Testament History and Theology (3) Religious, cultural, political and theologi cal investigation of key portions of the New Testament. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. TP. 450 New Testament Theology (3) Introduction to the history of New Testament theology; a consideration of the basic themes developed in the New Testament from the standpoint of biblical theology. An in-depth study of a writer, writ ers or kind of literature in the New Testament may form a portion of the course. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. TP. GENERAL BIBLE 100 Faith, Learning, And Living (2) How to interpret the Scripture, plus inte grate one's faith and Bible knowledge with other areas of academic learning and practi cal living. 120 Guided Study {1-3) For those needing odd units to complete their Bible requirement. Reading with written reports on biblical and/or theological sub jects. Prerequisite: consent of the dean. TP. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3) Inductive study applied to biblical narra tive and epistolary literature. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. TX. 460 Integration Seminar (2) A capstone seminar integrating biblical principles into one's personal life and aca demic discipline. Involves a major pro ject/paper focused on a topic of special in terest chosen in consultation with the in structor. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. 470 Biblical Seminar (3) Small group studies utilizing techniques of problem solving, research, formal writing and communication of results. Prerequisite: consent. TP. 480 Biblical Research {1-3) Traditional and contemporary problems in biblical areas. Prerequisite: consent. TP.
"Bible For Graduates" Program There is a recognized need for a special ized program in biblical studies for the col lege or professional school graduate who wishes to be better prepared for Christian service. Biola offers such a course of study. This course is not intended as a substitute for theological seminary education or a Bible institute study diploma program, but is designed to give the graduate who has not had a solid foundation in the Word of God such a foundation. This course is designed to impart to the graduate student sound biblical knowledge through the three principal systems of Bible study: survey, analysis and exposition. It is intended that this course of study will foster independent study of the Word of God. In the event that the student has had any of the required courses in the program, appropriate substitutions may be made. It is believed that the 30 units required in the program will give the student a broad back ground in a relatively short period of time. A course of study leading to the Master of Arts degree is available through Biola's graduate school, Talbot School of Theology. Please see graduate section for details.
THEOLOGY 201 God's Person and Word (3)
A consideration of God 's Person, exist ing as one God, yet manifested in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and God 's inerrant Word, authoritative for faith and practice. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. 202 God's Provision and Humanity's Need (3) A consideration of humanity's condition as created in the image of God, yet now in a fallen sinful state and thus in need of the saving work of God through Christ. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. 203 God's People and Kingdom Program (3) A consideration of the believer's responsi bility to the Church, Christ's body, as well as to the world at large as an agent of reconcili ation in God's broader kingdom program in the end times. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. 450 Advanced Studies in Theology (3) In-depth studies in specific areas of the ology, such as bibliology, angelology and so teriology. May be repeated for a maximum of six units with different content. Consent required. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. TP. 468 Theology ofMissions (3) The biblical basis of missions and the posi tion of missions in the life of the Church. TP. 480 Theological Research {1-3) Research in the solution of specific doc trinal problems. Sections offered in areas such as biblical authority, contemporary problems, missions, prophetic problems and doctrinal bibliography. Consent required. Upper division New Testament credit can be given for taking either or both of Greek 405, 406. Prerequisites: LE 100, OT 100, NT 100. TP.
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