


New Testament La,nguage and Literature

interpretative problems of the epistle. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.*

NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels and Acts (3) Exegetical study of select passages from the Greek text of the Gospels and Acts. Application of exegetical methodology and discussion of background issues, including historical backgrounds, composition, author­ ship, and distinctives of each book. Special attention given to assessment of modern criti­ cal methods for the interpretation of the Biblical text. Prerequisite: NT 503. Required of M.Div., M.A. (BE, N'D students. NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles (3) Exegetical study of select passages from the Greek text of the Epistles. Application of exegetical methodology and discussion of background issues, including historical backgrounds, composition, authorship, and distinctives of each book. Special attention given to assessment of modern critical methods for the interpretation of the Biblical text. Prerequisite: NT 503. Required of M.Div., M.A. (BE, N'D students. NT 606 New Testament Introduction (2) New Testament historical backgrounds; English translations of the New Testament; formation, history, extent and transmission of the canon; special introduction of each New Testament book. NT 616 Readings in Hellenistic Greek (2) Readings from a variety of literary and non-literary Koine texts as a means of devel­ oping a greater awareness of the linguistic, literary, and cultural context of the New Testament. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 621 Life of Christ (2) A study of the historical and cultural background to the Gospels; extensive study of the mission, life and teachings of Christ. A harmony/ synopsis of the Gospels will be employed in order to give attention to the similarities and differences in the Gospel accounts. Elective.*

Chair: Michael]. Wilkins, Ph.D.

NT 644 Exegesis ofEphesians (2) Translation and exegesis of the epistle with special attention given to determining the life-setting and to interpreting the prima­ ry themes. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 646 Exegesis ofHebrews (2) A study of the entire epistle with detailed exegesis of select passages. Special atten­ tion given to the structure, argument, and interpretative problems of the epistle. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 701 The World of the New Testament(2) New Testament historical backgrounds and archaeology, including a study of the re­ ligious developments, literature, geography and cultural setting of Judaism and the Hellenistic world at the time of Christ and the early church. Required of M.A. (B.S., N .T.) students. NT 705 Hellenistic Religions and the New Testament (2) An analysis of the Greco-Roman reli­ gions, the "mystery religions," magic, as­ trology, and the beginning forms of Gnosticism for their relevance in better un­ derstanding the New Testament. Elective.* NT 711 Rapid Reading in the Greek New Testament (2) Directed reading designed to supple­ ment the student's knowledge of the Greek New Testament, to increase vocabulary, and to provide with further application and

FACULTY Associate Professors: Flory, Russell, M. Wilkins Assistant Professors: Arnold, Porter, D. Wilkins Visiting Professors: R.T. France, G. Franz, W. Gasque, Ho Sang OBJECTIVES The purpose of this department is to im­ part to the student a knowledge of the Greek New Testament which includes three principal areas: historical backgrounds, Greek grammar and exegesis of the text. The plan is to provide students with tools which will enable them to utilize the Greek text in future study, interpretation, and in exposition of the Word of God. Students are strongly advised to take be­ ginning Greek prior to starting course work at Talbot (either in summer school at Talbot or in undergraduate work), so that the stu­ dent can immediately begin work with the Greek text of the New Testament. A quali­ fying examination in Greek is available to all students with previous Greek training. Those with a grade of "C" or higher on the examination will be enrolled in NT 503 and the rest in NT 501. Those who take begin­ ning Greek at Talbot for credit will have 4 units fewer elective units. COURSES NT 501-502 Beginning Greek (2, 2) An introductory study of the basic ele­ ments of New Testament Greek. Translation of portions of the New Testament in the sec­ ond semester. Designed for students who have not completed a full sequence of begin­ ning Greek courses. Not for credit in the M.Div. program unless the student takes in place of elective units. NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis (3) A comprehensive survey of morphology and syntax, the building of a Greek vocabu­ lary, an introduction to textual criticism, and the development of an exegetical methodol­ ogy with reading in selected passages of the Greek New Testament. Designed to empha­ size the value of Greek study as a tool for understanding the biblical text. Includes a required one hour non-credit lab. Prerequisite: NT 501-502. Required of M.Div., M.A. (BE, NT, OT, TH) students.

understanding of Greek grammar. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.*

NT 713 English Translations of the New Testament (2) A study of the history, philosophy, textu­ al basis, theological perspective and style of various English translations of the New Testament. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.*

NT 623 Exegesis of the Gospel of Matthew (2)

NT 721 Exegesis of the Synoptic Discourses ofChrist (2)

A study of the entire gospel with detailed exegesis of select passages. Special atten­ tion given to the structure, argument, and interpretative problems of the gospel. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 641 Exegesis ofRomans (2) A study of the entire epistle with detailed exegesis of select passages. Special atten­ tion given to the structure, argument, and

Christ's major discourses in the Synoptic Gospels, with principal emphasi s upon the Sermon on the Mount, the Parables of the Mysteries of the Kingdom and the Olivet Discourse. The content of the discourses will be analyzed within the ministry of Christ. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.*

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