OT 880 Old Testament Seminar (2-4) Detailed research in some phase of the Old Testament field, such as specific topics in history and introduction or archaeology of selected geographical areas. Prerequisite: OT 705 and departmental per mission. Elective forTh.M. students; others by departmental permission. May be re peated for credit with different emphasis.* OT 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Discussion and application of the central areas of Old Testament research and related fields of study. Instruction in research, in cluding the identification of a problem, the steps undertaken to resolve a problem, and writing the results. Required of the first semester of the Th.M. (0.T.) program. A second semester may be taken to continue research in the area of interest. *
OT 730 The Dead Sea Scrolls (2) A survey of the discoveries, the origin of the Qumram Community, its belief and practices and the relationship of the finds to Old and New Testament studies. Elective.* OT 731 Biblical Aramaic (4) A study of the grammar with emphasis on comparisons with Hebrew; translating of
all the Aramaic of Daniel and Ezra. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.*
OT 732 Seminar in Hebrew Exegesis (2-4) A consideration of selected Old Testament passages with emphasis on his torical background and detailed exegesis from the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.*
OT 807 Old Testament Textual Criticism (2)
*Electives are offered by rotation and on request.
A study of the Massoretic notes, the par allel passages and the versions with expla nation of the variations. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.* OT 809 Advanced Exegetical Studies (2-4) Application of exegetical methodology to selected passages from the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Special attention given to the ancient versions and to current scholar ship as it relates to text, language, history, and interpretive issues. May be repeated with different content. Elective for Th.M. stu dents; others by departmental permission. * OT 811 Seminar in Semitic Languages (2-4) Introductory grammatical studies in Ugaritic, Arabic, Akkadian, Syriac or Modern Hebrew; readings in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions; or other advanced Semitic studies. Prerequisite: OT 705 and departmental permission . Elective for Th.M. students; others by de partmental permission. May be repeated for credit with different emphasis.* OT 812 Readings in the Septuagint (2) A survey of the origin, nature and value of the Greek Old Testament with a reading of selected portions and comparison with the Hebrew text. Investigation of the meth ods of the translators. Prerequisite: OT 705, NT 502 and departmental permission. Elective for Th.M. students; others by de partmental permission.*
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