History (30 units) A major concentration of 18 units in History, and two minor concentrations of 6 units in both English and Philosophy, for a total of 30 units. Of the 30 units, 24 must be upper division. The student would seek his/her interests and be guided by the facul ty to take most of their courses in one of the three areas of expertise within the History Department: (a) History of the Americas, (b) Classical and European History, (c.) History of Eastern Civilization. The stu dent is required to take either History 480, Research Seminar (3 units), or History 490- 491, Senior Honor Program (6 units), as a "capstone" course in the concluding years of his/her program. Students who use this emphasis as a pre-seminary program of study, may wish to include History 321, History of the Christian Church (3 units) and one of the Biblical Languages as their foreign language requirement. Total for major: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division. Philosophy (30 units) A major concentration of 18 units in philos ophy beyond the general education require ment, of which 15 units must be upper divi sion, and minor concentrations of 6 upper divi sion units each in literature and history. For the major concentration, the student must take Philosophy 301 and either 302 or 303. For the minor concentration in literature, the student will consult his advisor about which courses will most likely complement his stud ies in philosophy. For the minor concentra tion in history, the student will select one course from History 323 or 324, and one course from History 313 or 422. Total for major: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division.
Chair: William D. Shanebeck
Professors: D. Buss, R Buss, Doland, Hanson, Jessup, Morland, Peters, Wilshire Associate Professors: Cornell, Gilman, Sargent, W. Shanebeck, Smith Assistant Professors: Ciocchi, Porter, Rambo, D. Wilkins OBJECTIVES The Departments of English, History and Philosophy offer an interdepartmental major in humanities. It consists of an 18- unit concentration in one area and two sup port areas of six upper division units each. The area of concentration is basically an emphasis in the desired field but offers more flexibility through advisement of the Humanities committee. The objective of the humanities major is to provide the student with a broader perspec tive in selected liberal arts disciplines than is possible with a single subject matter. Courses taken to satisfy the general education require ment cannot be credited to the major. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHl•:I.OR OF ARTS DEGREE IN Ht lMANITIES is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and humanities major in one of the following concentrations. English (31 units) A major concentration of 19 units in English, of which 12 must be upper divi sion. English requirement includes one unit of English 470, as well as English 251 and 252. English 250 American Literature may be counted for the general education requirement. Two areas of six upper divi sion units each chosen from the following minor concentration areas of History and Philosophy, or 12 upper division units in one of those minor concentration areas: Minor concentration in History - English history: 305,306, 310, 313. American history: 300, 307,308,401. Church history: 321, 408, 422, 460, 462. Minor concentration in Philosophy Prerequisite 214 for general education. Philosophy and Religion: 302,413 and 6 addi tional upper division units in philosophy with approval of the Humanities Committee. Philosophy and Literature: 301, 302, 303, and 3 additional upper division units in philosophy with approval of the Humanities Committee. Total for major: 31 units, of which 24 must be upper division.
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