Talbot School ofTheology
Academically It is the purpose of the seminary to pro vide its students with the best in theological education in order that they may be equipped intelligently to preach and teach the Word of God and present it zealously to the world. In keeping with this goal, every department is geared to emphasize the clear and accurate exposition of the Scriptures. The biblical languages are uti lized to expose the inner meaning of the in spired text, Bible exposition, whether by synthesis or analysis, presents a connected and related interpretation of the infallible Book. Systematic theology moves toward a well organized and structured arrangement of biblical truth. Historical theology en gages itself to acquaint the student with the progress of the inerrant Word among the household of faith throughout the Christian era. Philosophy of religion furnishes the el ements whereby the servant of Christ may give a well-marshalled reason for the faith that is within. Missions, practical theology, and Christian education strive to perfect in the student a skillful and winsome presenta tion of the truth, privately and publicly. Talbot stands for one faith, one integrated curriculum, one eternal Word of God and its effective proclamation to a modern gen eration with its multiplicity of needs. Practically It is the purpose of the seminary to pre pare for the Gospel ministry those who be lieve, live and preach the great historic doc trines of faith which have been committed to the church. To realize these broad objec tives, the seminary offers eight degree pro grams, each with its own distinctive purpos es: The Master of Divinity program, the Master of Arts program in Ministry, the Master of Arts programs (Bible Exposition, New Testament, Old Testament, Theology, Biblical and Theological Studies-Diversified emphases), the Master of Arts program in Christian Education, the Master of Arts pro gram in Marriage and Family Ministries, the Master of Theology program, the Doctor of Ministry program and the Doctor of Education program. DEGREES OFFERED Talbot School of Theology offers the fol lowing degree programs: Master of Divinity Master of Arts in Ministry A certificate in Ministry is also offered.
Dean: W. Bingham Hunter, Ph.D. Associate Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D.
Master of Arts (Bible Exposition, New Testament, Old Testament, Theology, Specialized Ministries, Women's Ministries, and Biblical and Theological Studies-Diversified emphases) Master of Arts in Christian Education Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Ministries Master of Theology Doctor of Ministry Doctor of Education Candidates for degrees must demon strate an exemplary Christian character, a commitment to communicate the truth of the Word of God and manifest promise of usefulness in Christian service. Additional educational options/programs offered through Talbot are highlighted below: Extended Day Classes Late afternoon and evening classes which meet one or two days a week are regularly offered at the La Mirada campus. This ar rangement provides an opportunity to obtain a course or two each semester, when other responsibilities prevent enrollment as a full time student. Courses offered are identical in content to those provided in the daytime schedule and are applicable toward the de gree programs of the seminary. Holy Land Studies Talbot School of Theology will transfer up to 12 units of elective credit for graduate level courses taken at the Institute of Holy Land Studies, Jerusalem, Israel. Study tours for credit are also offered. Independent Studies Lectures for each course are provided on cassette tapes prepared by outstanding evan gelical scholars. Included is a printed syl labus which provides a broad outline of the lectures, review questions and a bibliogra phy. Requirements for credit also include textbook assignments, collateral reading, re search papers and examinations, all of which are outlined in a programmed syllabus. The regular tuition fees are charged for each course regardless of the number of units for which a student is already enrolled and include costs for tapes and pro grammed syllabus. Tapes must be ordered through the Talbot Associate Dean's office. ITS courses may not normally be used in lieu of required courses. Students who desire graduate credit for ITS courses must meet the normal require ments for admission to Talbot and register
FACULTY Professors: Dirks, Holloman, Hunter, Kwast, Moreland, Saucy Associate Professors: Anderson, Anthony, Arnold, Bechtle, Curtis, Finley, Hutchison, Johnson, Luter, McIntosh, Mohline, Rigsby, Russell, Stevens, Wilkins Assistant Professors: Arnold, Boersma, Garland, Gomes, Leyda, Rae Instructors: Cunningham, Ten Elshof OBJECTIVES The purpose ofBiola University, in a broad perspective, is to educate Christian men and women in order to produce gradu ates who are: 1) competent in their field of study; 2) knowledgeable in biblical studies; 3) earnest Christians equipped to serve the Christian community and society at large. Both the nature and the purpose of Talbot School of Theology are elaborated more specifically in the following paragraphs, and further expanded at various places through out the catalog as noted under each heading. Theologically Talbot School ofTheology is interdenom inational by nature and is thoroughly com mitted to the proclamation of the great his toric doctrines of the Christian church. It definitely and positively affirms historic or thodoxy in the framework of an evangelical and prernillennial theology which is derived from a grammatico-historical interpretation of the Bible, it earnestly endeavors to make these great doctrinal truths a vital reality in the spiritual life of this present generation. The seminary aims to train students who be lieve and propagate the great doctrines of the faith as they are summarized in our Statement of Doctrine and teaching position. Spiritually It is the purpose of Talbot to develop in the lives of its students a spiritual life which is in harmony with the great doctrines taught, in order that they may grow in the grace as well as in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Specifically, the goal is to educate and graduate students characterized by practical Christian service, missionary and evangelistic zeal and an ad equate knowledge of the Scriptures. To ac complish these objectives the seminary conducts a chapel program and gives atten tion to its students' service opportunities.
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