principles and techniques. A minimum of 50 hours of individual training are required. Such issues as timing, choice of therapist and specific goals are determined by students in conjunction with their advisors and the Professional Training Committee. When doctoral students reach their fourth year most of their time is spent in in dependent study, electives and practicum experiences. This step-by-step progression in professional training experiences gives the student personal experience with a wide range of personalities in a variety of settings and provides the necessary preparation for a full-time internship during the fifth year of study. The internship is planned as an inten sive clinical experience to help students inte grate the varied elements of their prepara tion in psychology into a congruent profes sional role. All internships must be faculty approved in order to ensure a high level of professional experience for the student. Placement in practicum agencies is made by the director of clinical training and intern ships are obtained by the student consonant with the internship guidelines of the school. Christian Activities As members of a Christian university com munity, Rosemead's faculty believe the relat ing of one's faith to an academic discipline goes beyond the theoretical and cognitive. Opportunities for fellowship, dialogue and worship are seen as vital parts of the total edu cational process. Consequently, all students are expected to participate in Rosemead's weekly chapel as well as a one year-long fel lowship group. The fellowship groups begin in the first year of the student's progran1. These activities provide an opportunity for students and their spouses to flesh out the personal implications of their faith and inte grative study. They also provide opportunity for informal, out of class interaction with facul ty spouses and other members of the Rosemead community. Students are also en couraged to become involved in one of the many local churches in the Southern California area. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The major M.A., Psy.D. and Ph.D. degree requirements are summarized below. Since all students take a set of basic courses in sci entific psychology as well as in clinical psy chology and theology, the first three years of the Psy.D. and Ph.D. tracks are very similar. Terminal Master's Program in Clinical Psychology
A Master of Arts degree in clinical psy chology will be awarded to students who successfully complete the prescribed pro gram of study of the first two years of the doctoral sequence, including: A. A minimum of 45 semester hours of aca demic work with the following distribution: (1) a minimum of 36 semester hours in psychology (2) a minimum of nine semester hours in theology B. A minimum of one year of resident grad uate work.
(2) PRELIMINARY ORAL INTERVIEW All students have an oral interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for successful completion of the doctoral program. This interview is scheduled after the completion of three semesters in residence, including at least one practicum assignment. The results of this interview are reported to faculty which votes to allow the student either to contin ue, continue studies with a Preliminary Oral Interview review the following year, or not to allow the student to continue in the doc toral program. (3) COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATIONS All students must pass a set of doctoral level comprehensive examinations covering the following areas: 1)) psychological inter vention and 2) psychology and theology. These examinations are given twice an nually and serve as the major means of eval uating a student's suitability to continue studies toward the doctorate. The examina tions may be taken any time after comple tion of 75% of the course work and must be successfully completed prior to the Professional Qualifying Examination. Psy.D. students who select the non-dis sertation option will take a research profi ciency exam Only one retake of the examination is al lowed. The dates of the Comprehensive Examinations are specified in the Academic Calendar. (4) ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY Official candidacy for the doctorate sig nifies an advanced stage in the student's progress and is accompanied by a redefini tion of full time enrollment which enables the student to place greater emphasis on his practicum experience, internship and dissertation, and less emphasis on formal coursework. In order to be admitted to can didacy the student must have: (a) Successfully completed the Preliminary Oral Interview (b) Passed the Comprehensive Examinations (c) Received approval of dissertation proposal by the Doctoral Committee (d) Completion of training therapy
Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology (1) RESIDENCE AND COURSE WORK
A minimum of four years of residence is required for the doctorate. While the doc torate is not awarded simply for completion of stated course work, there are basic unit requirements for the degree (133 semester hours*). Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who assists in the planning of each semester's schedule of courses and super vises the student's progress in the program. For transfer credit, see General Academic Information. PSYCHOLOGY: Psy.D. students must com plete a minimum of 97 semester hours in psychology. These 97 units must include at least 21 units selected from SLB elective psychotherapy courses, and 18 units of practicum. Students may apply up to six units of graduate coursework from the School of Intercultural Studies toward the total psychology hours requirement. ThEOLOGY: All students must complete a minor in theology which includes a mini mum of 17 semester units. I NTEGRATION SEMINARS: All students partici pate in a series of seminars (14 units) devot ed to the integration of a variety of theologi cal and psychological concepts in research, theory and practice. D1ssERTAT10 RESEARCH: Students in Rosemead's Psy.D. track may fulfill the re search component of their program either by writing a dissertation or by successfully completing a research consumership se quence (5 units) which includes a year-long doctoral research seminar, a critical review of research literature on a clinical topic and a proficiency examination for consumers of clinical research.
*"Hours" and "units" are used inter changeably throughout this section.
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