SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Christian Thought - Philosophy ofReligion
PH 720 Theological Language and Symbolism (2) The significance and criticism of theo logical language with an analysis of biblical usage. Historical and contemporary Christian symbols. Elective. PH 722 Cults ofAmerica (2) The distinctive features of the cults of America with their significance in the devel opment of religious thought and with particu lar reference to their treatment of the central features of orthodox Christian doctrine. Required of MA (fH) students. Elective. (Same as HT 722.) PH 723 Apologetics Internship (2) Offered in cooperation with approved Christian apologetics organizations. Student has opportunities to give reasons for faith in real-life settings under the direction of trained Christian apologists. Departmental permission required. Elective. PH 724 Current Philosophical Issues (2) An intensive study of the thought of par ticular philosophers of religion or important philosophical issues as they relate to theolo gy. May be repeated with different course content. Elective. PH 758 World Religions (2) The distinctive features of the world's ethnic religions, the philosophical and psy chological implications and the significant cultural patterns surrounding their develop ment. Elective. (Same as HM 556) PH 767 Directed Study (2-4) Reading and research in selected and concentrated areas, as epistemology, ethics, existentialism, theological language and non-Christian religions. Elective. PH 880 Directed Research {1-3) Supervised research in selected areas of philosophy of religion . Elective for Th.M. students.
OBJECTIVES The Christian leader often deals with problems which are related to contempo rary trends in philosophical and scientific thought. For this reason, a knowledge of the intellectual heritage of the western world and the apologetic techniques and postures which are of most value is needed. Four hours of credit from the offerings may be applied as elective credit toward the major in systematic theology.
COURSES PH 602 Apologetics (2-3)
An examination of the Christian world view and the various Christian apologetic responses in relation to the areas of history, science, and philosophy. Required for M.Div. and M.A. (TH.) students. PH 702 Bible and Science (2) Crucial aspects of the relationship be tween the biblical record and the methods and findings of science. Elective. PH 708 History ofPhilosophy from a Theological Perspective (2-3) Development of philosophy with special emphasis upon the junctures where philoso phy has influenced Christianity. Elective. PH 710 Modern Apologetic Options (2) Reading and evaluation of crucial mod ern apologists, as, Butler, Paley, Edwards, Machen, Van Ti!, Carnell and Montgomery. Elective. PH 711 Philosophy ofReligion (2) Philosophy of religion in terms of such topics as the origin and growth of religion, the traditional proofs for God and the prob lem of evil. Elective. PH 714 Religious Existentialism (2) Leading existential writers and concepts with their implications for Christian faith in thought. Elective. PH 716 Problems ofKnowledge in Religious Thought (2) Major approaches to religious epistemol ogy, including contemporary contributions to the meaning of inspiration and authority. Elective.
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