In order to be admitted to candidacy the student must have: 1) successfully complet ed the Preliminary Oral Intervie; 2) passed the comprehensive examinations; 3) completed the fi eld ministry require ment; and 4) received approval of the dis sertation proposal by the Doctoral Committee. Upon reaching candidacy a student must register each semester for at least one dissertation research unit. (6) DISSERTATIO The doctoral dissertation will be based upon research conducted in the fi eld of min istry, usually over a period of 6 months to 1 year. The dissertation must demonstrate high attainment in scholarship related to professional missiology. The dissertation topic and proposal must be approved by the candidate's advisory committee prior to be ginning of the student's field research. Three weeks prior to expected graduation the candidate must submit to the School of Intercultural Studies dean the original and four copies of his dissertation signed by the dissertation committee. Once dissertation units are completed, students must register for one unit each semester SEM 897 or 898) until graduation. (7) FINAL ORAL EXAMINATION The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral com mittee and other invited professionals. M.A. in Intercultural Studies The M.A. in Intercultural Studies is a 42- unit program for the qualified applicant; in cases of extensive undergraduate work in intercultural studies/missions it may be re duced to a minimum of 32 units. Students with little or no academic or practical/field preparation in intercultural studies and/or biblical and theological areas may be re quired to take additional units, such as SCL 300 or SHM 640, SCL 310 or 413, BE 517, 519, 520 and biblical/theological electives. In order to graduate the student must: A. Complete the required courses listed below: 1. 16 units of core consisting of: SCL 500, 501, 502 or SST 560, SCL 520 or 622, SST 562; and SHM 751. 2. 9 units of Bible/theology 3. 17 units of advisor-approved electives. A student may choose to focus elec tives in areas of specialization such as anthropology, missiology, Bible trans lation, linguistics, TESOL, etc. B. Successfully pass a comprehensive ex-
amination over one's coursework. C. Maintain a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Crosscultural Education Emphasis The crosscultural education emphasis in the M.A. Intercultural Studies is designed to equip teachers, trainers, consultants, etc. in crosscultural aspects of the educational process, international literacy, and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL). The Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies core is required with the addition of SST 575 and 665. Some elec tives may be selected, in consultation with the student's advisor, from graduate level courses in the Departments of Education and Christian Education. Crosscultural Health Care Emphasis The crosscultural health care emphasis in the M.A. Intercultural Studies is de signed to offer health care professionals one year and one summer of graduate study to prepare them for crosscultural ministry. It is a 42-unit program for the qualified can didate and can be reduced to 34 units when the student has had extensive undergradu ate Bible coursework. The Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies core will be the same except that SST 675 and 676 will substitute for SCL 502. Recommended electives are SCL 501, SST 673, 761. The student will take 15 units of Bible and theology which can be reduced to 8 units with previous undergraduate Bible courses. Recommended courses include SHM 751 and SST 802. M.A. in Missions The M.A. in Missions is a 62-unit pro gram. However, students with qualified un dergraduate strength may graduate with fewer units, though in no case fewer than 32 units, of which at least 24 must be taken at Biola University. In order to graduate the student must: A. Complete the required courses listed below: 1. 16 units of core consisting of: SCL 500, 520; SHM 640 or 550; SST 560 or SCL 502; SST 562, 661. 2. 30 units of Bible/theology including SHM 751, SST 802. 3. 16 units of missiology/ intercultural studies electives. B. Successfully pass the comprehensive ex amination over one's coursework. Those who have two or more years of prior missionary service may select to
(2) ORAL INTERVIEW AND ADMISSION TO DOCTORAL STUDY All students will have an oral interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for successful com pletion of the doctoral program. The inter view is scheduled after one semester in resi dence, and the completion of at least one significant piece of written work demon strating the student's skill in research writ ing. The results of this interview are re ported to the faculty which votes either to admit, admit with conditions, or not to admit the student to doctoral study. (3) COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATIONS a. Written comprehensive examinations wi ll be required covering: (1) History and Philosophy of Education, (2) Human Devel opment, (3) Educational Theory and Process, (4) Theology and Cross-cultural Ministry, and (5) Research in Cross-cultural education. These examinations will be given in the third and fourth weeks of each semester. b. Aqualifying major research paper in the student's area of emphasis will be prepared. c. Examination of the student's teaching skill shall be accomplished by faculty obser vation of student-led graduate of undergrad uate classroom teaching experience. d. Research tools: Two research tools which provide research skills suitable for the student's area of dissertation study are to be mastered. Validation of competency in each tool shall be determined by the student's dis sertation committee. Successful completion of certain courses may serve as research tools, subject to acceptance by the commit tee. Appropriate research tools include: (1) Linguistics; (2) Statistics; (3) Qualitative re search design; (4) Historical analysis; (5) Interaction analysis; (6) Questionnaire, sur vey design and procedure. (4) FIELD MINISTRY AND LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT All students must complete a minimum of three continuous years of practical educa tional experience in a crosscultural (or cross-subcultural) setting. It is assumed that the student will acquire fluency in a second language learned during this educa tional service, and that this language will be the language of field research. (5) ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY Official candidacy for the doctorate sig nifies an advanced stage in the student's progress and is characterized by self-direct ed research and preparation of a disserta tion under the direction of a faculty advisor.
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