130 semester units of credit for graduation. Each major dent status for the following semester, with graduation consists of a minimum of 30 units of which 24 must be scheduled at the time of the next commencement In such
Biola is accredited by the
cases no tuition is charged.
upper division. The Bachelor of Music degree requires 142 units. A degree in biological science requires 135
Western Association of
It is expected that all graduating students will be
Schools and Colleges, and
units and mrrsing requires 142 units. For specific major present at commencement ceremomes except in cases requirements please see indicated major listings.
of extreme emergency or other similarly difficult circumthe American Association of
2. All students who have entered the University in the fall 1986 or later and who will be graduating in the spring 1990 or later must pass the Writing Competency Exam.
stances. Permission to graduate in absentia must be secured from the Registrar's Office well in advance.
Bible Colleges. Our profes
sional schools are accredited
by the American
3. Completion of all academic requirements and approval of the student's graduation petition by the major adviSUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY ENROLLMENT
Psychological Association,
FALL SEMESTER 1989 Undergraduate Programs
sor and the Registrar's Office a year before graduation. 4. A minimum of 30 units must be taken at Biola
the Association of
Theological Schools, the
University, at least 15 units (upper division level) in Total the major field. Extension credit or credit by examiNational Association of Freshmen 213 340 553 nation may not be used to fulfill the minimum resiSophomores 182 267 449 Schools ofMusic, and the dence requirement of 30 semester units. See paraJuniors 204 283 487 National League ofNursing. graph above for information on minors. Seniors 156 179 335 5. A "C" average (or a 2.00 grade point average) is Special Students 2 1 3 required on all work taken at Biola University and with TOTALS 757 1070 1827 in the major field. (Note: G.PA. requirements may be Graduate Programs higher in some majors. See departmental requirements.) Classification Men Women Total 6. All course work during the final semester which Special (Credential) 11 29 40 will be applied toward graduation requirements Education 6 3 9 must be taken at Biola University. Music 2 1 3 7. All correspondence course work must be Talbot 360 88 448 completed and an official transcript received by the SICS 39 26 65 Registrar's Office before the senior year, two Rosemead 93 81 174 semesters prior to graduation. TOTALS 511 228 739 Special Note: All graduation requirements may be met GRANO TOTAL 1268 1298 2566 Classification Men Women
within four school years by carrying approximately 16 or 17 units each semester. A student may still be graduated within four years ifhe wishes to take a higher load and enroll in Summer Session and/or Interterm. REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL GRADUATE DEGREES See individual degree programs for specific require ments for graduation. 1. Completion of all academic requirements and approval of the student's graduation petition by the major advisor and the Registrar's Office a year before graduation. 2. All course work during the final semester which will be applied toward graduation requirements must be taken at Biola University. 3. A minimum of twenty-four (24) units must be taken at Biola University in the degree program. 4. A minimum of twenty-four (24) distinct units must be completed at Biola in any additional graduate degree at the same level. This applies to the second (or additional) degrees and double degrees taken at Biola for all graduate programs. COMMENCEMENT All degree requirements must be completed before the student may participate in commencement ceremomes. Those who complete their degree requirements during interterm ~r summer session must register in a nonresi-
SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY GRADUATING CLASS 1988-89 ACADEMIC YEAR Undergraduate Programs Bachelor of Arts Degree
210 126 9 345
Bachelor of Science Degree Bachelor of Music Degree TOTAL
Master of Arts in Education, Christian School Administration, and Church Music 9 TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Master of Arts 45 Master ofDivinity 47 Master of Theology 6 Doctor of Ministry 7 Doctor of Education 4 SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies 9 Master of Arts in Missions 1 Doctor of Missiology 1 ROSEMEAD SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY Master of Arts
26 19 4
Doctor of Psychology Doctor of Philosophy TOTAL GRAND TOTAL
178 523
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