


Talbot Graduate Student Awards The awards that follow are presented an­ nually to qualified students on the basis of criteria indicated:

TuEALUMNI AwAJm - Given to a continuing student in the seminary by the Alumni Association. TuE MI NISTRY AssOCIATES AWARD - To an out­ standing graduate completing the Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Ministry pro­ gram. TuE CHARLES LEEFEINBERG AWARD - Given to the Senior who best exemplifies the image of a student at Talbot School of Theology. ThEWILLIAM W. BASS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD - Given to a second or third year stu­ dent who has demonstrated a keen interest in Philosophy of Religion and/or Theology. ThE!NEZ GOODEN MEMOIUAL SCHOLARSHIP AwARD - Given to a seminary student with fi­ nancial need. TuEGORDON JOHNSON SCHOI.ARSHIP AWARD - Given to a seminary student performing well academically in one of the Bible related fields. TuEWALKER SCHOLAJ/SHIP AWARD - To a sem­ inary student with special interest and abili­ ty in the area of outreach, established by the International Fisherman's club. TuEGRATEFUL AWARD - Granted to an out­ standing senior preacher having financial need, given by the Diamond Bar Evangelical Free Church. TuE BAKER BOOK AWARD INCHRISTIAN EDUCATION - Given to the graduate who has distinguished himself in the study of theology. THEAMERICAN BIBLESoc1ETY AwARD - Given to the student who has distinguished him­ self in meaningful and interpretive public reading of the Scriptures.

TuE Lours T. TALBOT AwARD - To a student in the seminary whose concern and zeal, in theory and practice, are outstanding in the area of the evangelization of the Jews. TuE AUDREY TALBOT AWARD IN BIBLE EXPOSITION- To the student in the seminary who does the best work for the year in the Department of Bible Exposition. TuE WrLLlAM W. BASS AwARD - To a student in the seminary whose concern and zeal, theoretically and practically, are exemplary in the interest of the evangelization of the Jews. TuE JOHNAND JENN IE SOLOMO AWARD INOLD TESTAMENT - To the student in the seminary who does the best work for the year in the Department of Semitics and Old Testament. TuELIBRARY AwARD - To the student com­ pleting a thesis or thesis project who, in the opinion of the Librarian, has made the most intelligent and effective use of the Library during the year of his or her graduation . TuE ROBERT N. OLIVER AWARD INSYSTEMATIC ThEOLOGY - To the student with the best work for the year in Systematic Theology. TuE AWARD INHoMILETrcs - An annual award to 3 students in the seminary who distinguish themselves in preaching. TuE KENNETH D. ARCH! AL AWARD IN CHRISTIANEDUCATION - An annual award to the outstanding second year in the Department of Christian Education. TuE AwARD INNEw TESTAMENT- To the stu­ dent who has done outstanding work in New Testament studies throughout the seminary program. TuE REv. & MRS. DAVID DOERKSEN AWARD IN MrssroNs - To the student in the seminary who does the best work for the year in the Department of Missions. TuE MARGENIQUEHE AWARD INBIBLE EXPOSITION - An annual award to the student in the seminary who has done outstanding work in the Department of Bible Exposition in the final year of training.



TuECORY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD - Given to the outstanding seminary student who has committed to reach, teach, win, and train people for Him through Bible­ based educational products. Offered each year by Scripture Press Ministries.

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