


Student Employment The University maintains an employment office for the benefit of students needing part-time work to defray expens­ es. While this office does not guarantee employment, it does make an effort to place every student desiring work. Jobs are available both on and off campus, according to student's ability, capacity to handle the added burden of employment and financial need. Normally, a student can expect to earn $1,200 to $1,800 per year part-time (based on $4.25 per hour minimum wage). However, larger amounts may be earned based on previous work experience and hours available for employment. The student who finds it necessary to work for the entire amount of his living expenses should plan to extend the time required for his course of study and to reduce his academic load. APPLICATION FOR AID Students may.apply for financial aid by filing a Student Aid Application for California (SAAC) or (non­ California residents) a Financial Aid Form (FAF). In both cases, "Biola University - CSS CODE 4017" should be included on the appropriate sections. All undergraduate California residents are expected to apply for one of the Cal Grant programs, using the SAAC. Pell Grants may be applied for by completing the appropriate section of the SAAC or FAF Departmental applications for scholarships (for music, athletics and forensics) are available from departments only. For example, write to the chairman, music department, Biola University. Note: New financial aid applications need to be filed for each academic year. WHEN TO FILE? The following deadlines have been established for the various aid programs: CAL GRANT PROGRAMS New Applicants: March 2 Renewals March 2 UNIVERSITY AID All Applicants March 2. * * A March 2nd postmark deadline is encouraged for all programs, and must be met to be eligible for the "Meeting the Difference" student need grant. FINANCIAL AID DISBURSEMENTS All financial aid is awarded for the academic year; one half is applied to a student's school account each semester (unless stated otherwise). Students enrolled for only one semester are entitled to only that semester's award.

GENERAL FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION The following apply to both undergraduate and grad­

uate aid applicants. Entitlement Aid

Biola University is authorized as an institution to grant benefits to veterans and dependents, social security bene­ fits and assistance from the California Rehabilitation Program. Students interested in this type of aid should contact the Office of Admissions and Records. 1f an applicant is a non-California resident but a resi­ dent of the United States, he/she may obtain a loan through his/her state's Higher Education Loan Program, by contacting a participating bank in his/her home area. If his/her state participates in the GSL program, he/she may contact a bank in his/her community. Short Term Loans Biola University has certain revolving funds which are used for short-term student loans. A student may borrow up to $500 per year (for emergency purposes); the loan is interest free, the only charge being a nomi­ nal service fee of $2.00 per $100 borrowed. In general, these are reserved for students whose needs are of a short duration as the entire amount must be repaid before each fall semester begins unless a renewal for one year has been granted. These loans are generally not available for non-educational expenses, such as purchase of cars, marriage expenses, etc. Student Aid Grants As funds are available, Student Aid Grants are made to needy students from the Student Aid Fund. This fund is maintained by gifts from friends of the University. Students are not required to repay the University, but it is hoped that recipients will contribute to the fund when they have completed school in order to provide for others who are in need. International Students International applicants must establish the degree of their ability to meet the costs of an education at Biola University. Each international applicant must submit a signed statement of financial responsibility as well as signed statements from any agencies or individuals who have taken the responsibility of underwriting the student's expenses. These statements must include the exact amount of the commitment. Canadian Grants Canadian citizens who receive at least two thirds of their college funding from Canadian sources are eligi­ ble for the Tuition at Par (TAP) Grant for the Fall and Spring semesters. The TAP Grant covers the differ­ ence between U.S. and Canadian dollars as calculated · at the beginning of each semester. Students must submit the TAP application package (available through the Admissions Office) by April 1. Renewable.

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