

sumership sequence is composed of: (a) a two semester, five credit doctoral research seminar focusing on the critical evaluation and utilization of clinical research; (b) a paper involving a critical review of research on a selected, clinically relevant topic; and (c) a proficiency examination evaluating the student's abili ty to critically evaluate cur­ rent clinical research papers. This profi­ ciency exam is taken at the end of the first semester of the doctoral research seminar. Psy.D. students must either register for five units of credit for dissertation proposal or for the doctoral research seminar. (9) FINAL ORAL EXAMINATION The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral com­ mittee and other invited professionals.

Committee. For further details, refer to the Internship Guidelines in student handbook. Intership fee's are listed in the psychology course section (S'IN 731 Internship). (7) COMPLETION OF ThAJN ING THERAPY All students must receive certification of completion of training therapy from the di­ rector of clinical training. A minimum of 50 hours of group therapy plus 50 hours on in­ dividual therapy is required. See Training Therapy Guidelines for furthe r details. (8) DISSERTATION or- RESEARCH CONSUMERSHIP SEQUENCE All Psy.D. students must demonstrate doctoral-level mastery of a research area in clinical psychology. This may be done ei­ ther by a dissertation or by a research con­ sumership sequence. The research con-

(5) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFYlNG EXAMINATION All Psy.D. students must successfully complete an examination that evaluates the student's readiness for a full-time internship. It may be taken any time after the compre­ hensive examinations have been passed and must be completed six months prior to in­ ternship. The examining committee may re­ quire the student to complete additional course work, practicum, or other profession­ al growth experiences prior to beginning the internship. See the Professional Qualifying Examination Guidelines in student hand­ book for further detail. (6) I NTERNSHIP All students are required to complete a one-year, full-time clinical internship prior to graduation. All internships are to be approved in advance by the Clinical Training


FALL FIRST YEAR Personality and Psychopathology I Developmental Psychology Measurement and Assessment I Histor y and Systems Theology I


Psychology of Learning or Cognition and Affect Measurement/Assessment II Pe rsonality and Psychopathology II Prepracticum Theology II Psychotherapy and Religion

3 3 3 2 3 1


Introduction to Clinical Techniques

3 3 3 3 3




SECOND YEAR Advanced Stati stics Measurement/Assessment III Practicum I Theology III Psychotherapy l..ab**(613 or 643)

Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes*

Research Design Psychotherapy Lab Elective Nature and Scope or Systems of Integration

3 3 3 3 4 16

3 3 3 4 3 16


Practicum II Theology IV


THIRD YEAR Ethical and Profesional Issues SPY/SLB Electives Practicum III Integration Elective

7 3 2 3

PSY/PLB Elective

3 8 3 2


SPY/SLB Electives Practicum IV Integration Elective Neuropsychology* or Psychopharmacology




FOURTH YEAR TheologyV SPY/SLB Electives Practicum V Integration Elective Doctoral Research Seminar or Psy.D. Dissertation Proposal

3 3 3 2

PSY/ PLB Elective


SPY/SLB Electives Practicum VI Integration Elective Doctoral Research Seminar or Psy.D. Dissertation Proposal

6 3 4


3 14



FIFTH YEAR Internship

Inte rnship




* For students with undergraduate coursework in social and physiological psychology. Studen ts without undergraduate social psychology will take RSPY 608, Social Psychology, instead ofRSPY 702, Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes. Studen ts without undergraduate physiological psychology will take RSPY 607, Psychophysiology Processes i11stead ofNeuropsycho/ogy or Psychopharmacology. These alter11atiue courses will generally be taken dun·ng the spring of the second or third year. • •second year students elect one of th e following psychotherapy lab courses: Psychotherapy withAdolescents or Behavior Modification with Ch ildren and Parents.

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