

430 Pedagogy (2) For the private teacher. Practical proce­ dures in training a student in general musi­ cianship, memorization, proper practice habits, sight-reading and other areas pecu­ liar to specific instruments. Survey of grad­ ed literature and methods. Sections will be offered in areas such as: piano, organ, voice, wind and orchestral instruments. 440 Church Music (2) The biblical foundation for church music; its historical development; current trends; the development of a church music program. 450 Music Practicum {1-3) Fieldwork experience in music under the supervision of the music faculty and professionals in the field. Open to junior and senior music majors with the consent of the music faculty. 460 Principal Applied Instruction {1-3) Beyond degree requirements, any music degree objective. Same areas of instruction as under 121 and 131 above. (For music majors.) 470 Senior Recital/Final Project (0) Preparation for senior level music educa­ tion major (30-minute recital). 480 Directed Research {1-3) Independent study in areas such as history, literature, pedagogy, church music. Each stu­ dent assigned to a faculty member for guid­ ance and evaluation. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. 490 Senior Recital (2) Preparation for senior level performance major (60-minute recital). Credit/no credit course. ENSEMBLES 001 Biola Chorale (1) Performance of standard choral litera­ ture representing a variety of styles and pe­ riods. Membership by audition. 002 Chamber Music Ensemble (1) Encompasses a wide variety of chamber grouping and chamber music literature. The following ensemble combinations are com­ monly organized under this heading: brass quintet, woodwind quintet, flute ensemble, string quartet, percussion ensemble, piano chamber ensembles. Open to keyboard and other instrumental students by audition.

003 Chamber Orchestra (1) Performance of standard chamber music literature encompassing a wide variety of styles and periods. Membership by audition. 004 University Singers (1) Performance of traditional and contempo­ rary Gospel music. Membership by audition. 006 La, Mirada Symphony ( 1) Open by audition to string, woodwind, brass and percussion performers. Performance of standard orchestral literature. 007 Stage Band Workshop (1) To provide music education majors and other interested students experience in jazz techniques and literature. A large volume and wide variety of literature is played, dis­ cussed and evaluated as to its prospective use at the various levels of secondary and collegiate education. At least one public performance per semester is scheduled. Membership by audition. 008 Symphonic Winds (1) Performance of standard wind ensemble literature. For advanced wind and percus­ sion players. Membership by audition. 009 Handbell Choir (1) Performance of a wide spectrum of hand­ bell literature as separate ensemble and in conjunction with other instrumental and vocal ensembles. Membership by audition.

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