

CLINTON E. ARNOLD Director ofTh.M. Program, Assistant Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, 1987 B.A., Biola University; M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Eberdeen. MICHAEL BOERSMA Director of Field Education and Placement. Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, 1986 B.A., California State Long Beach; M.Div.,Talbot Theological Seminary; Ed.D., studies in progress, Talbot School of Theology. REUBEN H. BROOKS Dean, Chaplain and Student Ministries, Professor of Christian Education, 1985 B.A., Bemidji State University; Ph.D., University of Colorado. PAUL BUCHANAN Insturctor of English, 1989 B.A., Biola University; M.A., University of California, Riverside.

JOHN D. CARTER Professor of Psychology, 1973 B.A., Wayne State University; B.D.,

DANIEL CORNELL Associate Professor of English, 1984 B.S., Arizona State University; Ph.D., Washington State University. ROBERT F. CRAWFORD Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1967 B.A., California State Polytechnic University; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University. MICHELE CUNNINGHAM Assistant Director of Life Long Learning, Instructor of Christian Education, 1989 B.A. Wheaton College; M.A., Ed.D. studies in progress, Talbot School of Theology. EDWARD M. CURTIS Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1978 B.S., Baylor University; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. DAVID DICKSON Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, 1982 B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; M.A., Ph.D., University of Southern California. DENNIS H. DIRKS Associate Dean, Talbot School of Theology, Professor of Christian Education, 1976 B.A., California State University, Fresno; M.A., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. VIRGINIA M. DOLAND Dean of Academic Development and Director of Foundation Grants, Professor of English, 1963 B.S., Bob Jones University; M.A., California

Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., Ph.D., New School for Social Research.

EDWIN T. CHILDS Professor of Music, 1978 B.M., Wheaton College; Ph.D., Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, N.Y.

CHARLES CHURCH Public Services-Serial Librarian, Associate Professor, 1989 B.S., Southern Oregon State; M.S., University of Oregon.

C. WAYNE CHUTE University Registrar, Instructor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1979 B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; M.Div., Th.M., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. DAVID CIOCCHI Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 1974 B.A., Biola College; M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. JOHN COCHRAN Associate Professor of Communication, 1984 B.S. Wayne State University; M.S.W., University of Southern California, M.F.A., University of California, Los Angeles. JOHN COE Instructor of Philosophy of Religion, 1989 B.A., Biola University; M.A., Western Kentucky University; Ph.D., studies in progress. LAURIE CONNOLLY Assistant Professor of English, 1987 B.A., Biola University; M.A., University of Southern California.

PAUL W. BUEGLER Associate Professor of Business Administration, 1978

B.S.B.A., University of North Dakota; M.B.A., University of Washington; J.D. , William Mitchell College of Law. Member of California, Minnesota and United States Supreme Court Bars.

DIETRICH BUSS Professor of History, 1966

B.A., Biola College; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. REINHARD J. BUSS Professor of German and Folklore, Director, Biola Abroad, 1964 B.A., University of Maryland; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles. DANIEL M. CALLIS Assistant Professor of Art, 1987 B.A., California State University, Fullerton; M.F.A., Claremont Graduate School. CHERYL CALTABIANO Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1983 B.S.N., M.S.N., California State University, Long Beach.

State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., University of Southern California.

HAROLD DOLLAR Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1983 B.B.E., Columbia Bible College; M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary; D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary. DONALD E. DOUGLAS Dean, School of Intercultural Studies, Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1989 AB., Wayne State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan.

CLYDE COOK President, 1982

Professor Intercultural Studies, 1982; Director and Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1967-79. Athletic Director, 1957-60 B.A., Biola College; M.Div., Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; D.Miss., Fuller theo­ logical Seminary.

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