412 Missions Education in the Church (2) Basic administration of a program within the church's educational program through which missions is taught to all age levels. Offered spring semester, alternate years. 413 Womens Ministry in Christian Education (2) An examination of the biblical , histori cal, and contemporary perspectives of women in leadership roles within a min istry. Assessment of role expectation, rela tionships and vocational opportunities. Prerequisite: 150. 415 Organization and Administration of Christian Education (3) An introduction to the biblical, historical, and current practice of management: plan ning, organizing, staffing, directing, and evaluating with special emphasis upon the application of these functions to church and parachurch administration. Prerequisites: 150,251,260,380. 416 Curriculum Development (2) Essential elements in curriculum forma tion including intensive study of varied ex isting curricula, contemporary tends in cur riculum production and curriculum writing experience. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite: one of the age level courses: 372, 373 or 374. 417 Practice Bible Teaching (2) Skill development in Bible teaching, with particular emphasis upon lesson prepara tion and evaluation of lessons practice taught in class. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite: 252. 422 Singles Ministries in the Church (2) Issues and needs of never-married and formerly married persons, including identi ty crisis, role definition, self-acceptance and the development of intimacy. Resources, programs and skills for ministering to these needs are emphasized. Offered spring semester, alternate years. 423 Counseling Theories and Issues for the Christian Worker (3) Introductory investigation of selected counseling theories employed by staff mem bers of church and parachurch agencies. The examination of each theory will include: historical background, basic concepts, pro cess, mechanisms, case examples, evaluation and application to specific counseling issues. Offered spring semester, alternate years.
424 Techniques of Counseling for Use in the Church (2) Distinctives of the counselor in a church or parachurch agency, their qualification and necessary counseling techniques. Special emphasis will be placed upon the student's development through experiential practice of "people-helping skills" from a Christian perspective. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite: 423. 428 Family Ministries in the Church (2) Biblical concepts of the family; survey of the needs of whole and fragmented families in the church; resources and techniques available to meet these needs. Offered spring semester. 461 Vocational Practicum I (2) Structured experiences in teaching the Bible in a field setting with a selected age group. Lesson preparation, execution and evaluation will be emphasized. Christian education majors only. Prerequisites: 350, 260. 462 Vocational Practium II (2) Structural experiences in the supervi sion of a limited educational ministry pro gram in a selected vocational setting. The emphasis of this semester will be on per sonal leadership development. The class will seek to utilize all the student's knowl edge, attitudes, and skills in the fulfillment of a viable ministry of Christian education. For the Christian education majors only. Prerequisites: 380, 461. 475 Ministry to Families (2) An overview of the biblical teaching about marriage, family, and parenting. The life cycle of the family will be examined with an emphasis given to constructing a min istry model for families in various stages of development. 480 Independent Study in Christian Education (1-3) Development of skill in independent study of topics in the field of Christian edu cation. Offered both semesters. Prerequisite: Senior level Christian educa tion majors only and departmental approval. May be repeated.
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