math 103, 112 and 210. Note: All concentrations must include 24 upper division units. The general education require­ ment for a foreign language for those following a computer science major may be met by two years ofhigh school language or the first four units ofa college language. The science/ mathematics re­ quirement may be met by three units ofscience. MINOR A Computer Science Minor is offered with the completion of 21 units. Students pursuing a minor are required to take a core curriculum of 101, 102 and one of 201 or 202. The remaining requirements are fulfilled according to interest in consultation with department adviser. At least two courses must be at the 300 or 400 level. COURSES 100 Introduction to Computers (3) Elementary concepts of computers and data processing. Simple problem solving tech­ niques using the computer. Application to statistics, life science, business and social sci­ ence. BASIC programming. Cannot be count­ ed toward the major. Fee: $25. Fall, Spring. 101 Introduction to Computer Science (3) Introduction to computer hardware and software. Problem solving methods. Elementary concepts of algorithm develop­ ment PASCAL programming. Fee: $25. Fall. 102 Applications Program Development (3) · Elementary concepts of data structures, file organization and processing. Computer problem solving methods. PASCAL program­ ming. Prerequisite: 101. Fee: $25. Spring. 201 Systems Analysis and Design (3) Business computing systems. Systems development life cycle. Techniques and tools of system documentation and logical system specifications. Concepts and techniques of structuring data on bulk storage devices. File processing techniques. COBOL pro­ gramming. Prerequisite: 102. Fee: $25. Fall.

Chair: Walt Stangl, Ph.D.

FACULTY Professor: Thurber

Associate Professor: Woo Instructors: Seitz, Shearer

OBJECTIVES Computer science studies the representa­ tion, storage and transformation of informa­ tion utilizing computer systems. The Department of Computer Science at Biola University provides two primary areas of con­ centration in addition to a basic core curricu­ lum. These two areas are computer science and information systems. The department also offers a selection of courses for those ma­ joring in other fields who wish a minor em­ phasis in the area of computer science. Resources available to the department in­ clude two Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 3100 workstations, three Hewlett Packard 9000 workstations, and a Digital Equipment Corporation Decstation 2100 all networked to­ gether. We also have IBM, PC, PC-AT and Macintosh microcomputers. Operating sys­ tems include VMS, UNIX and DOS. The department endeavors to provide each student with an understanding of the or­ ganization and operation of modern comput­ er systems. Fundamental values and knowl­ edge are emphasized so that students will be able to stay abreast of their field. At the same time students are exposed to practical aplica­ tions and current computer systems so that they will have significant opportunities in the market place upon graduation. The perva­ sive use of computers today allows the stu­ dent to pursue a career in many different areas including aerospace, insurance, teach­ ing, the computer industry, and banking, to name a few. Also, the student is prepared to pursue further studies in graduate school typ­ ically in computer science or business. There is a concerted attempt by the depart­ ment to integrate faith and learning in the study of computer science and its impact upon our society. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF ScIENCE DEGREE IN COMPlITER ScIENCE is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and the computer science major in one of the emphases.

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