

W. BINGHAM HUNTER, JR. Dean, Talbot School of Theology, Professor of Bible Exposition, 1977. B.S., M.S., Michigan State University; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., University of Aberdeen; Post-Doctoral, Cambridge University. WILLIAM F. HUNTER Editor of journal ofPsychology and Theology Associate Professor of Psychology, 1973, B.A., Northwestern College; M.R.E., B.D., Th.M. , D.Min.; Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., United States International University. JOHN C. HUTCHISON Associate Professor of Bible Exposition, 1990 B.S., Washington State University; M.Div., Th.M., Western Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. CAROL A. JENKINS Associate Professor of Sociology, 1985 B.A., Malone College; M.A., Chicago Graduate School of Theology; M.A., Western Michigan University; Ph.D. , Kansas State University. DWIGHT JESSUP Dean, School of Arts and Sciences Professor of Political Science and History, 1989 B.A., Bethel College (MN); M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota. REX E. JOHNSON Assistant Professor of Christian Education, Director of M.F.M. program, Director of Lifelong Learning Program 1976 B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; M.R.E., Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A., Biola College; Ph.D., studies on progress, Fielding Institute. SUSAN JOHNSON Technical Services Librarian, Assistant Professor, 1989 B.A., California State University, Fullerton; M.L.S., University of Texas. RICHARD JONES Professor of Education, 1963 B.A., Wheaton College; B.D., Fuller Theological Seminary; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles; Ed.D., University of California, Los Angeles.

JOHN E. KELLEY Director of Biola Counseling Center, Associate Professor of Psychology, 1980 B.A., M.A., Ph .D., University of Arizona. JEFF KENNEDY Instructor of Music, 1989 BA., California State University, Fullerton. SUSAN KING Instructor of English, 1989 B.A., M.A., Abilene Christian University MARGUERITE G. KRATT Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1973 B.S. , Wheaton College; M.A., Hartford Seminary Foundation; D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary.

TODD LEWIS Professor of Communication, 1974 B.A., Biola College; M.A., Ohio State University; Ph.D., Louisiana State University. RICHARD J. LEYDA Assistant Professor of Christian Education, 1989 B.A., University of Texas; M.Div., Talbot • Theological Seminary; Ed.D., studies in progress, Talbot School of Theology. DAVID C. LIAO Associate Professor of Missions, 1980 B.S., Fukien Christian University; M.A., D.Miss.; Fuller Theological Seminary.

BARRY LIESCH Professor of Music, 1974

B.M., University of British Columbia; M.A., State University of New York, Binghamton; Ph.D., University of California, San Diego. ALBERT CHIH-SHION LIN Associate Professor of Biological Science, 1977 B.P, Taipei Medical College; Ph.D., State University of New York, Buffalo. LARRY H. LINAMEN Associate Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor of Business Administration, 1978 B.A., Anderson College; M.B.A., Ball State University; Ed.D., Ball State University. JUDITH E. LINGENFELTER Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1983 B.A. Wheaton College; M.L.S., State University of New York at Geneseo; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh SHERWOOD LINGENFELTER Provost and Senior Vice President, Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1983 B.A., Wheaton College; Ph.D., University of _ Pittsburgh .

BARRY KRAMMES Associate Professor of Art, 1983

B.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; M.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison.

PAULKULD Associate Professor of Biological Science, 1969 B.A., M.A., California State University, Long Beach. NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1959 B.A., Grace College; Th.B. B.D., Th.M., Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary.

PETER KURTZ Professor of Physics, 1968

B.S., M.S., University of Missouri; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles.

LLOYD E. KWAST Professor of Missions, 1972 Diploma, Grand Rapids Baptist Bible

College; B.A., California Baptist Theological Seminary; M.R.E., B.D., American Baptist Seminary of the West; M.A., D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary. F. STEPHEN LAMB Instructor of Business Administration, 1987 B.S., Biola University; M.B.A., University of Alaska. ROBERT E. LARZELERE Associate Professor of Psychology, 1982 B.A., Wabash College; M.S., Georgia

WILLIAM LOCK Professor of Music, 1964

A.R.C.T, Royal Conservatory of Music; B.M., M.M., MacPhail College of Music; D.M.A., University of Southern California. DIANE LOPEZ Assistant Professor of Education, 1989 B.A., Biola College; M.A. Texas Women's University.

Technological University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University.

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