Physical Science
320 Analysis ofIndividual and Dual Sports I (2)
401 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3) Theory and practice of principles and techniques pertaining to athletic condition ing; care of athletic injuries. Offered alter nate years. Fee: $25. 402 Advanced Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3) Advanced theory and application of cur rent techniques in the prevention and treat ment of athletic injuries. Prerequisite: 401. Fee: $25. 405 Adapted Physical Education (3) Analysis of the principles underlying the physical education program for the handi capped; survey of specific disabilities and the implication of each for physical educa tion. Offered alternate years. 408 Motor Learning (3) Overview of significant factors which in fluence and determine the learning of motor skills. Basic principles of learning theory, transfer, cues, coding, practice, reminiscence, perception, motivation, reinforcement, extinc tion and similar concepts applied to motor performance. Prerequisite: 307. 420 Psychological and Sociological Aspects ofSport (3) The socio-psychological nature of games, sport and physical activity; the psychology of play and competition; symbolism in sports. 480 Research in Physical Education (1-3) Independent study, readings and/or re search in the fields. Senior standing with con sent and consultation. Maximum of six units.
Chair: James Rynd, Ph.D.
The organization and conduct of tennis, badminton and archery competition; pro gression drills, and practice techniques; coaching; selection and care of equipment. Prerequisite: 110. Offered alternate years.
FACULTY Professors: Kurtz, Rynd
OBJECTIVES The physical science major is an inter disciplinary major designed to provide the student with a solid foundation in chem istry, physics and mathematics. The pro gram offers fours emphases. As well as providing the necessary prerequisites for professional programs such as engi neering, medicine and education, the major allows one to qualify for many graduate programs related to the physical sciences. The knowl edge and skills provided in the program makes the graduate much sought after by technically orientated business, industry and government agencies. Upon completion of the physical science major, the student will be able to express an understanding of the basic laws and theo ries of physics and chemistry, demonstrate an ability to do quantitative problem solv ing, demonstrate good laboratory tech nique, acquire several technical skills, apply scientific methodology to a research prob lem and integrate scientific knowledge and theories with the Christian Faith. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate requirements and the physical science departmental require ments in one of the following emphases.
321 Analysis ofIndividual and Dual Sports II (2)
The organization and conduct of golf, gym nastics; balance and posture. Prerequisite: 110, 140. Offered alternate years. 323 Analysis of Volleyball (2) A theory and laboratory class designed to acquaint students with progression, prac tice techniques, selection and care of equip ment and the teaching and coaching of vol leyball. Prerequisites: 110, 150. Offered al ternate years. 324 Analysis ofRhythmical Activities (2) Instrumental materials and methods suit able for all areas of rhythmical activities. Pre requisites: 110, 201. Offered alternate years. 325 Analysis ofSoftball (Women) (2) A theory and laboratory class designed to acquaint students with progression, prac tice techniques, selection and care of equip ment and the teaching and coaching of soft ball. Prerequisites: 110, 150. Offered alter nate years. 326 Analysis ofBasketball (Women) (2) A theory and laboratory course de signed to acquaint students with progres sion; practice techniques; selection and care of equipment and the teaching and coach ing of basketball. Prerequisites: 110, 150. Offered alternate years. 330 Psychology of Coaching (2) Analysis of factors in coaching in areas of motivation, attitude formation and behav ior, leadership and techniques of coaching. 400 Administration and Principles of Physical Education (3) Implementing the activity program through proper organization; use of tests and measure ments; purchase and care of equipment; public relations at all levels; auxiliary activity programs offered by organizations outside the school; the place of the intramural and inter-school pro gram; development of principles which serve as a basis of the profession. Lecture/demonstra tions team-taught with cooperating depart ments. Offered alternate years.
Chemistry (58 units) Chemistry 105, 106, 301, 302, 350;
Computer Science 101; Physics 211, 222; Math 105, 106, and 15 units of upper division courses in chemistry, physics or math. Education (62 units) Chemistry 105, 106, 301; Computer Science 101; Physics 211, 222, 341; Math 105, 106; Education 300, 330, 425 and 435; and 14 units of physical science or math electives including those needed to com plete the waiver program. Physics (58 units) Physics 211, 222, 331, 341; Chemistry 105, 106; Math 105, 106, 205; Computer Science 101; and 20 units of upper division courses in physics and math.
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