430 Elementary Curriculum (4) Introduction to the scope and sequence of the elementary school curriculum in mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts; emphasis on variety of teach ing approaches, integration across content areas, classroom management, and re sources available. A minimum of 60 hours of observation/participation in public and Christian schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. 435 Secondary Curriculum (4) Secondary school curriculum, classroom management, teaching methods, use of media and other educational skills in con tent areas. A minimum of 60 hours of ob servation/participation in public and Christian schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent.
COURSES 300 Introduction to Teaching (2) The structure and function of the school qualities required for teacher effectiveness, and contemporary issues in education. Aminimum of 30 hours of observation/participation in schools is required. Successful completion of this course constitutes one of the requirements for admission to the Preliminary Credential program. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. 330 Psychological Foundations of Education (3) Application of psychological principles to the educative process, role of the teacher and learner, human growth and develop ment, learning styles, motivation, memory, transfer of learning, measurement and evalu ation, research and experimentation in learn ing theory. This class is designed to fulfill the University's writing competency require ment. Prerequisite: 300, Psychology 200, ap proved consent, and formal application into Education Department. 370 Teaching Assistant Preparation (1) Institution and practice in general and specific methods of teaching as an assistant to professors of large university classes. Taught jointly by instructors from the Education Department and the specific de partment using teaching assistants. 410 Mainstreaming (3) Focuses on competencies that teachers must develop to meet needs of exceptional pupils; special attention to needs of minority students, to cultural and ethnic differences, and to development of moral/spiritual values. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. 420 Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading to students in elementary schools; attention to a variety of approaches and techniques; consideration of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. A minimum of 30 hours of observation/participation in schools is re quired. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. 425 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching read ing through content areas in secondary schools; attention to reading techniques, test ing, and individualization. A minimum of 30 hours of observation/participation in schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent.
All candidates for the PreliminaryTeaching Credential in Single Subject instruction must complete the following education courses: 300, 330, 425, 435, 450, 452. In both programs, all education courses must be completed with grades at "C" or better prior to student teach ing. StudentTeaching must be completed with a grade of ''B-" or better in order for the student to be recommended for a teaching credential. All candidates must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBES1) prior to sub mitting their application for student teaching. Professional Clear Credential Program In order to qualify for a Professional Clear Teaching Credential, a student must complete 30 units of courses in a pre-ap proved program. The work must be com plete within five years of receipt of the Preliminary Credential. The Professional Clear Credential can be earned in one year of full time coursework. Undergraduate students who wish to be come candidates for a Professional Clear Credential must be enrolled in an approved waiver program, must be accepted into the Education program, and must outline acre dential program with the credential analyst. Post-degree student must be accepted into the School of Arts and Sciences and into the Education program before outlining a program leading to a Professional Clear Credential. Admission to the Professional Clear Credential program requires a mini mum grade point average of 2.5 in an ap proved waiver program or passing scores in the CBEST and NTE exams. A transcript analysis fee may be required. THE FOLWWING COURSES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL PROFESSIONAL CLEAR CREDENTIAL CANDIDATES: Health Science (Biology 300), Main streaming (Education 410), and Computers in the Classroom (Education 470). All stu dents must demonstrate competence in the U.S. Constitution, writing, speech and hear ing, and computer. Multiple Subject Credential candidates must also demon strate competence in children's literature and elementary art, music, and mathemat ics. Other requirements vary with the type of program outlined, and may be obtained through the Education Department. AssOCIAT!ON OF CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL Biola University is approved to grant Association of Christian Schools International Teaching certificates. The program is the same as for the California certificate except that Christian Philosophy of Education (Education 560) must also be completed.
440, 442 Student Teaching, Elementary Schools (6,6)
450, 452 Student Teaching, Secondary Schools (6,6)
Full time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. Weekly seminar required. Prerequisite: application and consent. Students doing student teaching are limited to a maximum of 15 units that semester. 470 Computers in the Classroom (2) Knowledge and skills in computer use in education settings; includes computer appli cations in curriculum, managing instruc tion, record keeping, generating instruc tional materials, and use within appropriate grade levels and subject areas to develop process skills. Prerequisite: consent. 480 Directed Study (1-3) Consideration of topics in school cur riculum according to needs of individual students. Prerequisite: consent.
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