DM 809 Theology of the Church (6) An examination of the fundamental doctrines concerning the church including its nature, organizational structure, min istry, ordinances, purpose and place in God's design . Discussion of the signifi cance derived from each of these areas for the practical life of the church , with special focus on current theological issues in volved. Emphasis on the meaning of these doctrines for the practical life of the church. DM 810 Contemporary Biblical Preaching (6) Examination of contemporary preach ing. Attention given to a variety of preach ing forms, such as evangelistic, expository, life-situation, socio-prophetic, biographical, dialogue, as well as radio and television techniques. Class members involved in both analysis and actual preaching. DM 811 Interpersonal Relationships in the Church (6) A biblical and practical examination of what believers ought to do with and for each other in the local church . Special attention given to: ways of facilitating fellowship, the place of confrontation, the handling of criti cism, reactions to change, the potential of small groups, the administering of disci pline, the meaning of love, the nature of for giveness and the importance of unity. Key biblical words and concepts studied and practical implications developed for the pro gram of the local church. Discussion of rela tionships among the staff, boards, commit tees and the congregation at large. DM 813 Worship (6) Attention given to two areas: 1) a survey of biblical materials on the nature and im portance of worship for the people of God; and 2) a survey of contemporary literature on worship in the church. A foundation provided for the development of a biblical theology/philosophy for worship in today's churches and for fundamental discussion of the practical aspects of both planning and executing meaningful services of worship. DM 814 Contemporary Issues in Marriage and Family Ministries (6) A course designed to broaden and deep en the pastoral understanding of Christian marriage in the contemporary world. Emphasis on the sociology of marriage as an institution, the psychology of intimate rela tionships, and the nature of love and sexuali ty. Husband-wife roles studied in the light of
DM 824 The Pastor's Spiritual and Emotional Health (6) A course designed to examined the haz ards of the ministry as they pertain to the mental and spiritual health of the pastor. The pastor assisted in identifying the area of potential personal weakness and given re sources for dealing with these problems. Attention given to aspects of the minister's role conflicts in his personal life, family life and ministry. Problem areas such as anger, depression, assertiveness, leadership and relationships will be explored. Techniques for self-modifying behavior to grow spiritu ally and emotionally presented. DM 825 Small Groups; An Expression of the Body ofChrist (6) A course focusing on birth, care and de velopment of biblical small groups as they function in the life of the local church. Philosophy of small group ministry ex plored with strategies for beginning groups and maintaining them in the local church. Participants will learn how to train lay lead ers, how small groups function effectively and will be able to set up a small group pro gram in their ministry. DM 826 Dynamics ofChurch Growth (6) A course designed to understand scien tific principles developed to date in the field of church growth, to cover relevant contem porary literature on the subject and to ac quire the basic skills necessary for diagnos ing the health of the local church and de signing programs for the future growth. Course is designed to provide laboratory field experience in studying church growth. Involves direct research into growing churches in Southern California. (Additional work will be expected outside of class hours during the course.) DM 827 Integration of Theology and Psychology in a Counseling Ministry (6) An in-depth examination of various lead ers and models of counseling in vogue today. Evaluation of their success in inte grating psychology and theology in counsel ing. Course is designed to assist the church leader to establish a lifestyle of inte gration as well as a philosophy of integra tion that will have practical expression in a counseling ministry in the local church. (Required for all persons in Marriage and Family Ministries.)
Scripture and the movement toward egalitar ian marriage. Attention given to the prob lems of divorce and remarriage, single par ent, blended family and other current issues. DM 815 Theological and Psychological Foundations for Parenting (6) Development of a theologically consis tent and psychologically healthy under standing of the process of child rearing. Includes a critical review, both theologically and psychologically, of a number of current approaches to parenting. Class members responsible to 1) formulate a comprehen sive program of parent education for a local church, or 2) develop and conduct a parent education seminar or workshop. DM 817 Biblical Principles ofChurch Renewal (6) An examination of biblical principles for church life with the aim of spiritual and mis sion renewal. Course emphases will center on the pastor's style of leadership, involve ment and training of lay leaders, congrega tional creativity, impacting the community, and preaching style and content, plus the pastor's and congregation's spiritual life. DM 819 World Mission and the Local Church (6) An overview and analysis of the develop ment of world missions with emphasis on current specific world views. Issues such as sell-supporting missions, hidden peoples and third world missionaries will be ex plored, along with considerations on how to develop a world-view congregation. DM 822 Family Life Education (6) A course designed to lead the student through a biblical, sociological and education al investigation of family life education. Discovery of common elements of an effec tive family ministry in the church. Integration of this data with existing re sources allows each person to develop a strat egy of family life education for his church. DM 823 Family Living for All Seasons (6) A course designed to provide the pastor or Christian worker with a developmental approach to family living. Exposure to de velopmental life changes in persons and how change events in life - such as birth of a child, job change, death of parent - can af fect marriage and family. (Required for all persons in Marriage and Family Ministries.)
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