Zwiker & Polster, focuses on personal growth and self-actualization . Elective.
SLB 703 Principles and Practices in Case Supervision II (2-3) Continuation of SLB 702. Prerequisites: SLB 702 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 705 BriefPsychotherapies (3) Models and approaches in brief inter ventions with special attention to crisis in tervention, emergency room work, as well as systems approaches (Watzlawick, Haley, M. Erickson). Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 709 Therapeutic Approaches to Sexual Dysfunction (3) This course focuses exclusively on clini cal approaches to assessment and therapeu tic intervention in relation to sexual dys function within the marital dyad. Prerequisites: SLB 671, SPY 607, 663 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 710 Existential Psychotherapy (3) Study and practice of the therapeutic re lationship and the process of therapy from a growth or actualization perspective, includ ing the approaches of selected theorists such as Rogers, Gendlin, Perls and selected existential therapists. Prerequisites: SPY 515 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 711 Adlerian Psychotherapy (3) The focus of this course is on the prac tice of psychotherapy based on the personal ity and family dynamics elaborated in Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology. Attention will also be given to more contemporary views of such Adlerians as Dreikurs, Ansbacher and Ansbacher, Dinkmeyer, Mosak and oth ers. Prerequisite: SPY 515. Elective. SLB 715 Current Psychotherapies (3) This course focuses each time it is of fered on a specific therapy not regularly in cluded in Rosemead's curriculum, including such approaches as Transactional Analysis, Gestalt Therapy, Psychodrama, Rational Emotive Therapy, Reality Therapy, and oth ers. Teaching personnel are drawn from the professional community of active practi tioners of the specific modality to be consid ered. Prerequisites: as determined by the individual instructor. Elective. SLB 717 Gestalt Psychotherapy (3) The focus of this course will present the theory and application of Gestalt Therapy for use with individuals and groups. This therapy, created by Perls and developed by
decision-making skills. Special considera tion is given to assessment tools, informa tional aids and supportive community re sources within the context of integrating vo cational development with professional psychological practice. Prerequisites: SPY 642 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 671 Marriage and Family Therapy 1(3) A study of the literature and practice of marital and family therapy, with emphasis on diagnostic procedures and the application of specific therapeutic techniques to dysfunction within the marital dyad. The first semester emphasizes diagnostic interviewing in a clinic setting where students carry responsibility for psychological assessment, interviewing, report-writing and therapeutic recommenda tions in selected clients. Concurrent enroll ment in a practicum offering opportunities for experience with couples and/or families is re quired. Prerequisite: SPY 642 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 672 Marriage and Family Therapy II (3) Continuation of SLB 671. Major consid eration will be given in the second semester to issues such as premarriage, communica tion, divorce and sexual dysfunction as as pects of marital therapy. Concurrent enroll ment in a practicum offering opportunities for experience with couples and/or families is required. Prerequisites: SLB 671 and permission of instructor. Elective.
THEOLOGY/BIBLICAL STUDIES This series of courses provides students with essential biblical and theological un derstanding prerequisite to effective inte gration of the disciplines of psychology and theology. (17 units required.) STH 521 Theology I: Foundations of Integration (3) The first of a two course sequence explor ing the foundations of efforts to integrate theology and psychology. This course focus es on the historical, theological and philo sophical underpinnings of these efforts, and includes a study of hermeneutical principles for sound interpretation of the Bible. Special emphasis is placed on the relationship be tween nature and grace as understood his torically and in the Old and New Testaments. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 522 Theology II: Theological and Psychological Modes (3) The second choice in foundations for the integration of psychology and theology,. This course includes a discussion of theolo gy proper, the nature of God, theological models, and approaches to the integration of psychology and theology. Prerequisite: STH 521. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 603 Theology Ill ( 4) Man, his creation in the image of God, his nature, fall and the effect of sin upon the race. The salvation of God, including the person and work of Christ. The application of salvation to men including election, re generation, justification, sanctification and perseverance. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 604 Theology IV (4) A study of the broad kingdom purpose of God and the future events relating to the destiny of individuals and history including the second coming of Christ in its phases, the millennial reign of Christ, the resurrec tions, the judgments and eternal state. The church, its inception, its nature both as a liv ing organism and an organization, its ordi nances, and its place and mission in the pur pose of God. Required of Psy.D. , Ph.D. STH 625 Theology V Christian Ethics (3) A study of Christian ethics in relation to divorce, abortion, homosexuality, eu thanasias, situation ethics, environmental
SLB 681 Special Problems in Psychotherapy I (2-3)
An advanced course in psychodynamic psychotherapy dealing with issues such as impairments of the therapeutic relationship, acting out, levels and timing of interpreta tions and psychotherapy with individuals suffering from disturbances in early object relationships. Prerequisites: SLB 631, 632 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 682 Special Problems in Psychotherapy II (2-3) Continuation of SLB 681. Prerequisite: SLB 681 and permission of instructor. Elective. SLB 702 Principles and Practices in Case Supervision I (2-3) A seminar in case supervision. Students are responsible for supervising the profes sional experiences of less advanced students. Prerequisites: admission to doctoral studies and permission of instructor. Elective.
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